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Horrible Music Thread

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16 minutes ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

I’ve taken all the serious mostly agreeable contributions and i’ve amassed them into a playlist for anyones listening displeasure. Warning: going to bed with this playlist on may cause nightmares of the AJR brothers chasing you with their xylophones or whatever


I'm glad my joke answers didn't make the cut.

Revolution 9 is a great track, though.


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4 minutes ago, longtimeman said:

I'm glad my joke answers didn't make the cut.

Revolution 9 is a great track, though.

A part of me thought that Funkadelic was a joke answer, although i don’t know anything about them. I only know of Funkadelic because Bootsy Collins was in it and i know of him because of his collaborations with Buckethead. The Buckethead extended universe is a rabbit hole definitely worth going down. ALL HAIL BUCKETHEAD. Now we’re talking about music for a ‘Amazing Music Thread


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1 hour ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

A part of me thought that Funkadelic was a joke answer, although i don’t know anything about them. I only know of Funkadelic because Bootsy Collins was in it and i know of him because of his collaborations with Buckethead. The Buckethead extended universe is a rabbit hole definitely worth going down. ALL HAIL BUCKETHEAD. Now we’re talking about music for a ‘Amazing Music Thread

I could fill a thread of 'Amazing Music' that not a single person on this message board would appreciate (well, that might be an exaggeration - a few people would enjoy it, but i could name them all).


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1 hour ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

A part of me thought that Funkadelic was a joke answer, although i don’t know anything about them. I only know of Funkadelic because Bootsy Collins was in it and i know of him because of his collaborations with Buckethead. The Buckethead extended universe is a rabbit hole definitely worth going down. ALL HAIL BUCKETHEAD. Now we’re talking about music for a ‘Amazing Music Thread

Why on earth did the such of Funkadelic and Buckethead ended up being discussed in THIS thread 💔

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7 hours ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

I kno…. Buckethead is great. I love Colma and Population Override. And Pike 41 may just about be the most beautiful thing ever

Aunt Suzie 💔

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9 hours ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

@Liz Daw Grave House or Hundred Acre Wrist? Also post a Haunted Mound project ranking. I need to see if ur a newgen Hauntaholic 

i am a new gen i fear 💔 pls give me some recs 


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44 minutes ago, Liz Daw said:

i am a new gen i fear 💔 pls give me some recs 

I listened to HM in like 2021, then kind of forgot about them. General consensus is Hundred Acre Wrist and Grave House is best, and Rainbow Bridge 3 is his magnum opus. But to be honest i’m not up to date. I just remember people who were sematary fans were massive gate keepers and called everyone newgens to the point of being comical. Also Burning Barn by Buckshot was very hyped when it released


And for some reason Sematary wiped half his discography off of Spotify, so you may have to Youtube it


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I'd add anything by Tame Impala. A lot of Taylor Swift. 


I like three Kate Bush records, but her other albums are screechy and shrill, and 50 Words For Snow is awful.


21 Pilot's Clancy and Scaled & Icy are pretty self-indulgent and go-nowhere. 


To me, the worst song ever--going way back---is The Logical Song by Supertramp--and just about anything else by Supertramp. 


Most artists, even great artists like Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, the Rolling Stones, and R.E.M. have bad songs and occasionally, entirely bad albums. 

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