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lana concert in england

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First of all, you may look around the forum and notice the Shows section in which every show has its own thread. You may also say something like 'thanks in advance' instead of just putting your request out there without even checking if your impulsively-created thread is in the right section. In other words: welcome to the forum. 


:flutter: people here are so nice to the newbies.

That's why they all stay. Such a warm bunch!


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There's nothing wrong with being new and not knowing how things work over here. But making an account and two minutes after creating a thread without even looking around is something which I can hardly tolerate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a bunch of questions and to look for answers, that's why this is a discussion board, but even that needs some kind of friendly shape. Especially when you expect something from others.


You're such a lovely warm person! Let's be friends. :hooker:


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I love 101 miles from the venue so I need to catch the coach really early in the morning and then wait with my friend. I'm gonna bring a blanket and shit... and loads of food. I don't know what we'll do for bathroom breaks though.


My friend is about 6 foot 5 or something like that. I don't know if people will like him standing at the front with me tho but they'll just have to deal with it ahahah.

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I'm going to both Manchester shows.


First one I'm going on my own, and thought of getting there for around 4pm.  Didn't think there'd be that many there at that point, but now I'm not so sure.


Second night I'm going with a friend who wants to get there "early" (even though he's not that big a fan), but at least I'll have someone to talk to.


How on earth do you go the loo if you're queuing for hours on your own!?

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