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Breaking Bad is still my favorite show I have ever seen. Every season, episode and the writing was just excellent and gripping. It's the only series too where I didn't read any spoilers and it worked very well. :illumarina:


The Nanny is probably my favorite sitcom, in my opinion it was ahead of its time. The jokes, characters, fashion, the pop culture references and the campiness were just brilliant.


The Mentalist was probably the show which made me go crazy because I was obsessed with the characters because of the great chemistry and how I was obsessed with shipping. The storyline was clunky but the acting was something I lived for. I would have almost put a gif from this show as my signature. Also I freaked out when they played Off To The Races there.


The show I have rewatched the most is definitely Desperate Housewives (definitely rewatched that for 5 times) - the writing was so perfect and smart and the acting was definitely top tier. The later seasons were kind of boring but the first seasons were definitely amazing. Desperate Housewives walked so all the HBO drama shows could run. A perfect drama "soap".


I really adored Grey's Anatomy too but the current seasons are really meh, they're kind of cringe and lifeless, reality-show like, they more focus on the private lives than on the doctors' works. I love the middle seasons the most, 9th season is my favorite and I really loved the 12th season too. I haven't seen the first five seasons, I think that they're really great but I already know the plot of these seasons. Not gonna lie, the tragic episode are really iconic. :mj:


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F  R  I • E  N  D  S is such a timeless show, whether you watch it in the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s or 2020s, it's still relatable and funny! :monica:


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11 minutes ago, burthday kake said:

twin peaks of course :kiss3:  

Lynch and Lana are def a great combo.




Also I don't know why I didn't mention these series in that earlier post about my favorite series, I probably forgot but Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers were so amazing series, I loved every episode of them, Nicole Kidman is one of my favorite actresses and she was so good in those series! :flutter: 


Honestly, I'm more of a TV show lover than a movie lover. I love watching movies but they end too soon. If you watch a good series with many episodes, then it's a gift that keeps giving :flutter:


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