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Paradise Lost Competition: Challenge #1 - Born To Die 2

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Guest MissDaytona

You realize that if you leave your points become void and you're team loses 10 points right?


This doesn't matter to me in the grand scheme of life..


And really I don't think that's fair considering it was already scored but whatever

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Yes, but if you leave then someone else has to leave and they will leave because they got voted out. If you go, then your group are immune but with only two members. That's why I'd have to take 10 points off.


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Judging Part 4.



Tittle ~ Born To Revive

The album is basically Lana del rey reviving but not into Lana but into Nicolette Du Jeu which is going to be Lana's alter ego. She's a French naughty/bad girl. The whole album is basically a book about Nicolette's life.



1. Red Hot Lipstick ~ Chapter 1. This is basically an introduction to Nicolette. It talks about her life as a poor teenage girl that dreams of becoming rich and famous just like a super star. It also talks about Nicolette's drug addiction and partying!!


2. Rose Garden ~ Chapter 2. In this chapter Nicolette is walking at a park and then she sees this beautiful rose garden and when she picks the prettiest one this really hot/super sexy dude grabs it too. It was love at first sight for both of them.


3. Je T'aime Mon Chéri ~ Chapter 3. This chapter Nicolette and Noé are about to get married. They touched, kissed, and have sex and then boom. In their wedding day Noé dies in a car accident leaving Nicolette at the church dress in a really pretty white dress that turns red after Noé dies. is basically a typical Frecn love story gone wrong. The beggining is all happyness but then it turns into sadness.


4. The Girl Who Cried Wolf ~ Chaper 4. This is like an extra chapter that is all about Nicolette's life as a little girls. It's a very sad song.


5. Iluminata ~ (Nicolette get's all of Noé's money and gets rich.)

Chapter 5. This chapter is when Nicolette's dreppesion is gone and she goes into a more happy life after she finds out that she's rich. This song is a very pretty/ happy song.


6. Chanel N°5 ~ Chapter 6. This is basically the life of Nicolette as a rich woman. It has Marilyn's quote “What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course.” in it.


7. Christian Louboutin pumps ~ Chapter 7. In this chapter Niclotte becomes a bitch to the point that no one likes her. She of course feels bad about it but she doesn't change. This is a kinda happy feeling song but then it turns to sad.


8. Marie Antoinette ~ Chapter 8. Tired of her life she decides to end it by hanging her self. Very sad and dramatic song.


I like this. I like how you thought out of the box and did something nobody else did, and created an alter ego that could showcase a different side to Lana. I think the titles are very creative too, and I like some of the song themes. However, some of the tracks you described sounds more like you were describing a music video rather than a song. You haven't really gone into much detail about each track, or described the sounds. I don't really feel anything about any of the tracks. But you've come up with a good concept, so good effort!

Favorite Track: Chanel N°5.


Score: 5/10



Born To Die: Beautifully Dangerous


1.Young and Free-This song is like a This is What Makes Us Girls part 2 its about parting and having fun. I think it’s a great way to open up the album because it’s upbeat and funny. I would like this song to be produced by Timberland because I think is an odd pair of people working together but it would push both of them to come up with an amazing upbeat song I would also like both of them to write it to.


2.Wake me up-This song is about how in Lana is with this guy and it seems like she dreaming because it is to good to be true but the time comes, and it ends leaving her with nothing. I would like this song to be written by Lana of course with Chris Braid aslo I would like this song to be produced by Emile Haynie.


3.Heartstrings- I want this song to be produced and written by Justin parker with Lana because I feel like both of they writing ability’s would live up to my vision of it. This song is basically about a guy playing with a girl’s heart.


4.Aubrey Ft Lady Gaga- Aubrey is about the rich and fabulous life style that you see on tv. I named it after Aubrey Hepburn because of her amazing style.I feel like this song is perfect for Lana and Gaga I want them both to write it and Rob Fusari to produce it. I Basically want the feel of Lady Gaga’s first album on this song.


5.Without a trace- Without a trace is about how anyone cause be friends or more this friends and then one day just walk by each other like strangers knowing you know there deepest darkest secrets. I want this song to be written by Lana and Justin Timberlake I fell like both of there writing style are kind of the same and they would add a lot to this song. I would like this song to be produced by The Nexus.


6.Tonight-This song is about how you will only put up with someone’s B.S. for tonight and forget about everything and just have fun with him or her and worry about the drama tomorrow. I would like this song to be written by Lana and Florence Welch also I would like Florence to sing in the background of this song to because she has a very strong beautiful voice. I would like this song to be produced by Epworth.


7.Beautiful- Beautiful is one of those songs that tell you not to give up and everything gets better. I feel like Lana is perfect for these types of songs cause she’s been thought a lot in her life and she can write about it in this song. I want Lana and Marina Diamandis to write this son but I mostly want Lana to write most of the lyrics. Also I want Toby Gad to produce it.


8.Skinny Love- The last song in this album would be Lana’s cover of Bon Iver’s Skinny Love I would like to see Lana’s take on this song because I feel like she would bring a lot of emotion to it. I want The Nexus to produce the vocals and production on this song.


Theme-The theme of this release is heartbreak and living your life like there’s no care in the world. I feel like it has a song for everyone to enjoy on Beautifully Dangerous.


Lead Single- I think the perfect lead single is Young. I think Lana would pick this because it’s the first song that opens up Beautifully Dangerous also its very pop and is like the music that’s on the charts today only better.


This is great. I love the title, and you have some awesome ideas when it comes to collaborations and writing collaboration. You have a good sense of what direction you'd like this to go in, which is always good. The only thing I would say is that you haven't really described the production or sound of the songs, but apart from that you have included the other things that were asked :)

Favorite Track: Aubrey (But I think you meant 'Audrey Hepburn'?)


Score: 7/10


Hundred Dollar Bill:


Mr. Sandman

Lana hums and coos and bum-bum-bums the classic tune in a wonderful adaption of the original. Beautiful vocal arrangements make it sound like Lana is singing multiple tones at the same time. This song isn't too prim & proper though, just a simple track filled with her humming and singing to The Sandman, with a few claps here and there and some fireplace crackling instrumentals quietly dancing in the background. A wonderful classic covered by a wonderful voice.


The Golden Coast

Lana is a lonely soul at heart, speeding down the coast late at night looking for some form of exhilaration, when she comes across a stranger on the side of the road. She offers him a ride and is quickly enamored by him and his controlling ways. He is charming yet dangerous, as he takes the wheel, murders a passerby, and drives off the scene with Lana captive, although at this point, she may be just as deranged as him, showing no signs of remorse for the situation.


Diamond Days

Lana encounters a very charming man. She discovers that he robs banks for fun, and she falls in love with his ways. She becomes his accomplice until a potentially deadly tragedy strikes. The future is uncertain at this point, as the song ends in mystery.


Black Widow

Lana is a villainous mistress who likes to seduce wealthy men and then kill them in various ways, from her stiletto heels to a radio-accidentally-falling-into-the-bathtub. Afterwards, she makes off with their money and other valuable possessions. Obviously, her methods are flawless as she's not been caught. She was happily married once, until her husband cheated on her and left her with nothing. She got her revenge on him soon enough after that, eventually leading her to the villainous lifestyle she leads now.


Sour Lemonade & Prison Blues

Lana is an inmate at a huge and savage prison. She was guilty of murder on multiple occasions, other inmates fear or respect her, but she wants at least one friend to pass the time with. She sings about the sour lemonade they're served at lunch, and how it reminds her of her father, who sexually abused her as a child. He was one of her murder victims. She goes on about not regretting anything she's done, but still wishes she wasn't so lonely. "It's a cold night when no one cares if you're alright." Her loneliness really sets in here.



Lana reminisces, telling us a story of when she was a teen working at a diner during World War II. She sings about running around in her ruby roller-blades and serving vanilla milkshakes with cherries on top. All the while, she wins over all the boys with her looks and charm. Jute-box sweetheart.


Lonely Swan

Lana sings us a ballad of her first love. He helped her discover who she really was, and made her comfortable with herself. She thinks back to all the late nights she spent staring at the stars with him, and making out in his car. Remembering their first date, the town carnival he took her to, and kissing on top of the ferris wheel. She talks softly about how lost she felt when he left, and how it led her to drinking. A beautiful yet simple song.


Jack Daniels

The first true love of her life, Lana sings a dark tale of her alcohol addiction. Jack was the only man who was always there for her. He always made her feel better when she needed him. He led her to places she'd never gone before, and made her life dangerous and exciting. Being sexy, sultry, invincible, thieving, she owed it all to him, and she gave it all to him. There's no time for death when you've got things to do for Jack.





Mr. Sandman

Writer: Pat Ballard / Producer: Tyler Bates


The Golden Coast

Writer: Hundred Dollar Bill / Producer: Johnny Jewel


Diamond Days

Writer: Hundred Dollar Bill / Producers: Ethan Kath & Alice Glass


Black Widow

Writer: Lana Del Rey / Producer: Justin Parker


Sour Lemonade & Prison Blues

Writer: Lana Del Rey / Producer: Chris Braide



Writer: Lana Del Rey / Producer: Bloodshy & Avant


Lonely Swan

Writer: Lana Del Rey / Producer: Emile Haynie


Jack Daniels

Writer: Lana Del Rey / Producer: Johnny Jewel




The songs where it says I am the writer, I have written. Pat Ballard is the original writer for Mr. Sandman, so there's that. The other songs I would have written by Lana, since it's her record and all. If it's required in later challenges, I can totally write those songs myself.




The main theme I have behind this rerelease is a story Lana tells us of her past secret life (which is, of course, fictional). It's for the most part, ordered chronologically, telling a story in each song with each one progressing to her ending up in prison, where she then rewinds her life through her mind to what led her to prison. Meeting a man, falling in love with him, becoming a criminal accomplice, him dying, etc. Each song is a story. I guess you could say that the main theme is loneliness, because that seems to follow her throughout almost every song. The rerelease is meant to take similar themes of BTD, love, loneliness, death, but expand in a more album-esque way; ergo, the songs actually directly relate to each other in terms of lyrics and placement. It can be viewed as one big motion picture, if you will, I just wanted to make a sonic universe for her music in my own way, similarly how she described BTD before it was released. I want these songs to flow and make a big universe of loneliness and sadness, because it's Lana and it's also me.


The lead single from the album would be The Golden Coast, for a handful of reasons. Firstly, I think the title is eye-grabbing and that's necessary for a good single. I think Lana would agree. The song starts the album, technically, since it's the first original song, and it sets the tone for the rest of the songs as well. Danger, adrenaline, death, loneliness, fast cars, all of it. I also chose it because I wrote the song myself quite a few months ago and I absolutely love it. The few people I've shown it to tell me that it reminds them of Lana, the way it's written and such, so that's an inspiring factor too. I think there is much room for this to be a great song from her also because I'd have Johnny Jewel producing it. He is the forerunner of multiple projects under his record label,Italians Do It Better and if you have the time, definitely check them out. Here's their cover of the classic Kate Bush song,

. Here is an original song by them, called
. Hopefully those songs will give you an idea of what kind of instrumentals I'd want for The Golden Coast. Imagine those songs given a bit of a Lana spin, and you'd have my vision of the song.


You have given very creative ideas towards the theme of the album and the tracks themselves. I like the fact how each songs tells a story, they're sort of like mini movies in a way. You also describe the songs very neatly too, it allows me to picture them and hear them in my head. You really bring them to life. The criticism I have really is that some of the tracks sound a bit far fetched. I know their fictional, but I think somethings, like her being a WW2 waitress is a bit, out there. I don't know, it might just be me, but maybe if it was Lana singing about a girl in WW2 it might be better. Overall, you have included everything I asked for, and for that I blow kisses :love:

Favorite Track: Jack Daniels


Score: 8/10

Overall Group Score: 20


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Okay the scores are in:


The Trailer Park Darlings scored = 7 points!

Matttiern (7), Arzi (0), Medo (0)


The Ride Or Die Bitches scored = 26 points!

Hey Lucas Hey (8), Mommy's Mercedes (8), SitarHero (10)


Children Of The Bad Revolution scored = 20 points!

Neal (10), HunterAshlyn (10)


The GoGo Dancers scored = 20 points!

GaGaOopsy (5), PaigeDelRey (7), Hundred Dollar Bill (8)


Which means that the Ride Or Die Bitches are this weeks winners and are therefore immune from elimination! Also, as SitarHero scored the highest in the winning group, his entry 'Born To Die: The American Dream' will be used in upcoming challenges.

Commiserations to this weeks losers, The Trailer Park Darlings. You three are up for elimination.


All other contestants, apart from The Trailer Park Darlings will now vote between Matttiern, Arzi & Medo for which one they want out. PM me the name, you all have 6 hours. Take into consideration their entries.


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I know MissDaytona is now gone, but...



Title: The Beautiful and the Damned (Born to Die re-release)


:lmao: Why do I try?


Okay, now I'll go actually read the rest.

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Which means that the Ride Or Die Bitches are this weeks winners and are therefore immune from elimination! Also, as SitarHero scored the highest in the winning group, his entry 'Born To Die: The American Dream' will be used in upcoming challenges.

Commiserations to this weeks losers, The Trailer Park Darlings. You three are up for elimination.


This is bittersweet because Children of the Bad Revolution all had really good entries, and I don't feel like I really earned it. I suppose that's the name of the game. Are we just totally abandoning the other entries for mine from now on? I'd like to see a lot of them developed.


I want to discuss my standouts from the other teams because otherwise this game won't be very exciting.

  • Loved Mattiern's entry "Suburban Motels", the lyric he included gave me chills. In light of his team's lack of participation, I thought he held his own and that's really one of my favorite songs concepts from all of the entries combined.
  • The now defunct MissDaytona's entry was really good. I should be less sad that we're losing a strong contender, but she was a good girl and I'm sorry she was so offended by "Boarding School". Obviously I liked her theme because mine was pretty similar. You know, I thought I was safe because I didn't choose The Great Gatsby, which is Fitzgerald's more obvious novel on the American Dream. Well, great minds think alike.
  • Neal's "Coney Island Queen" really got me--I imagined some, like, beach sounds throughout it, so it really painted a picture. Also, I see the whirlwind you were referencing :teehee:
  • Hunter had a real "songwriter" entry, and I was thoroughly impressed. With some of those descriptions...ugh, I thirst for them to come to fruition. The lyrics added something necessary to the whole entry, sort of generating excitement and impressing me like a real review might. I also really liked the review format, whereas I just kind of said "I want this because this". I'm glad I wasn't the only one with the idea for her to write a track about Alabama, and I liked the description to his better by comparison. This challenge is stressful because I know she'll never sing "Original Sin" or "Goodbye New York", and that kinda sucks. This one had my favorite song content.
  • HDB's element of fiction sold it for me--it's a new idea, out of the box, and the songs he thought up were strong. If Lana ever did a song like "Black Widow", I might actually convulse. Everyone came up with great cover songs, but "Mr. Sandman" struck me as really genius. And closing it with "Jack Daniels" is just forlorn and vague enough to leave everything up for reinterpretation. This would be a concept that offers something new with every listen. As themes go, this one was my favorite.

Good job, everyone! Curious what we'll be doing in the future...do we even have enough weeks until Paradise comes out to do that many challenges?

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Wowww...... Miss Daytona.... I can't. Thats deep cut... She just dropped us all like that.




:whoopi: as team leader, I feel so betrayed. can't believe after all our hard work, we won't get all the credit we deserve for how hard we did work on that challenge- even if she won't be around for the other challenges.



Congratulations to SitarHero, though. Thats my babyyyyyy. :D can't wait to see what we all come up with for the future. Your entry was definitely so strong. And I'm glad you liked mine. Worked real hard on presenting something that would be really strong and feel real.

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Sorry for this OT


..cos I'm quite thoroughly upset of MD leaving.

The thing is, if I don't quite understand (the way I understand it) her reason, I prob. wouldn't be as upset.

This doesn't matter to me in the grand scheme of life..




..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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I honestly don't mind doing SitarHero's challenge, and I am glad he won, because he deserved it, but i don't really think it's fair that we don't get the points for MD's entry. He never contacted us to tell us he was leaving, had he done that, I would've asked that he drop from the competition immediately. Also, he did complete the challenge before he left. AND it's not that he dropped out of the challenge but continues to be here, he actually deleted his profile and no longer operates here in any capacity. I think because of these factors, we shouldn't have lost the points that our team did work for. Also, having only two people on a team is a severe disadvantage.


Sitarhero, don't be mad at me- no shade whatsoever intended. My thoughts on this have nothing to do with you winning :love:


And Riley, I'm not trying to cause a mutiny here, only speaking my mind. I'm confident in the way you will judge these and think you'll make the right decisions, i just think perhaps you should re-examin this decision, if at all possible. If you don't want to, thats fine as well.



In other news,



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I think her explanation was that she didn't like people defending "Boarding School"...But that seems a little drastic.


Of course no hard feelings, Hunter, I see where you're coming from.

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If we actually have to work with SitarHero's album in the future, I don't know if I'm happy with that. I liked his entry, and it was very good, but depending on how much influence it will have on the future challenges, I may or may not want to comply with that. I mean, if I have to take his theme and work with it, it's just not going to feel right in a moral sense or in a natural sense. I don't want to have to write a song from his tracklist, if that would be a challenge, or make artwork for his album, if that's a challenge too, because it's not my idea and it's not my work. I hope that won't be the case though.


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I haven't read ALL entries reviews... not even mine or Hunter's.

I'm in a #whirlwind of this turn of events.

..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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I honestly don't mind doing SitarHero's challenge, and I am glad he won, because he deserved it, but i don't really think it's fair that we don't get the points for MD's entry. He never contacted us to tell us he was leaving, had he done that, I would've asked that he drop from the competition immediately. Also, he did complete the challenge before he left. AND it's not that he dropped out of the challenge but continues to be here, he actually deleted his profile and no longer operates here in any capacity. I think because of these factors, we shouldn't have lost the points that our team did work for. Also, having only two people on a team is a severe disadvantage.


Sitarhero, don't be mad at me- no shade whatsoever intended. My thoughts on this have nothing to do with you winning :love:


And Riley, I'm not trying to cause a mutiny here, only speaking my mind. I'm confident in the way you will judge these and think you'll make the right decisions, i just think perhaps you should re-examin this decision, if at all possible. If you don't want to, thats fine as well.



In other news,



I understand that your angry/annoyed because Missdaytona left. But, the reason I took away the points is because if she isn't going to be a part of the future of these challenges then why should her 10 points give your team an advantage, making your team the winners, when he/she doesn't care enough to stick around. It's called a team for a reason, and she/he let you down.

If we actually have to work with SitarHero's album in the future, I don't know if I'm happy with that. I liked his entry, and it was very good, but depending on how much influence it will have on the future challenges, I may or may not want to comply with that. I mean, if I have to take his theme and work with it, it's just not going to feel right in a moral sense or in a natural sense. I don't want to have to write a song from his tracklist, if that would be a challenge, or make artwork for his album, if that's a challenge too, because it's not my idea and it's not my work. I hope that won't be the case though.

I think what I'll do is I will change it so that you don't have to base it on Sitar's work, well you'll see in the next challenge,


New thread will be up shortly with the new challenge. We need to get through as many challenges as possible here guys.


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And the first person to be eliminated from the Paradise Lost Challenge Is...






You have lost your place in the competition and you must now leave The Trailer Park Darlings.

I have updated the OP with the results.


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