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ionnalee [iamamiwhoami]

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I don't understand what's going on omg 

can someone send me the b-side tracks (pls don't start acting self-righteous) or tell me where I can find them?

I don't think the bsides count but if the content they put exclusively on the Island leaks, they wont be releasing stuff anymore. So just buy the Island pass y'all


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ohhhh its a passssss...I'm so excited!

Is that sarcasm? xd I think you're supposed to go to the island on a boat from what I've seen.

I'm so mad rn tbh, I still haven't gotten to code and a lot of people got it 10 hours ago. So not worth preordering it if I have to wait ages to get the login


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Is that sarcasm? xd I think you're supposed to go to the island on a boat from what I've seen.

I'm so mad rn tbh, I still haven't gotten to code and a lot of people got it 10 hours ago. So not worth preordering it if I have to wait ages to get the login


It wasn't sarcasm! lol i just meant I'm excited for the other tracks. I'm actually not sure how to go about it though

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It wasn't sarcasm! lol i just meant I'm excited for the other tracks. I'm actually not sure how to go about it though

That albino betch better send me my code soon :defeated: She looks gorgeous on the recent pics. Going to bed and hope I'll be able to visit Island soon.


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I really want an island pass and support iam since I love them SO MUCH, but I'm just not gonna pay $25 for a digital album. Especially since I have 90% of the songs anyway. If I could buy the physical CD for that price and then gain access to the site I would, but I don't wanna do both because I know I'll end up buying the CD soon.


When you get the songs that are not on the standard, will you send just those? Please.

I thought you didn't like them?


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actually just the tracks that are not the standard 10.


so you want wave, melter, afloat, air, arrival and dive? i need to download them from the island first. i only have melter, wave and dive. the files are HUGE.




okay, so i have them all now. i finally found the .zip file on the site.


BUT. guys, 



"all content of BLUE and all other downloads. yes you can share kin lyrics. the only thing we don’t allow is sharing of the exclusive additional material that was created for this island alone.


so to clarify: if the island additional content leaks, forthcoming additional material will not be released on the island which will result in the island disolving itself."


- towhomitmayconcern


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We should all respect that but I know some assholes will probably upload stuff to youtube or whatever u_u


And why 25$ for the digital version? I only paid 20.


yeah, sadly.


you probably paid in euro. $25 and €20 is the same amount.


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yeah, sadly.


you probably paid in euro. $25 and €20 is the same amount.

Oh, I just assumed you paid in euros too xd 

I still haven't gotten my code. I sent an email to the label and they told me to check my spam. I sent another one saying I still got nothing and they responded by saying they'll get back to me soon :/ I feel lefted out.



That's the first time I've ever seen an artist cry about stuff getting leaked but whatever
Well, considering the content they'll release is supposed to only be shared with Islanders, I understand them. And they do have the right to do so, I mean, they are not forced to release anything else. I do think everyone should buy the album (either the Island version or the physical one) but it was known since the beginning that the Island package would have way more stuff, so it was pretty much one's choice of what one thinks is the most important. I chose the Island because I could care less about having a cd I'll forget in a drawer.


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Oh, I just assumed you paid in euros too xd 

I still haven't gotten my code. I sent an email to the label and they told me to check my spam. I sent another one saying I still got nothing and they responded by saying they'll get back to me soon :/ I feel lefted out.


I literally ordered mine 12 hours ago, and I got the code immediately. :toofunny:


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