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December 30th, 2015. The holy day when I listened to CollXtion I for the first time  :defeated:  Can't believe I've been loving this eccentric girl for more than a year. Love her so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much

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I still remember the first time I heard this album, and how obsessed I was with it for months!!!!!!!! The story of X, Allie's aesthetic and the overall concept was genius. Happy birthday to ONE. OF. THE. BEST. POP. EPS. IN. HISTORY.

PS: Is this truly pop? Don't know, don't care.




At its finest. Amen  :)


I'm gonna give the vinyl a spin for this

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I still remember the first time I heard this album, and how obsessed I was with it for months!!!!!!!! The story of X, Allie's aesthetic and the overall concept was genius. Happy birthday to ONE. OF. THE. BEST. POP. EPS. IN. HISTORY.

PS: Is this truly pop? Don't know, don't care.

Undeniably pop, including by her own words. Here's to hoping for more pop bangers in 2018 (that are like clxn1 thnx)

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Hello is a 80's perfection. From the production to the full lyrics. It's just so naive and pure, it's truly Joyful.

Catch is the first twist and it's the actual set-up for the full record. 

Prime is glittering amazing, the epitome for a pop song

Bitch walks through the line of synthpop and bizarre pop i just invented this I guess

Tumor following the medicine concept and the metaphor for a relationship on the flatline

Good is underrated and feels like a personal confession. I always point this out because it's really... clear. Wherever most of her songs are packed with references and awkward lyrics to kinda cover up the real meaning for it. This one is special.

Sanctuary feels like the happy ending for the turbulent record. 


and Never Enough as a bonus track is the cherry on top. Beautiful lyrics and production, I'd say it's hello's sister becaue both are really straight out of the 80's. All the songs are inspired by this, fact, but both of them are just somehow songs that were teleported to the 2010's.



Well. Happy Birthday CollXtion I. Thanks Allie for really making me inspired about new artists and new music in general, this record was like the gold by the end of the rainbow. 



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Good is underrated and feels like a personal confession. I always point this out because it's really... clear. Wherever most of her songs are packed with references and awkward lyrics to kinda cover up the real meaning for it. This one is special.

justice for Good in this fandom.  one of the best from collxtion i and a hidden gem that will unfortunately be overlooked more and more as her career advances.


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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leak all your sessions with Allie

Well, Allie would definitely not like that, so no.

I almost fell for a catfish email back when she first got popular, luckily I texted her before I sent it all. 


I did recently find the original sheet of paper she wrote the lyrics for a bunch of the songs, want to see that?

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Well, Allie would definitely not like that, so no.

I almost fell for a catfish email back when she first got popular, luckily I texted her before I sent it all. 


I did recently find the original sheet of paper she wrote the lyrics for a bunch of the songs, want to see that?

Sure! I'd love to see the lyrics

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