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Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement

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Some of you guys are sensitive pussies. I just watched the video and I see no glamorizing of rape. Some people sigh


if you had been raped, don't you think that a video such as this would be extremely harmful + damaging to you? or would that just make you a 'sensitive pussy'?

seriously grow the fuck up and step out of your ignorant, shitty little bubble.


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if you had been raped, don't you think that a video such as this would be extremely harmful + damaging to you? or would that just make you a 'sensitive pussy'?

seriously grow the fuck up and step out of your ignorant, shitty little bubble.

You know nothing about my life or that of my family, but someone close to me was unfortunately sexually harrassed but that doesn't mean a stupid video like this one will trigger her or me. I can't see no glamorising of rape in this video and tbh, just people some people could be triggered (even by something stupid like this) does that mean we should not discuss or show these problems? Take a fucking seat.


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if you had been raped, don't you think that a video such as this would be extremely harmful + damaging to you? or would that just make you a 'sensitive pussy'?

seriously grow the fuck up and step out of your ignorant, shitty little bubble.

I thought, I would be the last human being on earth to agree with Limelights on anything, but really?

Rape is being shown on TV even during daytime, in movies, series and documentaries. It can be found in comics and animes

Just because something like that happend to you or your relatives and friends (I have a few of them actually), it does not mean, that you can stop people from showing in different forms.


Everything that is done for "artistic" purpose is free from censorship and moral judgement.

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if you had been raped, don't you think that a video such as this would be extremely harmful + damaging to you? or would that just make you a 'sensitive pussy'?

seriously grow the fuck up and step out of your ignorant, shitty little bubble.

Calm the fuck down.

In this case, art doesn't have the right to depict, war, murders, death, basically life. Where do you see the glamorization of rape? Is there some guy saying "look, this is how you treat a woman right"? No, it depicts horror and different kinds of violence. The shot of the insect is still enigmatic to me. Does it show some revenge is preparing? Is it here to add to the link between sex and violence?

Before you get psychotic again, I have been sexually assaulted and this doesn't make my opinion any less or any more valid. It's a collab between Marilyn Manson, Lana del Rey and Eli Roth. What did you fucking expect? A Katy Perry music video with rainbows and shit? Nobody forced you to click and watch, if you don't wanna see it then activate a parental control or even better : you can click on the white cross on a red background that is at the top-right corner of your window.

Lana doesn't have to make you happy, she experimented something and she has the right to do that. Her life doesn't have to be judged and scrutinized by all of you. She owes you nothing.


You're all sitting here judging her when I bet you're all hypocrites liking the art of men who are known sexual criminals or men who are violent towards women : Tupac, Eminem, Polanski, Woody Allen, and so on. (because sadly, the list is way too long)


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This video is supposed to be disturbing in the way that a film about a character being raped gets under your skin. Neither is advocating for rape, but rather portraying a story. Lana's lyrics about women who are in emotionally and physically volatile relationships exist as sonic portrayals of this kind of documentation, which is why I'm surprised at these reactions. True anti-feminism exists in the inability for a woman to tell a story, no matter how excruciating, without being labeled as an advocate for the mistreatment for women.

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This video is supposed to be disturbing in the way that a film about a character being raped gets under your skin. Neither is advocating for rape, but rather portraying a story. Lana's lyrics about women who are in emotionally and physically volatile relationships exist as sonic portrayals of this kind of documentation, which is why I'm surprised at these reactions. True anti-feminism exists in the inability for a woman to tell a story, no matter how excruciating, without being labeled as an advocate for the mistreatment for women.


I totally agree with you. This is also why Lolita is such a shocking novel, imo. The book is named after her (not even after her actually, but after the name Humbert gave her, taking away her personnality and refusing her true identity) but we never ever hear her version of the story. She is demonized, labeled as a witch, a seductress, a fille fatale and Humbert deforms the reality and poses as a poet.


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Hello angry & opinionated human beings.


I can only speak for myself, so I will. Being raped is no fun. I've had experience with that. I always have hated when people want to mask the problem of rape & sexual abuse. For a long time I felt like "I was the only one who knew how it felt". That whole "you were asking for it" argument..  As I got older and submersed myself into darker art forms that showcase all sides of the human psyche & human behaviors, I came to an understanding. It's a very real, human experience not to be portrayed like a "Lifetime special". There has been some comfort in seeing rape portrayed as real as possible, because it allows people who have never been through that situation to gain some understanding and compassion towards people who have gone through it. I've read autobiographies of people describing how they were raped or abused, I've spoken to people who went through it. Bonding with others helped heal my pain. I became unashamed. I wasn't at fault. By being ashamed about sharing my past, I felt that put me at fault. I wasn't making myself available to other people who need to know they are not alone/at fault. Sharing an experience doesn't glorify that experience, it humanizes it for others to relate to it. Relating to a rape scene shouldn't be a shameful thing. It's staring a problem in the face and saying something about it. I commend actors who want to portray rape scenes properly. Any artist who makes something ugly instead of making something perfect & beautiful. The ones who tell the scary stories w/o endings. It should make you feel something. Pain, confusion, anger, fear, etc. but not towards the actors & people involved in creating the art. Just towards the action itself. I once had a teacher in cultural anthropology who refused to believe that our predecessors could have also been rapists. She claimed that rape was a new fangled action, that came along more recently in the history of humans. That kind of thinking insulted me a bit, because I feel like rape is very common, but also so frowned upon, it is silenced throughout history. If you silence an artist from conveying something that has influenced them, you are diluting the truth. Rape is real, and it shouldn't be something we want to close our eyes, ears, and hearts from because it is wrong. That is the wrong attitude to have. We should be discussing it. We should be able to look at a video like this one and be able to learn from it. Realize that someone needs to talk about it, or at least have an outlet to express their thoughts on it. 

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Sorry, I am French. :eek:


honestly you speak (well type, but you get what i mean) better English than a lot of the people i went to high school with.


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I wonder if she'd be up for a reenactment? I volunteer myself to be Eli Roth


you want to film-rape lana? that's gettin to true Stan level of stanning :lel:


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So since the video is a year old it's unlikely we'll ever get the full thing :(


Manson has a new album coming next year tho ...

So since the video is a year old it's unlikely we'll ever get the full thing :(


Manson has a new album coming next year tho ...

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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