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Charli XCX

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I never post here but my HIFN book arrived yesterday!! I don't know what I was expecting but omg it's GORGEOUS :defeated: it's a lot bigger than I was expecting as well - it's about 40cm diagonally

I’m still waiting for my shipping confirmation :/

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i can remember on some live stream or something she said she damaged her vocal chords... girlie needs to see a specialist

she did a live with tove during quarantine where tove talked about her vocal chord surgery and charli was just like "i just scream and go on stage"  :crossed:

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Is the masterpost updated with the new leaks? I'm just going to assume yes.

☆SeaKeen★ // Everything is romantic


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basic question ok but how do you guys store the leaks? ik some people make up album titles, etc for them

my method (not necessary but recommended imo) is this:


songs / demos of released songs meant for albums - put them in a sessions album (ex: SUCKER - Sessions)


songs recorded / demoed for other artists - put them in a “Demos” album and sort them in alphabetical order (of the artist who took the song) (ex: songs meant for Bella Thorne and Britney Spears go first)


songs that have an unknown purpose - put them in years albums (ex: 2014, 2017 etc.)


That’s how I sort it and I feel like it’s the efficient way

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that’s a good idea! I usually just throw them under ‘XCX Files’ ‘____ B Sides’ or see what fan made album names have been throw around n make my own tracklist. I was gonna rearrange to just B Sises but i’d have like 3 in N1A then like 20 in XCX World and it would be a whole mess lmaoo

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