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Charli XCX

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It's a little bit better than the Vroom Vroom EP but still pretty low on the list of stuff she's done. Plus the black and white Vroom Vroom aesthetic was/is really dumb and if she carries it over for the 3rd album I'll be pissed

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i don't get why she's being so damn quiet about this fucking album now :crying: she was all about it the first few months of 2016, but now she's all quiet and shit


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what are all the supposed songs that are for her new albbum/pc music era?


Vroom Vroom





Burn Rubber [sOPHIE song?]

Girls Night Out [Played once and never again at a SOPHIE show last year]

Round N' Round


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Girls Night Out [Played once and never again at a SOPHIE show last year]

Girls Night Out has actually been popping up more and more in his sets! When I saw him live he didn't do it, but he had an afterparty after the show (which was 21+ -.-) and he played it there, and then at various other shows recently, so I wouldn't totally give up on it!  :pray2:

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Burn Rubber is not a Charli track, it is a sophie song he always plays at his shows


i know, but for all we know, it might have been given to charli at this point


I love Charlie she's sick and she's so hot but I don't listen to her music because it's garbage


lol i know you wrote her name wrong on purpose


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I love Charlie she's sick and she's so hot but I don't listen to her music because it's garbage

Her aesthetic always matches her music so maybe you will enjoy XCX3 :creep:

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