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Trash Magic

'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman

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  On 6/14/2015 at 7:13 PM, CarcrashBandicoot said:

If she's a professor of African studies and she's helping the NAACP by being a leader, what's so wrong about it? She's not being negative. It would be much different if she was trying to ruin anything the NAACP is doing or whatever. Are you meaning to say that Bruce Jenner can't be who he wants to be by changing into Caitlyn and becoming a woman? I mean, there's trans people who are born with the wrong body but live with it anyway. Was that just a mental disorder? Did you forget about Michael Jackson bleaching his skin?


People blame everything on mental disorders now and it's disgusting. Not everything that you disagree with is a mental disorder. 

...when will you die

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  On 6/14/2015 at 7:54 PM, Atom Heart said:

Caitlyn Jenner is a transwoman...she isn't changing her race. She's literally changing her genitalia.


And yes Rachel is hurting the black community because she got a full ride scholarship to Howard University set aside for black people. She wrote an essay about racism she's suffered to get money to assist herself trough college for free. She used those qualifications earned through Howard University to further her career based on the plight and struggles of African American men and women. Consistently making up accusations of people trying to kill her as motive to be "a strong black woman and mother to her children". She lives in a constant state of denial of being white that she had to get a perm and tan her skin to feel an ounce of oppression. She would be more respected if she admitted to being white to begin with.


Michael Jackson suffered from multiple skin issues including facial burning during the Pepsi commercial and vitiligo (a skin condition causing patches of the skin to change color - look at ANTM model Winnie Harlow...) and he chose to use bleaching treatments to match his whitened skin. He isn't "transracial" or trying to be fucking white. He still was well aware that he was a black man from the day he was born until the day he died.


Before you speak on anything relating to the topic just educate yourself first or don't speak.

Then again, you're going on about mental illnesses. Please, tell me what mental illness makes you feel like you were born in the wrong body. If you're going to claim that being born the wrong race is a mental disorder, what's the difference between dying your hair because your natural hair color isn't what you want? How about change sex? It's the same thing, if you're going to say it's a mental illness, educate yourself or don't speak.


Also, look at Halle Berry, Latoya Jackson, Lil Kim, and all the others who've bleached their skin. It's a common thing. They've done it, so what's wrong with her doing it? Obviously she wanted to fit into a certain community and she's being ridiculed and she's being told "you have a mental illness." That's bullshit. It's like trying to say "A man can't be a feminist" or "a straight person can't be a supporter of the LGTBQQ+ community" just because they don't fit in. 


Look at things from more than one perspective.


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The issue isn't her identifying with a different culture, it's the fact that she lied about her race, took advantage of programs set up for people of color knowing she came from a race of privilege and falsified hate crimes against herself to justify her sick mental game. If she really cared about people of color, she would not have taken advantage of scholarships or made a mockery of their culture. She was living in black face. There's a big difference between opening up as transgender, living a life you feel comfortable with and deceiving your way to success disadvantaging the people you claimed to be helping. 

Read this http://thebinblog.com/rachel-dolezal-pretty-little-liar/

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All black women in US have "straight hair"  funny enough the only black women sporting a Afro is in fact a white women pretending to be black. Doesn't sound ironically funny to you? 


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  On 6/14/2015 at 6:33 PM, DivaFierce said:

the only ~reasonable explanation would be some kind of mental disorder.. i mean she basically faked her whole life i don't know if that's something a mentally stable person would do.


Are you calling a person who fakes her entire life mentally ill on Lanaboards? Did you even heard Lana's songs and saw her interviews? For 29 31 years she pretends to be all sorts of things 


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  On 6/15/2015 at 6:55 AM, Viva said:

All black women in US have "straight hair" funny enough the only black women sporting a Afro is in fact a white women pretending to be black. Doesn't sound ironically funny to you?

Not every black woman has or wants straightened hair to begin with. What's the point you're attempting to make?


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  On 6/15/2015 at 5:39 AM, CarcrashBandicoot said:

Then again, you're going on about mental illnesses. Please, tell me what mental illness makes you feel like you were born in the wrong body. If you're going to claim that being born the wrong race is a mental disorder, what's the difference between dying your hair because your natural hair color isn't what you want? How about change sex? It's the same thing, if you're going to say it's a mental illness, educate yourself or don't speak.


Also, look at Halle Berry, Latoya Jackson, Lil Kim, and all the others who've bleached their skin. It's a common thing. They've done it, so what's wrong with her doing it? Obviously she wanted to fit into a certain community and she's being ridiculed and she's being told "you have a mental illness." That's bullshit. It's like trying to say "A man can't be a feminist" or "a straight person can't be a supporter of the LGTBQQ+ community" just because they don't fit in.


Look at things from more than one perspective.

If you don't think falsifying data, lying about your background, claiming to suffer from intense racism, and wearing blackface while posting pictures of her adopted brother as her son isn't indicative of something being mentally off with her than you don't understand the magnitude of what Rachel Dolezal is doing.


First and foremost, don't sit here and and try and claim that black celebrities are bleaching their skin to be white (Lil Kim clearly has body dysmorphia...). and every single woman you're talking about still knows their race.



Rachel can at any point stop tanning, stop wearing wigs and drop this whole lie and go back to being a white woman from Montana if it became to difficult to her. And at this point you're arguing that what she is doing isn't blackface and it's irritating. She's been lying for over 20 years (including claiming she was mixed race to cover up why her hair is flat and straight).


If you don't think there is something not mentally ill about her by now, you're either lying or just playing devils advocate lol.


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  On 6/15/2015 at 6:55 AM, Viva said:

All black women in US have "straight hair"  funny enough the only black women sporting a Afro is in fact a white women pretending to be black. Doesn't sound ironically funny to you? 

no not all of them do at all, and that's their choice. If you are trying to suggest people with straight hair are trying to appear "Caucasian" then that's very ignorant and not for you to dictate lmao, and having straight hair does not take away from somebody's blackness or suggest they are not proud of their race or culture

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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  On 6/15/2015 at 1:48 PM, Trash Magic said:

no not all of them do at all, and that's their choice. If you are trying to suggest people with straight hair are trying to appear "Caucasian" then that's very ignorant and not for you to dictate lmao, and having straight hair does not take away from somebody's blackness or suggest they are not proud of their race or culture

That's like arguing that black girls wear weave using white people hair or to look white. Or ANY non-white group of people with naturally straight hair.


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  On 6/15/2015 at 4:38 PM, Atom Heart said:

That's like arguing that black girls wear weave using white people hair or to look white. Or ANY non-white group of people with naturally straight hair.


Not every black woman has or wants straightened hair to begin with. What's the point you're attempting to make?


Was a obvious  joke Mister No sense of humor. Anyway, you're a guy so you will never understand the hair issue. So many factors guy's don't understand and is irritating talking about hair with man who just aren't attached to their hair like we are (not every girl but the majority is). Most Europeans and North Americans citizens can also take a sit on that issue compared to part of SA or Asia because they don't have to deal with sea breeze combined with humidity. Sea breeze, humidity and wind put together is a devil's joke on any girl with long hair or not that short hair, black or white, you will suffer the eletro shock looking effect and walk around like a 60' hippie, wanting or not. Ask girls in New Orleans or girls in Miami LOl. Miami doesn;t have humidity even if is a beach town. NY is also better for your hair than Miami. 


Anyway, I imagine the reason why black girls straighten their hair is the same reason why white girls with curly hair straighten theirs: is easier to play with straight hair, from hair cuts to hair do's is not only easier to manage as you have more options of hair cuts that wont give you much trouble in the morning. 


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  On 6/15/2015 at 10:29 PM, Viva said:

Not every black woman has or wants straightened hair to begin with. What's the point you're attempting to make?


Was a obvious joke Mister No sense of humor. Anyway, you're a guy so you will never understand the hair issue. So many factors guy's don't understand and is irritating talking about hair with man who just aren't attached to their hair like we are (not every girl but the majority is). Most Europeans and North Americans citizens can also take a sit on that issue compared to part of SA or Asia because they don't have to deal with sea breeze combined with humidity. Sea breeze, humidity and wind put together is a devil's joke on any girl with long hair or not that short hair, black or white, you will suffer the eletro shock looking effect and walk around like a 60' hippie, wanting or not. Ask girls in New Orleans or girls in Miami LOl. Miami doesn;t have humidity even if is a beach town. NY is also better for your hair than Miami.


Anyway, I imagine the reason why black girls straighten their hair is the same reason why white girls with curly hair straighten theirs: is easier to play with straight hair, from hair cuts to hair do's is not only easier to manage as you have more options of hair cuts that wont give you much trouble in the morning.

Lmao you don't even know what I look like Viva. You don't know what my hair looks like...neither do you know what hairstyles I have or had. Or even my experience with hair. :lmao: But whatever, your joke was lame. :eartha:


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  On 6/15/2015 at 10:42 PM, Atom Heart said:

Lmao you don't even know what I look like Viva. You don't know what my hair looks like...neither do you know what hairstyles I have or had. Or even my experience with hair. :lmao: But whatever, your joke was lame. :eartha:


I know you don't have a vagina. I have no interest in knowing how you look like by the way.... probably not a nice vision if the outside is twisted as the inside  :D Gonna block you anyway, after all who can bare your ass? Not me LOL


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  On 6/16/2015 at 12:06 AM, Viva said:

I know you don't have a vagina. I have no interest in knowing how you look like by the way.... probably not a nice vision if the outside is twisted as the inside :D Gonna block you anyway, after all who can bare your ass? Not me LOL

Block me lmao. But honestly if you assume so many things about me then you must know who I am...or even what genitals I have on my body. Or whether I'm cis or trans...goodbye ignorant little kid. @@SitarHero @@SitarHero or whatever your name is, can you talk to this person?


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  On 6/16/2015 at 1:46 AM, Atom Heart said:

Block me lmao. But honestly if you assume so many things about me then you must know who I am...or even what genitals I have on my body. Or whether I'm cis or trans...goodbye ignorant little kid. @@SitarHero @@SitarHero or whatever your name is, can you talk to this person?

Screen_Shot_2015_06_15_at_11_06_18_PM.jpDo you understand the meaning of "Gender: Male"???????


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  On 6/16/2015 at 4:34 AM, CarcrashBandicoot said:

Screen_Shot_2015_06_15_at_11_06_18_PM.jpDo you understand the meaning of "Gender: Male"???????


do you understand the concept of gender...just cause you identify as male doesn't mean you have male genitalia


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