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That Poppy is an american singer.


Her debut EP Bubblebath came out on 10th of June, 2016.




1. Lowlife

2. Money

3. Altar

4. American Kids



She released a digital album 3:36 (Music To Sleep To) on 17th of October, 2016. It's an ambient music album designed to help people sleep better



Link to the album.


1. Obnoxious Blocks

2. Mind Aide

3. Catholic Camera

4. Drop in the Ocean

5. Me Time Me

6. Phonic

7. Glass Milk

8. Telepathy

9. Air People

10. Doctor Bite



She has released 2 music videos as well:







She also posts videos on her youtube channel "Poppy".

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i haven't listened to her any music. just watched some of her videos and they are really weird and disturbing. but she is cute

I watched couple of her vids and decided to just listen to her music. Those videos aint for everyone

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I think the videos are funny tbh. She's so weird! Her music slays tho  :legend:


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I find her so interesting. I could watch her videos all day, they're so intriguing. I just love her entire aesthetic. I love her music too.. Lowlife is phenomenal. Altar and Money are great too. American Kids is kind of cliché and I didn't care for it upon first listen, but it's definitely grown on me. It's also nice that's she's kind of just as weird in person and in interviews. Love love love her.


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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the EP is really good, too bad she really only has 5 songs out there :rip: not even hidden ones that I know of


I have a bunch of old covers she did between 2011-2013 if you want me to send. No originals though :/ She's like actually fresh into the music business I guess lol


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I have a bunch of old covers she did between 2011-2013 if you want me to send. No originals though :/ She's like actually fresh into the music business I guess lol

She  has this song


don't know if it's a cover tho

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She also has this song


don't know if it's a cover tho


Nope that's an original! She said it's for the album. I sort it as track 5 on the EP though lolol

I absolutely love this... it's so beautiful the way she sings it. Haunting, almost.



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Omg, I never saw that! What a cute little bop  :bop: I love this girl


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She actually had a fairly successful music career before she changed her style. Her old merch from 2013 is still on District Lines, and they don't sell merch for just anyone.

I have an old song of her's called Doesn't Mean I'm Wrong.

If you try to view her Twitter or old YouTube channel in the web archive, you can't. Her people requested them to be removed; most likely to protect her new image. Although, not all of her tracks are covered if that is what's going on.

The name she uses for songwriting credit is Moriah Rose Pereira (I have reason to believe that that is her real name). I'd say she's at least 24-years-old. She's lived in Franklin, TN as an adult and went to middle school in Boston, MA.


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I mean they're creepy but interesting... the beginning of infinity made me uncomfortable 

True. I don't watch those vids at all cuz they tend to creep me the fuck out

She actually had a fairly successful music career before she changed her style. Her old merch from 2013 is still on District Lines, and they don't sell merch for just anyone.

I have an old song of her's called Doesn't Mean I'm Wrong.

If you try to view her Twitter or old YouTube channel on the web archive, you can't. Her people requested them to be removed; most likely to protect her new image. Although, not all of her tracks are covered if that is what's going on.

The name she uses for songwriting credit is Moriah Rose Pereira (I have reason to believe that that is her real name). I'd say she's at least 24-years-old. She's lived in Franklin, TN as an adult and went to middle school in Boston, MA.

I've read from a fairly (using this lightly btw) reputable source that she's like 15 years old. Where are you getting all of this info?

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She actually had a fairly successful music career before she changed her style. Her old merch from 2013 is still on District Lines, and they don't sell merch for just anyone.

I have an old song of her's called Doesn't Mean I'm Wrong.

If you try to view her Twitter or old YouTube channel on the web archive, you can't. Her people requested them to be removed; most likely to protect her new image. Although, not all of her tracks are covered if that is what's going on.

The name she uses for songwriting credit is Moriah Rose Pereira (I have reason to believe that that is her real name). I'd say she's at least 24-years-old. She's lived in Franklin, TN as an adult and went to middle school in Boston, MA.

I was actually going to post in here to ask if anyone found out how old she really is. I assumed she was around 23-24 too considering she befriended/appeared in multiple videos with Sam Pepper ( :flop:) in 2013 so she couldn't have been much younger than 18 plus the photos of her going back at least 4 years online, but I had no idea that you can't view her profiles on the Wayback Machine. 

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