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Naomi Elizabeth

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Uploaded on Feb 3, 2011

Thanks To Axel and Catherine


Naomi, Elizabeth, Axel, Caroline Catherine--the usual suspects :creep:

But yay to unapologetic, non-conforming dance moves!

:heart: :yesnod: :dance: :grinds: :illumilana2: :twirls:





..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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there is something about artist that you can tell they dont have a record label/team behind just from the sound that i like about them. thats why sometimes the first album of my favs if my favorite. love the 'unpolish' sound.

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Im obsessed with her brain...  every little while i discover a new song of hers and i love it :true: i also listened to her audiobook and its pretty funny

From what i can gather she's not really making music as much anymore and she re-released a bunch of old tracks in 2022 but everything she has on streaming is kind of a gem!!

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