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Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant: The Elimination Game - Winner Announced!

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KILL :scream:  :scream:  :scream: RAISE ME UP  :scream:  :scream:  :scream:  :scream: AND FOR K PT2




IMMUNITY: :grinds:  :grinds:  :grinds: MERMAID MOTEL KILL (RAISE ME UP)KILL (RAISE ME UP)  :grinds:  :grinds: 


Why do you wanna kill For K, Pt. 2  :defeated:

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Mermaid Motel was eliminated:defeated:



Round 7 is starting now.



Round 7

  • Raise Me Up has immunity, and it's tragic because the songs that get the most elimination votes always end up in the final rounds.  :oprah3:

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Why is Raise Me Up still here?

I'm always triggered by the intro "Ray Ray...."   :creep:




Eliminate: Put Me In A Movie, Yayo

Immunity: Pawn Shop Blues



mess at the no. of elimination games here.  :toofunny:

what's wrong with this fan base.

we're so obsessed with eliminating things... 

the most self-loathing fan base ever  :lmao:


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