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(i'm so not okay. i think for the 1st time in my life i was actually triggered by a work of fiction. i've been crying on/off for hours now & feel sf empty since i watched tonight's clip, i really don't have any other explanation for it. sorry if tmi.)


anyway. this clip was perfect and my favorite so far this season. and this is where i completely fell for Yousef, he and Sana MUST be together. also, this changes everything about s3 yet again. but i can't think about that too much right now, bc i can't really handle it.

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(i'm so not okay. i think for the 1st time in my life i was actually triggered by a work of fiction. i've been crying on/off for hours now & feel sf empty since i watched tonight's clip, i really don't have any other explanation for it. sorry if tmi.)



??? Wait what did I miss? Did I miss an Even/Isak clip? Was it bad?

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??? Wait what did I miss? Did I miss an Even/Isak clip? Was it bad?



Not exactly an Evak clip, but quite a lot of background information about Even.

And yeah, like @@bummersummer said, Yousef and Sana must get together somehow!


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I never thought I'd like this show that much but it shakes me up real bad. Yousef is an amazing character and so well played, I'm so glad they added him to the show. My favourite season so far.


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I just finished season one... 


This show is fucking good. I didn't even think I would really get into it since at first it seems like just another highschool drama but damn! Also Noora is really goddamn hot (can't wait to binge watch season 2 bc of her), Iben is beautiful, and I can't be the only one who thinks Ingrid looks like she could be Chuck Grant's sister-



As soon as my exams are over in 3 days I will most definitely be binge watching the rest of the show lol


sugar baby crying ezgif_com_c98a0a05e8.gif tears of gold

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I just finished season one... 


This show is fucking good. I didn't even think I would really get into it since at first it seems like just another highschool drama but damn! Also Noora is really goddamn hot (can't wait to binge watch season 2 bc of her), Iben is beautiful, and I can't be the only one who thinks Ingrid looks like she could be Chuck Grant's sister-



As soon as my exams are over in 3 days I will most definitely be binge watching the rest of the show lol

OMG I thought of that as well aaaaah!!!! I've always thought she looked like her I'm so glad I'm not the only one, Ingrid is really super pretty but no one (on earth?) can top Noora tbh this girl is a fucking goddess I weep everytime she comes on screen


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OMG I thought of that as well aaaaah!!!! I've always thought she looked like her I'm so glad I'm not the only one, Ingrid is really super pretty but no one (on earth?) can top Noora tbh this girl is a fucking goddess I weep everytime she comes on screen

exactly hahaha, I have a hard time believing that she is supposed to be in highschool because I'm always distracted like no one is this attractive and badass and amazing in highschool lmao


sugar baby crying ezgif_com_c98a0a05e8.gif tears of gold

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