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Finally watched the last few clips from the final episode and I am so sad this show is over but it was beautifully done. Not a single bad episode and all of the plot lines flowed perfectly and nothing felt like it was put in there just for the sake of it, it always had a purpose and eventuated into something further by the end.


I love how Jonas and Eva ended up together again, I always felt like they needed to be together.


I also love the way that Jonas ended the monologue at the very end just like he opened the first episode of the series. Everything came full circle and it made me so happy!


One day I will definitely have to re-watch all the episodes. Definitely my favorite series I've ever seen <3 

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IDK why but I have a feeling that the American remake of SKAM will manage to take away everything from the show that made it great in the first place.


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sooo i'm super late but i was away a lot so i didn't want to take long breaks in between of episodes and watched the last season this week.


i was so glad we got a happy ending however it is so sad that we will never get to see so much character depth that got "lost" by them randomly deciding to end it (9 seasons were planned this is less than half of it). i loved how they ended it in the same style they opened the show it's just super sad that we only got to see a glimpse of what could have been if they added a few more seasons. even though the american version will probably have a way better look i don't think they will find a way to deal with the plot and character's issues in a way that felt so natural and not overdone as in this one. (skins us anyone?) 


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I just wanted to share this interview with Tarjei and Henrik:


I think it's quite interesting, and there are tons of stunning photos.


I rewatched season 3 over the last two days and wow, it's still the best thing I've ever watched. :crai:


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