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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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He's fat. He's perpetually single. His breath definitely smells like spoiled cheese and three-month-old tooth plaque. He acts entitled. He thinks his music taste and opinion(s) is factual and scientifically supported. He's clearly got no other hobbies. He's got no real job. No talent (which is why he insists on spending all his time criticizing those who actually do have it). He's bored and likely has no friends. He has YouTube subscribers whom allows him to assume that his opinion is worth shit, when in reality it's subjective, just like everyone else's opinion. I truly despise this man and refuse to watch his reviews. He came for the atmospheric, ethereal pop genius Lana Del Rey far too many times. DEAD. TO. ME. :smokes4: :rip:




:awk: some of that is awkwardly immature, i don't like him as much as the next person but i really don't think bodyshaming (when he isnt exactly fat) is anywhere near the right way to go. The guy is a music critic, it's his job, his main platform is YouTube and he clearly has enough influence to have been sponsored and shouted out by major companies. You won't like everyone's opinions, whereas you may relate heavy to Lana's songs- he might not relate at all. and this would lead him to dislike it. And I know for a fact he gives ratings off the artist themselves and his opinion on how they went forward/backward. He gave BtD a 3 for being a little unique, but much or less having most songs be about guys. (Hell, even the TIWMUG which I love was centered around heartbreak and guys to an extent) the only one i can remember not being about that theme is Radio; and tha'ts moreso Lizzy finding Lana and telling all the people who didn't believe in her to fuck off. 


With that he gave UV a 2, ( :hdu:  IKR !!1!) because it took that 'only using love as a theme' and went heavy with it, whereas we saw emotion and raw vocals, he saw offkey and off beat coos that were awkward to listen to because she sounded monotone and lifeless on the normal parts of the tracks in his opinion. He felt that personally, it was a step back for her; not that he absolutely hated the album and wished it to burn in hell. 


He gave Honeymoon a 5, because this time it flipped the script. It showed Lana not giving a fuck about her man leaving and giving him the 'hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave', it gave personal views on fame that didnt include a love interest. It gave betrayal it gave full mourning and showed emotion while staying on key. Her lyricism had improved; he didn't like some of the awkward lyrics and Freak, (lets be real- Freak is BtD concept with HM instrumentals). 


Even with his Groupie Love rating- he gave it a meh because he felt the 'trap' instrumentals were holding her back more than they were propelling her to better song success. He saw that in SB and CWIMM as well. He personally said it would've been a top track if not for the awkward flavorless trap beats. Thats it. 


The review said the song was messy, he actually said Lana did decent on the track- wasn't off key and had good harmonies. He wasn't into the emotionless trap beat with carti's adlibs and the weird male background vocals that didn't belong in certain areas. 


I know to god some of you aren't this messy and aren't this low to try and go to an extreme and use (dumb arguments albeit) to try and rally a point to get likes. I know y'all aren't. Have some logic with this, don't like him? Don't give him your screentime. Don't give him your peace of mind. Don't give him your attention. Don't give him your coins.  :oprah3:



Regardless, no critic of any medium signed up to be universally loved. They will always have polarizing opinions. It's what they're meant to do. If they kissed ass to every cult loved artist they're no more than a musical lobbyist.

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If he really isn't lying, (which is HIGHLY UNLIKELY, since you can easily obtain and empty jewel case, print out the cover art & make a sticker showing the singles, as pictured) he needs to show us more....believable proof....like, giving us new snippets of the songs, etc; but we all know he won't. because he's lying  :toofunny:  :troll:

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