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Gay Purge in Chechnya, Russia

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It's shocking and heartbreaking that there's an actual gay purge happening and people are being tortured and killed just for who they are. I can't believe that this has been going on for almost a month now – or even longer, but that's when media outlets started covering it –, yet no (western) politicians have actually done anything about it. 


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a gay pop star in Russia has apparently been tortured to death by police



It was reported he was bundled into a car hours after arriving in the Russian republic on 8 August, 2017, and hasn’t been heard from since.

A few months later, a chilling report claimed he had been murdered by authorities in Chechnya as part of their crackdown on LGBTQ people.

“He arrived in Grozny and was picked up by police within three hours,” an insider claimed. “Within ten hours he was murdered.”

Chechen officials denied any involvement of the disappearance of Bakaev, and suggested that he has simply just left the country.

However, campaign group Human Rights Watch (HRW) have now said: “There is little doubt he was targeted because of his sexual orientation.”

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has now spoken about Bakaev’s disappearance, not only denying any responsibility but suggesting that he was killed by his own family for being gay.




Chechen police are reportedly urging parents to kill their gay children, according to survivor testimony from one man held in a “gay torture camp” in the region.

Authorities have been telling parents of gay men to “sort it out” or the state will intervene, the victim, who has not been identified, claimed. 

They tell the parents to kill their child. They say ‘Either you do it, or we will. They call it: ‘Cleaning your honour with blood.’

“They tortured a man for two weeks then they summoned his parents and brothers who all came.

“Police said to them: ‘Your son is a homosexual – sort it out or we’ll do it ourselves.’

A spokesman for Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, said reports that more than 100 men were detained in April was “absolute lies and disinformation” and claimed gay people did not exist in the region.

“You cannot detain and persecute people who simply do not exist in the republic,” he told Interfax news agency.

“If there were such people in Chechnya, the law-enforcement organs wouldn’t need to have anything to do with them because their relatives would send them somewhere from which there is no returning.”

sorry this is so ugly but I really can't stand looking at this enough to format it nicer 



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Not sure if you guys heard, but it's happening again (still?), and apparently it's not limited to Chechnya. Basically, a "kill list" website keeps showing up, and an LGBT activist called Elena Grigoryeva was killed in St. Peterburg a few days ago after her name appeared on that list. I'm so shocked and upset, especially because I thought "progressive" (for Russia's standards) cities like Moscow or St. Peterburg were somewhat safe for queer people. Like, I actually know gay people from Moscow and I'm so worried about them right now.




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This year a documentary on this came out, Welcome to Chechnya. It depicts how activists literally helped evacuate guys from the region. I think it was on yt but it is only on hbo now. I could not even finish watching, too heavy. But shit is as real as ever, unfortunately

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On 9/29/2020 at 2:20 PM, diluted dreams said:

This year a documentary on this came out, Welcome to Chechnya. It depicts how activists literally helped evacuate guys from the region. I think it was on yt but it is only on hbo now. I could not even finish watching, too heavy. But shit is as real as ever, unfortunately

Omg I need to find that. I did a mini report back in 2018 for a history class current event assignment. 

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1 hour ago, The Siren said:

Omg I need to find that. I did a mini report back in 2018 for a history class current event assignment. 


I watched it a month ago and I LOVED IT, I recommend everybody to check it out


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