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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    She said in one interview that Video Games was an homage to violent love.. I wonder who that's about...
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Uh... what I mean is that her music is uplifting to me? I can stand on my own... And I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your sentences. 
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Awkward. I love Gaga. I love Lana. Gaga makes me feel strong, and Lana makes me feel like it's okay to feel weak. I still stan for them both. I guess they don't like eachother, because despite their similarities they are very different people. 

    and you guys, not all monsters are rude. i am a monster and i still love them both. 
  4. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in The Woodlands, TX @ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion - May 7th, 2015   
    i'm going! i'm gonna be in section 101
  5. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Leaves Chateau Marmont with Barrie   
    pls. she's not taylor swift...
  6. DarkParadise liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Awkward. I love Gaga. I love Lana. Gaga makes me feel strong, and Lana makes me feel like it's okay to feel weak. I still stan for them both. I guess they don't like eachother, because despite their similarities they are very different people. 

    and you guys, not all monsters are rude. i am a monster and i still love them both. 
  7. pussycat liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Uh... what I mean is that her music is uplifting to me? I can stand on my own... And I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your sentences. 
  8. pussycat liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Awkward. I love Gaga. I love Lana. Gaga makes me feel strong, and Lana makes me feel like it's okay to feel weak. I still stan for them both. I guess they don't like eachother, because despite their similarities they are very different people. 

    and you guys, not all monsters are rude. i am a monster and i still love them both. 
  9. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in So Legit   
    Awkward. I love Gaga. I love Lana. Gaga makes me feel strong, and Lana makes me feel like it's okay to feel weak. I still stan for them both. I guess they don't like eachother, because despite their similarities they are very different people. 

    and you guys, not all monsters are rude. i am a monster and i still love them both. 
  10. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Little things that you love about Lana   
    She's just an all around kind, caring, loving person, and she seems to be really true to herself when it comes to the music she makes which is also really unique, and she's emotional just like me ok haha
  11. cola liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in The Dreamland Sessions   
    I think they called it Dreamland cause of the book by Sarah Dessen
  12. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Leaves Chateau Marmont with Barrie   
    pls. she's not taylor swift...
  13. prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Leaves Chateau Marmont with Barrie   
    pls. she's not taylor swift...
  14. readyforheavensgates liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Leaves Chateau Marmont with Barrie   
    pls. she's not taylor swift...
  15. cola liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Del Rey announces 2013 European Tour dates   
  16. iloveguineapigs liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Del Rey Genre?   
    I'd say it's basically pop music. It just doesn't seem like pop music nowadays because everyone correlates pop with generic, but that doesn't have to be the case at all.
  17. Monicker liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Lana Del Rey Genre?   
    I'd say it's basically pop music. It just doesn't seem like pop music nowadays because everyone correlates pop with generic, but that doesn't have to be the case at all.
  18. DarkParadise liked a post in a topic by ThomasDelRey in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    My least favorite would have to be Blue Velvet. Young & Beautiful should have been on it instead of that.
    Ride 5/5
    American 5/5
    Cola 5/5
    Body Electric 5/5
    Blue Velvet 2/5
    Gods & Monsters 5/5
    Yayo 3/5
    Bel Air 4/5
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