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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Hundred Dollar Bill


    Can someone send me the sleepy music in lossless?
  2. UGGAHHHHHHHH H ur thinking of Riki lindhome
  3. kind of offended the dick pic wasn't left here for at least 24 hours so I could have seen it
  4. she honestly just needs to stfuuu lol. like can this not be a recurring theme in all of her albums omg i'm driunk though so maybe none o f this means anyhting Sucker is pretty good???? decent???
  5. Lana Del Ray - 23 Ultraviolence - 16 Honeymoon - 24
  6. Honeymoon - 24 Music To Watch Boys To - 26 God Knows I Tried - 15 Art Deco - 21 Religion - 25 Salvatore -13 The Blackest Day - 29 Swan Song - 18
  7. Lana Del Ray - 22 Ultraviolence - 15 Honeymoon - 25
  8. wtf is wrong with y'all, Mermaid Motel is amazing Mermaid Motel - 22 Kill Kill - 26 Yayo - 16
  9. Lana Del Rey - 21 Born to Die - 1 Ultraviolence - 16 Honeymoon - 21
  10. Sirens - 2 Lana Del Ray - 18 Born to Die - 4 Ultraviolence - 17 Honeymoon - 18
  11. Aw okay it's kind of cute actually.
  12. I think some people just enjoy disliking things.
  13. I'm about to watch this & I'm really excited!! I've heard lots of really good things. It's been going around the festival circuit for over a year, I've been waiting a while. Ahh!!
  14. i can so easily picture Lana in some Americana MAGA trash, isn't that awful classic
  15. I had a 3 way hookup w/my cuban bf & a professor at FSU - in his office I've hooked up with my drug dealer cousin for free acid I'm a compulsive liar
  16. @National Anthem @Freaky Rockshow !!! One Armed Lullaby is so good, it's like a sister to Time. I need more ppl to listen. Edit: Why don't tags work for me anymore??
  17. She said A-Yo is the second single like last week on GMA!
  18. I saw her in the Hard Rock Cafe in FL babyyy way back in 2012 or 2013, god that's been years now. it's crazy ..
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