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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Judgement is human nature. Whoever says "people shouldn't judge others," is full of shit and doesn't know what they're talking about. You judge someone the second you see them, whether it be internally or externally, and most of the time you aren't even aware you're passing judegment. It's what you do with your judgement that counts.
  2. still haven't listened to that version... #flopyayostan #pleasedontkillme #ilovecats
  3. she is touring here, you just want to see me cry!
  4. Can someone that's good at music make a version of Yayo with the backing track from the PE but the vocals from AKA, and vice versa? Please, I'll give you a baby kitten. :3 Also, it would be really cool if maybe there was a version with the backing track of PE & the vocals of AKA, but after the bridge, it shifts into the backing track of the AKA version. This probably isn't worth a thread but I didn't want to make it a status and it be forgotten in 30 minutes.. Anyway, so I'm not a complete failure, if you'd like to discuss the many versions of Yayo and which you prefer most, and why, etc. feel free to do so here! My favorite is the AKA version because it's perfect. this is so stupid i just can't with words why am i a mod
  6. i swear i have juju vibes or something bcuzz i just pm'd you about dis L-V-U u
  7. OH. I just mean, it's the obvious intended title, regardless of the registered title. Why would Lana write the lyric as "every man gets his wish," and then make the song title Every Man Has His Wish? It wrongs logic and I don't like logic being wronged.
  8. Well you were rather bombastic in the way you came across with your opinion, I didn't like it. Instead of saying "This is just plain fucking gross," and making it seem like you're passing ~ixtreem judjmint~ on people that have different sexual preferences than you, you could've said "I find this fucking gross," or "In my opinion, this is just plain fucking gross," you see? It's all in word choice.
  9. Oh, you want a real reply? Ok. There's nothing "wrong" with altering the title of a song so that it fits my personal methods of organization and preference. It's not like it's going on someone else's music player. Okay, so a bad song title wouldn't actually keep me from listening to the song if there was no other song-title option, but since other titles have been put out into the open, I am using my available options. I argue for it because it makes more sense to call the song 1949 considering that it's the title of the demo the song originated from, yeah.
  10. You need Jesus, period. Don't you know that all gays go to hell? I'd hate to be you rn tbh.
  11. But I can get those illegally, don't they know that?
  12. Yet you've still kept the unofficial title Puppy Love? I don't care what the official title may be; if I like it one way it must be done that way. I wouldn't listen to AKA if I didn't have it titled Nevada. Same goes for PS(GW), that's such a stupid, shitty, ugly title. Teenage Wasteland is far superior. I also have Every Man Gets His Wish titled as 1949 because it's a better title, and although no one acknowledged it, the original file was titled as Every Man Gets His Wish (1949).
  13. I'm just now noticing this, but Christ, calm the fuck down. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it gross.
  14. I doubt it. In Brite Lites, there's a guy whispering "1, 2," etc. in the beginning so it was probably one of her band members playing the guitar.
  15. I completely agree with this! They are simple lyrics, but they feel so personal. I love them.
  16. Neither am I, really. It took me like 2 weeks to watch Ride, and that's the only time I watched it. It's a nice video, but music videos bore me to death. The only reason I seek out music videos when I do is so I can screenshot a nice desktop background out of them.
  17. Aw, this is such a cute idea, LDR! I will happliy participate when my box set arrives.
  18. I'm actually really beginning to love the new version of Yayo. It's not as good as the original, but I don't think people are giving it a chance simply because it's been done before and they love the first version. I don't think that should cloud people's judgement, though, because regardless of whether or not you like this new version, you can still listen to the AKA one. It irritates me when i see people say something like, "Oh, I hate this one, the AKA version is so much better and she just ruined the song." You have to realize it's its own song, too. Stop comparing it with the other versions, that will only make you dislike it. When I first listened to it, I was so disappointed because the echoing/repeating "dark night" wasn't there in the bridge, but the more I've listened to it, I've come to appreciate it for what it is; its own song. I even took the one problem I initially had with it and turned it into a positive, and what do you know? It's now my favorite part of the song. That moment in the bridge is just as powerful as the AKA version for me, although with different reason. I love how instead of repeating/echoing "dark night," she's just quiet, and then you hear her breathing and I really love that. It's so eerie. The final chorus picks up after that and it's so haunting, I love it. I understand if people don't like it in general, but don't dislike it just because it's not as good as the AKA version, that's stupid.
  19. Are you kidding me? I'd be the homewrecker anyday. I'd lick the hobo's foot, I can't deal with excessive amounts of body hair. WYR eat someone's shit or lose both of your thumbs?
  20. You could always message me, you know, since you never talk to me anymore.
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