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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. You can take your sass elsewhere.
  2. Apparently so. I mean, who is going to seriously seek out old demos/unreleased songs by an artist, know that they are demos/unreleased songs, and then judge her now based on something she did then? She is never going to release it, probably doesn't even think of it very often, and people are sitting there bitching about how she's conformed or sold out or whatever? Ugh, this is why I don't go on Youtube anymore. Jesus.
  3. Auto-tuned?? What? Elaborate please, I do not hear this at all.
  5. I know you didn't, but there were members on ldr.fm that were rude enough without an NBH thread and I know that people will come along and make it bad. If there were a thread for that, someone would try to justify themselves by using the NBH as an excuse, and it would just be a mess that no one needs.
  6. It shouldn't be personal, but it's an easy excuse for someone to attack a member that they may already dislike for whatever reason. I agree with us being a small forum and it shouldn't be a problem, but we aren't going to be a small forum forever. New people will come and someone will get offended/pissed off/upset and I just don't think we need a place where that could happen. The forum should be a place for discussions, not arguments. Save the arguing for Facebook.
  7. I don't think there should be an NHB or Stan Wars area because it's basically an excuse for people to get nasty with each other over opinions. I really doubt people can handle a place like that without getting offended or offending someone else. We don't need to create a place in this forum for people to make enemies and get away with being rude/disrespectful. Anyway, here are some additions I'd like: MOAR EMOTICONS. ANOTHER ADMIN OR TWO BECAUSE THE UPDATES TO THE FORUM ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. MOAR EMOTICONS. AN INTERVIEWS SECTION. A DOWNLOADS SECTION, FOR WHENEVER DOWNLOAD LINKS BECOME ALLOWED. ANOTHER ADMIN OR TWO BECAUSE WE DON'T UPDATE OFTEN ENOUGH. MOAR MEMBERS. THE ABILITY TO COMMENT ON STATUSES FROM MOBILE. AUTO-BANNING FOR PEOPLE THAT DISLIKE LUCKY ONES. STRICTER RULES FOR THE DOWNLOADS SECTION IF IT EVER BECOMES AVAILABLE. MOAR IDEAS FOR UPDATES. THANK YOU.
  8. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I think she has the perfect voice to sing White Christmas. I'd also like to hear her sing Blue Christmas similar to Elvis' version.
  9. If their notification settings are set up that way, then yes.
  10. Ooh you killed me? So I see you're a necrophiliac.. I like. MARRY EMILE BECAUSE LOON NOISES. Fuck David because he's a genius, and kill Rick because that's all there's left to do. Cola, Gods & Monsters, Bel Air.
  11. I hear, "might be hip, might be hot."
  12. Smarty and Yayo are my favorites from AKA. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I love it when Lana sings higher pitched than usual, I really prefer it to her regular singing. That's one of the reasons I love Lucky Ones so much. I really love Daddy Issues too, I know a lot of people don't. I feel like my favorites are hated by everyone else. I also really like the production on Burning Desire and Ride. I know a bunch of people were complaining about the "gritty" or "heavy" sound of the songs, but that's how they were made to sound. Burning Desire is husky and sexy, so it's going to be gritty and heavy. Ride is kind of a busy mess towards the end, and I think that was intentional for the emotional build of the song. Am I the only one who thinks this? I think a lot of people are just so used to the glossy production from BTD that these songs just sound weird to them because it's not as polished as BTD was, that it's a new sound.
  13. You think that would stop me? :creepy: I'd marry ATL so I could listen to him swoon whenever I wanted. I could have him do a concert with Lana and they would perform Lucky Ones for me! (I feel like such a joke here ). I'd fuck Ben Mawson because he's sexy and there's nothing more gorgeous than my hundred dollar bill, if ya know what I mean. I'd have to kill Heavy Hitler because of the whole mustache genocide thing, you know. Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees.
  14. FINALLY A JUICY POST THAT I WANT TO ANSWER. Did I just say "juicy"?........... I'm sorry. I'd marry Monicker (he could finally teach me his ways, till death do us part!!!! ), fuck Evilentity (because he's a straight male and it would be horrifyingly delicious to watch him squirm in fear of my faggotry, BDSM yo ), and kill Lemon Pie.............................. with my mouth.
  15. Oh hunny, I'm not so sure about you here. It doesn't seem like you know anything when you can't even use proper grammar! What was it that you knew, again? Oh right, nothing.
  16. I've ignored this every time I've seen you do it so far, hoping you'd eventually correct yourself, but I can't help it anymore. IT'S Every Man GETS His Wish, NOT Every Man HAS His Wish. STOP. COLLABORATE AND LISTEN.
  17. I really felt the difference now that you've pointed it out and I've paid attention to it. That was a really awesome experience! Thank you for that. I definitely felt the "train" effect that you were talking about in the mono mix, especially towards the last minute of the song. I think I'm going to make duplicate files for the songs on Paradise Edition and convert them to mono so I can listen to them next to each other like I just did with these songs. I know I'll always prefer stereo though, I'm a very attention-to-detail person in terms of music and a few other things. You're awesome!
  18. I really want to hear this remastered. I think it's one of her best songs lyrically.
  19. Why would you prefer that? I hate mono, it makes it seem like the song is confined by space. Is it one of those Monicker things, where my puny knowledge of audiophiles is squashed by your ever-knowing greatness? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!!!!
  20. Only one I'm looking forward to. Die Young was terrible, terrible, terrible. She's on a downward slope imo. I loved Animal, it faded out, kind of liked Cannibal, it faded out even faster. Now, hearing Die Young, I just cringe thinking about how bad Warrior will probably be. Ke$ha is just a mess. She took too long to release this and I don't even think it'll turn out the way she initially promoted for it to, what with the Rock 'n Roll vibes/direction she said she was going for with the album. It's probably just another Top 40 mess. I hope I like it though. I loved the snippet for Supernatural.
  21. While reading back over my post, I've noticed that there is a large amount of.. sass in my responses. Beware! I have tried my very best to make use of some emoticons to lighten the sass but it might not be enough for wary eyes. That's not really an unpopular opinion. Not an unpopular opinion, but that's okay, because you're not alone in beling completely bonkers for not appreciating the best song on BTD. I'm not surprised though, being that Dark Paradise is your username. (It almost hurt to be that sassy... almost). Yay, an actual unpopular opinion here! I love it too, and it almost makes up for your hatred of Lucky Ones... until I saw this: While this is an unpopular opinion, OMG EW EW EWE WEW EWE W EWEEWEWWWWWWW. But... it's Yayo. Yayo is perfect no matter what. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: True, but I've seen a lot of posts in here that are just blatant negativity and not unpopular opinions at all. I'm fine with people having negative things to say about Lana & her music (trust me, I've got a few things I could say myself), but this isn't the thread for that! Wow sassy. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: I know, we know. Like I said, it just isn't the thread for it really because I've seen so many posts that are less unpopular and more just negative thoughts. BLARGH! How about we take our frustrations out in a more appropirate thread? I'll buy you some new balls of yarn!
  22. Noticed this too and I'm kind of tired of it.
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