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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I've been thinking about this a lot since I started listening to the EP. To me, Paradise resonates as something beautiful and joyous and while Lana obviously creates beautiful music, I wouldn't describe it as happy. Anyway, while listening to American something clicked with me in a really big way. She got to the Springsteen line and I noticed something. Having grown up listening to/loving Springsteen I'm not sure why I didn't get it before but our boy Bruce has a song called Paradise. I flicked over to it immediately and remembered remembered how melancholy/somber it is and how it's not talking about paradise in the conventional sense.

    Edit: I meant to link the video in the OP, sorry.
    A possible reference/tribute from Lana?
    Also take into account the album it comes from, The Rising is a reflection on 9/11.
  2. RileyThomas liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise Singles   
    I think that American is the only one with real single potential.
  3. WilleoSoeurs liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Before I rate the individual songs, I just want to make an annoying HDB-styled post on my overall thoughts of the album as a whole. I love it! I like it more than BTD because BTD gets a little monotonous at times and it's too polished, whereas this album is polished differently in a way that I can handle and enjoy. I also think that there's a great variation of styles song-wise. Each song sounds and feels different, which I cannot say the same for about BTD. I do think that BTD has much better lyrics overall. What Paradise lacks in lyrics it makes up for in every other aspect though. Main complaint of Paradise: the bridges. Normally Lana has amazing bridges that are really satisfying, but a lot of these songs don't have that. Blahblah, let's move on to the songs. sagbkjghakljhfajsdfhal
    Ride 4.5/5
    I think this is a great opening song, very cinematic and emotional. I love how Lana has done more vocal layering in this song and the album in general. I won't give it a 5 because something Maru pointed out a month or so ago stays true with me as well; The song is lovely and beautiful, but it's kind of generic when you think about it. I also would have liked it better if she hit the high note in the bridge a little cleaner because it seems restrained and it sounds like she struggled with it a bit. It's great single material but I can see myself skipping over it in a few months to get to the higher points of the album.
    American 5/5
    Sitar said a lot for me, I'd have to say we're on the same page about something for once! This song is a great build-up to a really satisying end. I can't say if it's my favorite yet, but it could definitely become so, and even if it doesn't, it's still one of the best on the album. I really just fucking can't with those of you complaining about the lyrics to this song. They are so natural and heartfelt, what is wrong with you. I saw Matt complaining about the line, "I was like, 'Hell yeah, that guy can sing,'" and that irritated me to no end. Guys, she doesn't need to have eloquent adjectives and amazing metaphors in every line of every song. This song is simplistically written yet direct. I feel like she's singing me a page of her diary when I play this song, it's lovely. How else would she have said those lines? There's no other way, this song is perfect. It is a feeling, it's a fucking adventure. I love it.
    ALSO-one complaining thought. Does anyone else think it sounds like Lana is singing from behind like, a wall of paper or something? It seems like they used a weird vocal effect, idk. Sorry.
    Cola 5/5
    You know, after hearing the second snippet, I was really worried that this song would bore me and be one of those songs that you skip after verse one, but DAMN was I wrong. This song is fucking great, and it's so much more than I expected. I wanted to love this song and it has exceeded that feeling for me. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream. It's got the best bridge of the album, which really, it didn't have much competition considering most of the other bridges were lackluster, but it's a really great bridge. This song doesn't build up like American, rather, it sails smoothly until the bridge, and then just fucking EXPLODES in your face (sexual innuendos plz, this song also makes me horny ). The high note she hits in the bridge is what Jesus died for, the guitar that comes in during the bridge is the blood from God's veins. This song is perfect. It will probably become my favorite, and I don't really doubt that. I also really want to touch on the fact that this song fucking fades out, oh my god. I LOVE it when a good song ends by fading out, this song literally has everything I could ever want.
    Body Electric 2.5/5
    I'm not even going to touch on this song, it's such a disappointment.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    This song is great, but it feels so out of place between Body Electric and Gods & Monsters. Why did they put it there? It should have been near the end, ugh. Anyway, it's a really good song, I don't see why people don't like it. I don't have much to say on it because it's a solid song. I love the Loon here, very well placed.
    Gods & Monsters 5/5
    I love this song! I agree with some complaints others have had about it, but overall I really love the beat and the feel it gives off. The Loon in the chorus fucking kills me and I wish it were a bit louder because I'm a Loon-Lover, no shame. The main thing I want to say is that I am kind of disappointed with the bridge. I wish she had taken some kind of direction with it, it's too short and not different enough from the rest of the song. I'm okay with it though. I'd have given it a 4.5, but I love everything else about the song completely. I think the way that the beat stays the same keeps you in the moment with this song, and the moment is so strong that consistency is a good thing here. The lyrics are definitely better here than most other places. It would probably end up my favorite if it weren't for the bridge, but it's definitely up there. I'm just really happy with it in general though!
    Yayo 4.5/5
    I really like this version, as I far prefer the melody done with piano instead of guitar, but it's no 2010 Yayo, not at all. The lack of echoing/repeating "dark night" in the bridge makes the song feel so... empty. My first listen of this song, I was anticipating that moment so much, and i was so upset that it wasn't there. As I think of it though, I guess that makes the whole feel of the song work to its advantage, because the empty feeling that the silence gives me works really well with the haunting effect of the song. Maybe I'll change my rating from a 4 to a 4.5 when I'm done typing my review.. I like that she sings on beat for the second chorus, as i was worried she'd sing way off for every chorus. It makes me really happy that the Loon is here. This song is very violet to me, and this version upsets me a lot more than the 2010 version, in a good (i guess?) way. I LOVE the breathing in the beginning and during the bridge. I love it so much. It kind of sounds like Lana is about to cough in the last chorus, right when she says "I wear your sparkle," lol. Here's a funny thought brought about by that cough, what if Lana didn't just do each song in one take, but the whole album in one take? There's a challenge for you, Lizzy.
    Bel Air 5/5
    I can see this one creeping up and becoming my favorite overall in a few months. It's absolutely beautiful, and like others have said, best lyrics on the album here. I LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the sounds of children in the beginning and end, and sometimes I can hear them during the verses. Birds chirping, too. God, this song is magnificent. Here's a confession for you, I thought this song was overrated from the snippets, people were going way too crazy over this song. Now that I have it in full though, I love it and I understand the appeal with it. I like how she sings high in this song, it's like Lucky Ones. I love Lucky Ones. This song just makes me feel really nice inside. It makes me want to hug Lana so badly, like, when i meet her, I'm going to thank her for making this song, this song specifically. It's so nice... dreamy sigh
    Burning Desire 5/5
    This song is so damn catchy. A lot of people said it's a grower, but I liked it right away. I love the huskiness in her voice, it's such a sexy song. It kind of makes me want to have sweaty bear-sex in the middle of a forest right next to the California coast. One complaint though, and this is going to sound insane coming from me, but... I HATE THE LOON IN THIS SONG. IT DOES NOT BELONG. IT'S SO OUT OF PLACE, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT HIM THERE. It's like, I'm sitting here, sexyfied up, ready to have swex (sweaty + sex = swex ) in the forest, and the bridge comes along, and I'm like yyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, enjoying the repitition of it until the Loon comes in like "lol hey wuss6p" ..... <_____< no go away u suck.
    askjfhsjklghjk so many words klsajgl
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Paradise Singles   
    W8, who? I'm h3r3 5 L1zzi3 Gr4nt.

  5. AlexandriaTheGreat liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise Singles   
    do you even like lana anymore
  6. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Before I rate the individual songs, I just want to make an annoying HDB-styled post on my overall thoughts of the album as a whole. I love it! I like it more than BTD because BTD gets a little monotonous at times and it's too polished, whereas this album is polished differently in a way that I can handle and enjoy. I also think that there's a great variation of styles song-wise. Each song sounds and feels different, which I cannot say the same for about BTD. I do think that BTD has much better lyrics overall. What Paradise lacks in lyrics it makes up for in every other aspect though. Main complaint of Paradise: the bridges. Normally Lana has amazing bridges that are really satisfying, but a lot of these songs don't have that. Blahblah, let's move on to the songs. sagbkjghakljhfajsdfhal
    Ride 4.5/5
    I think this is a great opening song, very cinematic and emotional. I love how Lana has done more vocal layering in this song and the album in general. I won't give it a 5 because something Maru pointed out a month or so ago stays true with me as well; The song is lovely and beautiful, but it's kind of generic when you think about it. I also would have liked it better if she hit the high note in the bridge a little cleaner because it seems restrained and it sounds like she struggled with it a bit. It's great single material but I can see myself skipping over it in a few months to get to the higher points of the album.
    American 5/5
    Sitar said a lot for me, I'd have to say we're on the same page about something for once! This song is a great build-up to a really satisying end. I can't say if it's my favorite yet, but it could definitely become so, and even if it doesn't, it's still one of the best on the album. I really just fucking can't with those of you complaining about the lyrics to this song. They are so natural and heartfelt, what is wrong with you. I saw Matt complaining about the line, "I was like, 'Hell yeah, that guy can sing,'" and that irritated me to no end. Guys, she doesn't need to have eloquent adjectives and amazing metaphors in every line of every song. This song is simplistically written yet direct. I feel like she's singing me a page of her diary when I play this song, it's lovely. How else would she have said those lines? There's no other way, this song is perfect. It is a feeling, it's a fucking adventure. I love it.
    ALSO-one complaining thought. Does anyone else think it sounds like Lana is singing from behind like, a wall of paper or something? It seems like they used a weird vocal effect, idk. Sorry.
    Cola 5/5
    You know, after hearing the second snippet, I was really worried that this song would bore me and be one of those songs that you skip after verse one, but DAMN was I wrong. This song is fucking great, and it's so much more than I expected. I wanted to love this song and it has exceeded that feeling for me. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream. It's got the best bridge of the album, which really, it didn't have much competition considering most of the other bridges were lackluster, but it's a really great bridge. This song doesn't build up like American, rather, it sails smoothly until the bridge, and then just fucking EXPLODES in your face (sexual innuendos plz, this song also makes me horny ). The high note she hits in the bridge is what Jesus died for, the guitar that comes in during the bridge is the blood from God's veins. This song is perfect. It will probably become my favorite, and I don't really doubt that. I also really want to touch on the fact that this song fucking fades out, oh my god. I LOVE it when a good song ends by fading out, this song literally has everything I could ever want.
    Body Electric 2.5/5
    I'm not even going to touch on this song, it's such a disappointment.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    This song is great, but it feels so out of place between Body Electric and Gods & Monsters. Why did they put it there? It should have been near the end, ugh. Anyway, it's a really good song, I don't see why people don't like it. I don't have much to say on it because it's a solid song. I love the Loon here, very well placed.
    Gods & Monsters 5/5
    I love this song! I agree with some complaints others have had about it, but overall I really love the beat and the feel it gives off. The Loon in the chorus fucking kills me and I wish it were a bit louder because I'm a Loon-Lover, no shame. The main thing I want to say is that I am kind of disappointed with the bridge. I wish she had taken some kind of direction with it, it's too short and not different enough from the rest of the song. I'm okay with it though. I'd have given it a 4.5, but I love everything else about the song completely. I think the way that the beat stays the same keeps you in the moment with this song, and the moment is so strong that consistency is a good thing here. The lyrics are definitely better here than most other places. It would probably end up my favorite if it weren't for the bridge, but it's definitely up there. I'm just really happy with it in general though!
    Yayo 4.5/5
    I really like this version, as I far prefer the melody done with piano instead of guitar, but it's no 2010 Yayo, not at all. The lack of echoing/repeating "dark night" in the bridge makes the song feel so... empty. My first listen of this song, I was anticipating that moment so much, and i was so upset that it wasn't there. As I think of it though, I guess that makes the whole feel of the song work to its advantage, because the empty feeling that the silence gives me works really well with the haunting effect of the song. Maybe I'll change my rating from a 4 to a 4.5 when I'm done typing my review.. I like that she sings on beat for the second chorus, as i was worried she'd sing way off for every chorus. It makes me really happy that the Loon is here. This song is very violet to me, and this version upsets me a lot more than the 2010 version, in a good (i guess?) way. I LOVE the breathing in the beginning and during the bridge. I love it so much. It kind of sounds like Lana is about to cough in the last chorus, right when she says "I wear your sparkle," lol. Here's a funny thought brought about by that cough, what if Lana didn't just do each song in one take, but the whole album in one take? There's a challenge for you, Lizzy.
    Bel Air 5/5
    I can see this one creeping up and becoming my favorite overall in a few months. It's absolutely beautiful, and like others have said, best lyrics on the album here. I LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the sounds of children in the beginning and end, and sometimes I can hear them during the verses. Birds chirping, too. God, this song is magnificent. Here's a confession for you, I thought this song was overrated from the snippets, people were going way too crazy over this song. Now that I have it in full though, I love it and I understand the appeal with it. I like how she sings high in this song, it's like Lucky Ones. I love Lucky Ones. This song just makes me feel really nice inside. It makes me want to hug Lana so badly, like, when i meet her, I'm going to thank her for making this song, this song specifically. It's so nice... dreamy sigh
    Burning Desire 5/5
    This song is so damn catchy. A lot of people said it's a grower, but I liked it right away. I love the huskiness in her voice, it's such a sexy song. It kind of makes me want to have sweaty bear-sex in the middle of a forest right next to the California coast. One complaint though, and this is going to sound insane coming from me, but... I HATE THE LOON IN THIS SONG. IT DOES NOT BELONG. IT'S SO OUT OF PLACE, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT HIM THERE. It's like, I'm sitting here, sexyfied up, ready to have swex (sweaty + sex = swex ) in the forest, and the bridge comes along, and I'm like yyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, enjoying the repitition of it until the Loon comes in like "lol hey wuss6p" ..... <_____< no go away u suck.
    askjfhsjklghjk so many words klsajgl
  7. sodaserialkiller liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Apparently, in the booklet it says "Ah, he's in the sky with diamonds," which pisses me off because that's lame. It sounds like she's saying Harvey to me, and that's how I'll continue to sing it.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by HeavenBaby51 in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    I voted for Body Electric as well.

    Not because it doesn't have good lyrics or good music along to go with it.

    I dislike how they made her voice seem computerized and fake.

    It seems over produced.


    Body Electric would've been my favorite for sure, but the studio version is disappointing to be honest.


    I vote for Body Electric LIVE as her best on this new edition of Born to Die!

  9. HeavenBaby51 liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    well we already have amazing live versions of Body Electric so i guess we didn't need it on the album either really though, the studio version is just so.. lackluster.
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mariann in Ride Headdress Controversey   
    But this is sad. Belonging to a small culture I refuse to be swallowed up by some global blender. Individuality is what makes different cultures so fascinating. I am not attacking Lana for wearing the headdress because I sincerely believe that she meant no offense but I can understand people wanting to keep some elements of their culture private. Maybe the melting is inevitable in the future but this doesn't mean that everybody has to calmly accept it.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mariann in Lana Confessions   
    What you said about lanadelrey.fm makes sense. There was always this begging and waiting for new leaks and then endless gratitude afterwards. As soon as CG and the leaks were gone everything started to fall apart. But more importantly, I still can't get over the fact that they simply ditched us without a single notice or explanation why the forum was suddenly gone.
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    You're saying that tracks 1-15 use the same master?
    Why is that ? Do you think they would have improved the mastering had they remastered it? I'd bet anything that if it had been/is remastered, it would have been/is for the worse--more compressed and louder.
  13. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Apparently, in the booklet it says "Ah, he's in the sky with diamonds," which pisses me off because that's lame. It sounds like she's saying Harvey to me, and that's how I'll continue to sing it.
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    *Listening (mostly) for the first time and typing my review as I go*
    Ride - 4/5
    This song is the "Born to Die" of the Paradise Edition for me. It's probably my favorite, though others will choose to skip it when it comes up on shuffle. I love the build up and how very Sam's Town it sounds. The drums that come in on I hear the birds on the summer breeze give me life, although I hate the video and I have to say that the monologue is v lame.
    American - 2/5
    I rated this a 2.. it's not a "bad" song per se, but lyrically- it is weak. Lana describes herself as a poet, and in this song, that does not come across in the slightest. I don't know if she's ripping of Tom Petty or paying homage with the party dress line ("Last Dance with Mary Jane"), but it was just too cheesy, along with all the "likes", "Springsteen is the king" (although this is true), and most of all- the wolf howlings... What is she trying to say about Americans, anyways? (I'm just glad all the artists she listed were, in fact, Americans)
    Cola - 2/5
    This is the song people will listen to and giggle when she says "pussy." It lacks depth, which is fine- a good, silly song is always welcome- but it's not that either. There is no buildup and there is no..er, for lack of a better term, climax. I've heard her describe this song as tropical and surf, but I am not getting that vibe at all, is it just me? And if this song is about Barrie, I do wonder about the wife lyric- are they actually married? I know your wife.. (because it's her) - but I digress. And it is most annoying that I cannot figure out if is she is saying Holly/Javi/Hubby??? Moreover, it's a bit creepy to sing about what your vagina tastes like and subsequently stating that you pledge allegiance to your dad for teaching you everything he knows. Also "Decorate my neck"..does Lana like pearl necklaces? (Lana, "niceys" is not a word)
    Body Electric - 4/5
    So very autotune-y but I like it. Still not liking her pronunciation of Opry. It's not OPRAY or OPRUUUUI..just Op-ree, said from a girl that spent her youth there. I didn't expect to like this because when she first sang it live, I found the lyrics to be sophomoric and the beat to be dull.. the kind of thing you listen to when you wanna go to sleep. However, I really appreciate what they've done to this song! It's fun to sing your own version, I highly recommend it haha
    Blue Velvet - 4/5
    This was a great cover for her. It gets a bit old if you play it too much, but it's nice. I hope she does more covers! The only fault is that I wanted her .. pitch? I'm not sure what term to use to be a bit higher.. or a high note would suffice. Usually, when you do a cover, you wanna make it her own- and she's done just that, though I still prefer Bobby Vinton's version.
    Gods and Monsters - 31/2-4 out of 5
    If she hadn't of mentioned Morrison (my daddy), who knows if it would've rated this high with me but despite the cringe worthy lyrics, it's not too horrible for me. The second verse is where it starts to decline, lyrically and sonically, although the scream is everything. So much buildup and, again, no climax! I wanted an explosion, fireworks, etc. but we get "dope shit up straight to the heart." The final verse is the worst.. it's like she's just rambling shallow little lines.. "if I get a little prettier can I be your baby?" ..kinda messes up the theme of the song. I do think it'd make for a very interesting video, though and I can see how "the tumblr youth" (wow, I'm old) will like this one and Cola most.
    Yayo - 1/5
    Hate it.. at times she sounds like she's trying too hard and at other times she sounds bored. The entire time she sounds distant and removed when the novelty of the song is that its so personal, sweet, and full of emotion..I do wonder if the stutter (I-I wear your sparkle") was intentional.. moving on..
    Bel Air - 4/5
    No real complaints with this song, it's just a bit boring. I do picture Lana walking down the Palace of Fontainebleau in the Born to Die video in her white nightgown walking towards "heaven's gates" when I hear this song. It's really pretty and I love when the chorus kicks in and overlaps the verse.
    Burning Desire - 4/5
    I really like this song but it took some warming up to. I think it was because the first version I had through Itunes was screwy.. it's so great now. It doesn't try to be anything more than it is and it's nice to drive at night to. I really love the little sound in the background during the verse. I'm guessing that's a piano? It sounds ~~ like a piano incognito as wind chimes.. ~~
    And I have to say- you can see the influence of the American Beauty soundtrack in this one, which I love...can you picture a plastic bag floating as you listen? lol
    Well, that's it- I'm a tough critic but I'll give the PE a 3/5.. with Body Electric being my fave, which is really surprising, and also Ride.
    Edit: Sorry I wrote so much!!
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Cola   
    For me, Cola is more like my Put Me in a Movie 2.0:
    eyeroll at first listen --> deletes it from iTunes --> puts it back --> "but no, seriously?" --> unchecks it in iTunes --> admits it's kinda pretty --> rechecks it in iTunes --> "but why did she have to go with THAT choice of words, exactly?" --> destined to break into my top 5 of that album (but wait, with TPE that's not saying as much...)
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Lana Confessions   
    Wait, oh my God.

  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in LanaBoards: Video Questionnaires!   
    this still happening?
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana talks Cola on Triple J with Tom & Alex (short audio interview)   
    I wonder what I taste like maybe I should ask
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana talks Cola on Triple J with Tom & Alex (short audio interview)   
    I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted or even mentioned here yet.
    Audio: http://soundcloud.com/triple_j/lana-del-rey-talks-pepsi
    Found here: http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/tomandalex/
    I can't believe how much these hosts are fixated on the lyric. They're like twelve year old boys. I'll take this moment to say that the overwhelming majority of the reaction to Cola has been so juvenile and tiring. It reminds me of being in class, like in COLLEGE, and the professor says something, for example, about "the penal system" and people start giggling under their breath. Obviously she's more explicit in Cola than this example, but the reaction to it still feels like that same sort of shit. OH MY GOD, THIS WOMAN IS TALKING ABOUT HER VULVA...HA HA HA PEPSI REFERENCES...LET'S NEVER LET THIS GO.
    So, whatever, now we know: it's something Barrie told her.
    I suspect that the line "Everyone around me [...] just thought it was really weird" sums up a lot about reactions to her in general.
    Anyway, on to more important things...what about that Cola a cappella demo she did on GarageBand?? When's THAT gonna leak?
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Yayo + Paradise (EP)   
    Oh, yeah Courtney ordered me like two thousand years ago, but she never came to pick me up and then Julia died and well... I somehow ended on the back of a camel in Egypt
  23. LipsterDelRey liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Before I rate the individual songs, I just want to make an annoying HDB-styled post on my overall thoughts of the album as a whole. I love it! I like it more than BTD because BTD gets a little monotonous at times and it's too polished, whereas this album is polished differently in a way that I can handle and enjoy. I also think that there's a great variation of styles song-wise. Each song sounds and feels different, which I cannot say the same for about BTD. I do think that BTD has much better lyrics overall. What Paradise lacks in lyrics it makes up for in every other aspect though. Main complaint of Paradise: the bridges. Normally Lana has amazing bridges that are really satisfying, but a lot of these songs don't have that. Blahblah, let's move on to the songs. sagbkjghakljhfajsdfhal
    Ride 4.5/5
    I think this is a great opening song, very cinematic and emotional. I love how Lana has done more vocal layering in this song and the album in general. I won't give it a 5 because something Maru pointed out a month or so ago stays true with me as well; The song is lovely and beautiful, but it's kind of generic when you think about it. I also would have liked it better if she hit the high note in the bridge a little cleaner because it seems restrained and it sounds like she struggled with it a bit. It's great single material but I can see myself skipping over it in a few months to get to the higher points of the album.
    American 5/5
    Sitar said a lot for me, I'd have to say we're on the same page about something for once! This song is a great build-up to a really satisying end. I can't say if it's my favorite yet, but it could definitely become so, and even if it doesn't, it's still one of the best on the album. I really just fucking can't with those of you complaining about the lyrics to this song. They are so natural and heartfelt, what is wrong with you. I saw Matt complaining about the line, "I was like, 'Hell yeah, that guy can sing,'" and that irritated me to no end. Guys, she doesn't need to have eloquent adjectives and amazing metaphors in every line of every song. This song is simplistically written yet direct. I feel like she's singing me a page of her diary when I play this song, it's lovely. How else would she have said those lines? There's no other way, this song is perfect. It is a feeling, it's a fucking adventure. I love it.
    ALSO-one complaining thought. Does anyone else think it sounds like Lana is singing from behind like, a wall of paper or something? It seems like they used a weird vocal effect, idk. Sorry.
    Cola 5/5
    You know, after hearing the second snippet, I was really worried that this song would bore me and be one of those songs that you skip after verse one, but DAMN was I wrong. This song is fucking great, and it's so much more than I expected. I wanted to love this song and it has exceeded that feeling for me. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream. It's got the best bridge of the album, which really, it didn't have much competition considering most of the other bridges were lackluster, but it's a really great bridge. This song doesn't build up like American, rather, it sails smoothly until the bridge, and then just fucking EXPLODES in your face (sexual innuendos plz, this song also makes me horny ). The high note she hits in the bridge is what Jesus died for, the guitar that comes in during the bridge is the blood from God's veins. This song is perfect. It will probably become my favorite, and I don't really doubt that. I also really want to touch on the fact that this song fucking fades out, oh my god. I LOVE it when a good song ends by fading out, this song literally has everything I could ever want.
    Body Electric 2.5/5
    I'm not even going to touch on this song, it's such a disappointment.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    This song is great, but it feels so out of place between Body Electric and Gods & Monsters. Why did they put it there? It should have been near the end, ugh. Anyway, it's a really good song, I don't see why people don't like it. I don't have much to say on it because it's a solid song. I love the Loon here, very well placed.
    Gods & Monsters 5/5
    I love this song! I agree with some complaints others have had about it, but overall I really love the beat and the feel it gives off. The Loon in the chorus fucking kills me and I wish it were a bit louder because I'm a Loon-Lover, no shame. The main thing I want to say is that I am kind of disappointed with the bridge. I wish she had taken some kind of direction with it, it's too short and not different enough from the rest of the song. I'm okay with it though. I'd have given it a 4.5, but I love everything else about the song completely. I think the way that the beat stays the same keeps you in the moment with this song, and the moment is so strong that consistency is a good thing here. The lyrics are definitely better here than most other places. It would probably end up my favorite if it weren't for the bridge, but it's definitely up there. I'm just really happy with it in general though!
    Yayo 4.5/5
    I really like this version, as I far prefer the melody done with piano instead of guitar, but it's no 2010 Yayo, not at all. The lack of echoing/repeating "dark night" in the bridge makes the song feel so... empty. My first listen of this song, I was anticipating that moment so much, and i was so upset that it wasn't there. As I think of it though, I guess that makes the whole feel of the song work to its advantage, because the empty feeling that the silence gives me works really well with the haunting effect of the song. Maybe I'll change my rating from a 4 to a 4.5 when I'm done typing my review.. I like that she sings on beat for the second chorus, as i was worried she'd sing way off for every chorus. It makes me really happy that the Loon is here. This song is very violet to me, and this version upsets me a lot more than the 2010 version, in a good (i guess?) way. I LOVE the breathing in the beginning and during the bridge. I love it so much. It kind of sounds like Lana is about to cough in the last chorus, right when she says "I wear your sparkle," lol. Here's a funny thought brought about by that cough, what if Lana didn't just do each song in one take, but the whole album in one take? There's a challenge for you, Lizzy.
    Bel Air 5/5
    I can see this one creeping up and becoming my favorite overall in a few months. It's absolutely beautiful, and like others have said, best lyrics on the album here. I LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the sounds of children in the beginning and end, and sometimes I can hear them during the verses. Birds chirping, too. God, this song is magnificent. Here's a confession for you, I thought this song was overrated from the snippets, people were going way too crazy over this song. Now that I have it in full though, I love it and I understand the appeal with it. I like how she sings high in this song, it's like Lucky Ones. I love Lucky Ones. This song just makes me feel really nice inside. It makes me want to hug Lana so badly, like, when i meet her, I'm going to thank her for making this song, this song specifically. It's so nice... dreamy sigh
    Burning Desire 5/5
    This song is so damn catchy. A lot of people said it's a grower, but I liked it right away. I love the huskiness in her voice, it's such a sexy song. It kind of makes me want to have sweaty bear-sex in the middle of a forest right next to the California coast. One complaint though, and this is going to sound insane coming from me, but... I HATE THE LOON IN THIS SONG. IT DOES NOT BELONG. IT'S SO OUT OF PLACE, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT HIM THERE. It's like, I'm sitting here, sexyfied up, ready to have swex (sweaty + sex = swex ) in the forest, and the bridge comes along, and I'm like yyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, enjoying the repitition of it until the Loon comes in like "lol hey wuss6p" ..... <_____< no go away u suck.
    askjfhsjklghjk so many words klsajgl
  24. CHARLIXCX liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    Maybe she's alluding to a video of Bel Air soon to come?
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ride - 3.5/5
    Ride is nice, I like the instrumentation but I'm not particularly fond of it lyrically apart from a few lines.
    American - 5/5
    Perfect really. Upon hearing the first verse I felt this huge rush of warmth and remembered this time when I was living with an old boyfriend and we used to get some kind of intoxicated, put on Graceland by Paul Simon and dance in the kitchen in our underwear while making pancakes. I can't really judge this track objectively because of that. I have very fond feelings towards it.
    Cola 4/5
    A few things really make this track for me. Firstly, that high note oh God wow. So impressed. Secondly the line
    I pledge allegiance to my Dad for teaching me everything he knows
    Just because she doesn't sing about family much and I was very moved by that. Do I have daddy issues?
    Body Electric 3.5/5
    I prefer the live version but it's still a strong track and I'll always be intrigued by it lyrically.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    I like this, I don't get you guys. It's so swoony. Have you ever had listened to it with your eyes closed while lying down?
    God & Monsters 2/5
    Weakest track, in my opinion. It's not that it's bad but it's just kind of background music for me. Like I can listen to it and zone out a little and it's pleasant, but I'm not overly impressed. I do like the surf rock sounding guitar though, very La Sera.
    Yayo 4.5/5
    To be honest there isn't a lot she could have done to this track that I wouldn't have enjoyed. Only disappoint was the lack of DAAAAARK NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
    Bel Air 4/5
    It just feels like something Tim Burton would use in a film. I feel like it breaks up the album really nicely too, because it's a different sound to me.
    Burning Desire 3.5/5
    I like the low vocals. I think it wraps up the album nicely. It's like Bel Air really draws you in and holds you up and this lowers you down slowly and you're left nicely content.
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