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  1. subversive light liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Paradise tour merchandise   
    Here's a picture of the Litho and the signature. It really is beautiful, and even if I do hate that guy he does fit the mood of the picture. We all loved him in blue jeans   The texture is great and it's nowhere near as flimsy and easy to break as a regular poster. I brought it with me on a plane, and tada, still perfect.


    Here's a picture of another signed picture by her (bought on ebay by a trusted seller *I hope*) The colors are upped in contrast to show off the signature.

    Other signatures HERE, HERE and HERE. I was puzzled by how the signature seemed different, but imagine signing 150 for each concert (?) or in a sitting, it gets kinda boring. It looks like it's rushed, and you can clearly see that it's by a marker that's kinda worn out up close. She change her style too, the loop of the Y is not always curled at the end. Meh, I trust her not to rip us off. 
    The top - now this is big in size. I bought it in medium, and it's kinda roomy. If you're tiny I would recommend getting it in XS, go down a size if you don't want it too big. The print is sturdy and it's not crappy made - there's even a label on it that says it's ethically made. i guess this means no child labour? That's a good thing in my opinion.

    Aaaand that was it. 
  2. subversive light liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Paradise tour merchandise   
    I bought the signed blue jeans poster for 750 nok (131 dollar) and the tank top for 250 nok (43 dollar). The t-shirt with the list of her songs on the back costed a bit more than the tank top, and the poster without her signature costed 500 NOK (?). There was only 150 versions of the signed blue jeans poster on the concert, don't know if this is a thing for each show?
    There was also a giant poster of her paradise cover (clean, only her photo, without text) that looked really neat, but I honestly never cared for the paradise cover. They also sold iphone covers with THIS picture. AND some Kassidy merchandise
  3. Kommander liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Dreams   
    I had this totally weird dream about Lana a long time ago I just had to share:
    It was just before Tropico came out, so I guess my subconsciousness was working with it when I was sleeping. I dreamt I was at her concert, and she had the whole tropico team going on. She was wearing an organic looking bikini while she was grinding onstage, flower crown and all. Then suddenly I find myself backstage with her. She's sitting in this industrial looking chair... I am all star struck, and dumbly say that all her merch is going to sell out if I stay with her for too long. Then she gets out of her chair and says "don't worry, honey" and slide open the wall, revealing a rack with cigarettes. She hands me a package, and I look at the box. She had designed her own brand of cigarettes  It was brown, like old paper, and on the box was a picture of her Tropico poster. But the cigarettes was called Tropical, not tropico, and before I can take a smoke Barrie appears and drags me with him. I cry because I have to leave Lana, I remember being seriously choked up. Then Barrie and I leave the room, enter a bathroom, and then we have fucking sex in the shower! Me and Barrie! And it was getting seriously hot too  Then I wake up and go all "wtf" and I seriously want a smoke, even if I only smoke when I'm going out. 
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in LDR Live in Bergen, June 14th 2014   
    Djesus, dem Norwegian kids trying to sing along. 
  5. Melania liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    The sadness that's always present, while still searching for happiness and peace. Finding the silver lining. I really appreciate the few times when I'm just really content and find meaning with my life, Lana's songs speak to that part in me. I really love the lyrics when she sings about the little things, and how much a small moment in the past can mean so much. "Living in the memories of the best of the past." Yup. 
    I don't relate to her choice in men, though. I have, hands down, at the age of (almost) 21 never been truly in love. A bit of puppy love, but nothing huge. I never developed that feeling and side of me. I'm very independent and too proud and stubborn to rely on other people too much, especially men... but her craving for being taken care of is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't want to admit it, but sometimes it would be a bit nice to have someone I can hug and melt into and go all "phlueeaaase, take care of me. Be my man!" and then I'm fuck no, I don't need that   But still, the whole fantasy is nice. I just live through her taste in bad men   This is also why I read these trashy romance novels. I don't have that complicated mess of a man in my life, so I experience it trough other things. But don't worry, one day I'll be unhappily in love, and then I'll listen to Video Games and cry. 
    And the whole youth thing... Sigh. I feel like I should have been more "live fast, die young". I was too good, and didn't act out before I turned 19. Crying in the bathroom drunk off of cheap vodka was something I should have done at the age of 16, I'm too old for that shit now. And while I'm still young, I feel it slipping away. And that pisses me off. 
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Paradise tour merchandise   
    Here's a picture of the Litho and the signature. It really is beautiful, and even if I do hate that guy he does fit the mood of the picture. We all loved him in blue jeans   The texture is great and it's nowhere near as flimsy and easy to break as a regular poster. I brought it with me on a plane, and tada, still perfect.


    Here's a picture of another signed picture by her (bought on ebay by a trusted seller *I hope*) The colors are upped in contrast to show off the signature.

    Other signatures HERE, HERE and HERE. I was puzzled by how the signature seemed different, but imagine signing 150 for each concert (?) or in a sitting, it gets kinda boring. It looks like it's rushed, and you can clearly see that it's by a marker that's kinda worn out up close. She change her style too, the loop of the Y is not always curled at the end. Meh, I trust her not to rip us off. 
    The top - now this is big in size. I bought it in medium, and it's kinda roomy. If you're tiny I would recommend getting it in XS, go down a size if you don't want it too big. The print is sturdy and it's not crappy made - there's even a label on it that says it's ethically made. i guess this means no child labour? That's a good thing in my opinion.

    Aaaand that was it. 
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Your Lana Collection   
    Some magazines. I'm still missing the best stuff, like Vogue Australia, L'Officiel, GQ, Obsession, Numero... yeah, the list goes on. 

    Picture discs...

    CD's, mostly singles.

    Tried to play with my collection. Failed.



    You other guys make me feel incomplete. Aaaand I forgot my paradise box.
  8. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Get the Look   
    Just sliding by to let you know she uses the Decleor Neroli Serum and La Praire Caviar creme (?) for her face. Decleor is great, but I have never used La Praire before. She use shampoos from Shu Uemura, if we can believe her words, and she praise the shimmer and the volume shampoo in interviews. Now you can all go broke, but look as fab as Lana does 
  9. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    The sadness that's always present, while still searching for happiness and peace. Finding the silver lining. I really appreciate the few times when I'm just really content and find meaning with my life, Lana's songs speak to that part in me. I really love the lyrics when she sings about the little things, and how much a small moment in the past can mean so much. "Living in the memories of the best of the past." Yup. 
    I don't relate to her choice in men, though. I have, hands down, at the age of (almost) 21 never been truly in love. A bit of puppy love, but nothing huge. I never developed that feeling and side of me. I'm very independent and too proud and stubborn to rely on other people too much, especially men... but her craving for being taken care of is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't want to admit it, but sometimes it would be a bit nice to have someone I can hug and melt into and go all "phlueeaaase, take care of me. Be my man!" and then I'm fuck no, I don't need that   But still, the whole fantasy is nice. I just live through her taste in bad men   This is also why I read these trashy romance novels. I don't have that complicated mess of a man in my life, so I experience it trough other things. But don't worry, one day I'll be unhappily in love, and then I'll listen to Video Games and cry. 
    And the whole youth thing... Sigh. I feel like I should have been more "live fast, die young". I was too good, and didn't act out before I turned 19. Crying in the bathroom drunk off of cheap vodka was something I should have done at the age of 16, I'm too old for that shit now. And while I'm still young, I feel it slipping away. And that pisses me off. 
  10. Nightmare Boy Online liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in What Are You Reading?   
    You guys are so intelligent in the reading department. I'm reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Don't judge me, I just love angsty fantasy books, baha! I think of buying leaves of grass by Walt Whitman. It would be interesting to read the poems that inspire Lana's lyrics. Aaand I like poems, always have. I have a book where I write down interesting poems and quotes I come across :smiles:
    Seeing your love for Lolita makes me think I should read it too.
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Maha Maha   
    So in gangster that basically translates to "Hey there, you sexy bitch."?
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    I laughed out loud when I saw those tattoos. I love Lana dearly, but where will I be in 10 - 20 years? A full dialogue, really?       
    I think some are cute, but you must be pretty damn sure to occupy your whole back or thigh dedicated to one artist, one person, possibly a stranger. And like someone said, it's Lana's "biography" and her life. 
    Basic bitches...
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    Oh God. Kill it with fire.
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Agreed. High By The Beach gets skipped, and skipped, and skipped... When I first heard it I was like  ,but it quickly went all  . Even though it appeals more to the masses in its simplicity, it's the most boring track on the entire album. It's a song a pissed off fourteen year old girl would send to her cheating boyfriend in a passive aggressive way. 
  15. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I feel like Honeymoon was a great album for the already existent fanbase who know her sound and enjoy her lyrics, but a bad album for those who have never listened to her before. The record is too coherent and can be labeled as boring if you don't give it a chance. I don't know about you guys, but when I discover new artists they have to spark my interest from the start. To me it was the hardest album to get into, but once I went through it about 5 times in a row it really caught my attention. It's like this geode rock - you have to crack it open to discover the gem that's hidden on the inside. 
    Born To Die is still her best album so far though 
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    I think it's important to read the negative reviews as well, especially those with a snarky undertone so we have something to laugh about - we as a fandom can take it, no?
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    Review from VG (17.09.15)
    Rating: 2/6
    Fourteen shades of Rey.
    For a personality who has to a huge degree not only understood, but claimed the Hollywood's stereotype, it's kinda appealing to believe that Lana Del Rey is on her way to become a stereotype herself.  
    Her third album (or fourth, or fifth, it depends on how you count them), is less of the mystical, immoral darkness that marked last years "Ultraviolence", and is more of the tenacious orchestration and obscure choruses that made "Born To Die" into an album that sold millions of copies. 
    Also read: Lana Del Rey - I wish I was dead. 
    No surprise, really. Ultraviolence disappeared fast from the VG's charts compared to the breakthrough album, and Norway wasn't the only market where the album hit a rough patch in the sales department. 
    So far the stile wise setback doesn't seem to make a commercial difference. The single "High By The Beach" hasn't had a breakthrough unless you take notice of how Billboard happily announced that it went straight into seventh place, and later corrected it to... ehm... 51'st place. 
    After Born To Die, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (what's still written on her mailbox), denied that she would release more music. She said she wanted to convey instead. 
    That self reflective trait should the 30 year old bring back into her life again. 
    Her universe of songs, visuals and brutally superficial aesthetics is placed in a glamorized place between the fifties and the sixties, in the movie version of California. Still cool and delicious. But no longer interesting to listen to. 
    It's rather single tracked, monotone and boring. The tricks have been re-used again and again. 
    The recipe of the songs is somewhat like this: Sing dark in the chorus. Sing in falsetto on the bridge to the chorus. Add some longing to the chorus. Let everything drone on so slowly that you're no longer sure if the song goes forward or backwards. Nancy Sinatra is lightly smeared over the whole thing. At one point there's something that more than just resembles the riff to "You Only Live Twice."
    The lyrics accessories itself by referring to David Bowies "Space Oddity" (Terrence Loves You), through the friend Azealia Banks on "Art Deco", a T.S Eliot Poem (!), and just like Ultraviolence, a Nina Simone Cover (Don't let me be misunderstood).
    "Salvatore" is about ice cream, intimidating manly creatures, and limousines in Italy. "24" is about all the hours of the day and night you have to work for love. "Religion" is about how some dude is Lana's religion (has nothing to do with the Vålerenga song*)* a footbal team from Norway, they suck btw. 
    Conceptual it's not all that bad. But it's produced in a way that you almost can't notice it - and it's dragged over 14 songs and close to 66 minutes. 
    The only good argument about the length of the album must be that the listener becomes hypnotized and numb. By the time you have escaped the album you're completely brainwashed by the repetition and is ready to believe anything... Like claiming that this is her best album so far. Which is far from the truth. 
    Inane, but the background mood remains clear throughout the whole album in every way. 
    If you wanted to mass-produce music the same way as wallpaper, then "Honeymoon" would be presented as someone's boldly self-assured pioneer work. 

    Translater - out. 
  18. LynnLana liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Agreed. High By The Beach gets skipped, and skipped, and skipped... When I first heard it I was like  ,but it quickly went all  . Even though it appeals more to the masses in its simplicity, it's the most boring track on the entire album. It's a song a pissed off fourteen year old girl would send to her cheating boyfriend in a passive aggressive way. 
  19. Mafiosa liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Agreed. High By The Beach gets skipped, and skipped, and skipped... When I first heard it I was like  ,but it quickly went all  . Even though it appeals more to the masses in its simplicity, it's the most boring track on the entire album. It's a song a pissed off fourteen year old girl would send to her cheating boyfriend in a passive aggressive way. 
  20. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I feel like Honeymoon was a great album for the already existent fanbase who know her sound and enjoy her lyrics, but a bad album for those who have never listened to her before. The record is too coherent and can be labeled as boring if you don't give it a chance. I don't know about you guys, but when I discover new artists they have to spark my interest from the start. To me it was the hardest album to get into, but once I went through it about 5 times in a row it really caught my attention. It's like this geode rock - you have to crack it open to discover the gem that's hidden on the inside. 
    Born To Die is still her best album so far though 
  21. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    I think it's important to read the negative reviews as well, especially those with a snarky undertone so we have something to laugh about - we as a fandom can take it, no?
  22. HighLikeABitch liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    I think it's important to read the negative reviews as well, especially those with a snarky undertone so we have something to laugh about - we as a fandom can take it, no?
  23. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    I go trough covers in deviantart, and yours are always the most striking. Love your work
  24. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    It will just be me, my sunglasses, my iPod and a crowded beach with hot male bodies. 
    "Excuse me miss, but you can't just sit there ogling all those men. It's indecent."
    "Stfu, this song has given me instructions, now go away." 
  25. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Recurring Lyrical Themes and Words   
    That's okay. Twice the attention 
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