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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. Somebody was commenting on her insta posts. Honestly this is a mentally ill person, we really shouldn’t look into it
  2. I want Body Electric and SoC back soo bad. But I’m also not willing to give anything up from the current setlist except NA. Oh. My. God!! https://twitter.com/lanapedia/status/959281304192786432
  3. Lmao I love her! She has no shame listening and singing along to her second best record HM
  4. Omg I thought she was gonna do HBTB for a second
  5. Fucking 80 degrees in Northern Cali. She’s prophetic
  6. I can’t really make out anything..what did she say?
  7. 99centlips

    Dua Lipa

    Did she meet fans after the venue?
  8. Living With Myself Background vocals only most likely
  9. 99centlips

    Dua Lipa

    Anyone going to her SF show next month??
  10. I hope she went to NASA today with the rest of her bandmates. She was probably SO HYPE
  11. I’m ready for these to be discounted after the tour lmao
  12. Lmao same I listened so many times. But I think in his caption he’s referring to the album as a whole not just the two songs because he says “I added a drum/cymbal treatment used through Rare Birds, my Crumar bass, a tiny smidge of Lana del Rey, a few other bits and boom - the genesis of my new album Rare Birds.” And she’s definitely on Living with Myself so I think that’s her only contribution. Although I don’t like how he deletes posts and tweets about Lana because he gets so much of a response from it. I know we’re all annoying and he’d rather have his own fans, but we are your fans too now! I even pre ordered his vinyl!
  13. I listened to both songs a couple times. They’re so damn long omg. Not bad background noise though. Maybe she was involved in production/writing of these songs? His insta post is still up And the caption has more info than the tweet. https://instagram.com/p/BelXu_fhYWN/ It says “a tiny smidge” of Lana so I doubt it’s more than background vocals.
  14. They just like to play with our emotions !! Lana’s gonna release a new project by the time I get my signed CD
  15. I had to contact them!! But this order included the coke bottle vinyl and one lithograph neither of them signed! I just got the litho cause it was $4 that day and I thought why not? So now they refunded me $4 so hopefully I’ll get my vinyl soon! I do have another order with a signed CD but I don’t think I’ll get it either ugh.
  16. Hopefully it’s not a lackluster product. Idk even know why she brought up her tour..Chuck isn’t even with her to film anything on tour
  17. 99centlips

    Kali Uchis

    LMAO why did it do that https://youtu.be/ud4ONGSZHOY
  18. 99centlips

    Kali Uchis

    Interview with MTV. She talks about tour with Lana towards the end toward 10:00 I’m a casual fan but I have to say she comes off kinda rude in this interview, doesn’t take her sunglasses off, isn’t really that interested in answering questions. Yikes hope it was just a bad day!
  19. https://twitter.com/mtv/status/958052144581509120 She literally forgot about it lmao
  20. Remember when she said LFL was in the same aesthetic as HM? Bitch where?
  21. It’s not difficult to put an outfit on and get your hair and makeup done is all I’m saying..she doesn’t have to put that much effort into it so it’s disappointing to see her just not try. But whatever
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