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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. “Possibility” ugh I’m so tired It’s.... it’s the same mask...
  2. Ok? What’s stopping you then? Lol.
  3. Not to sound rude but, after reading this... like, why are you even here? It sounds like you’re just waiting eagerly to stop being a fan.
  4. Veinsineon

    Miley Cyrus

    EXACTLY Queenie.
  5. I’m expecting anyone who expressed their “concern” today to never use a Trisha paytas driving gif ever again. How irresponsible and reckless. No need to enforce that behavior
  6. No grudge detected babe.... i just think a better question is why is it just becoming a problem today? We have seen a video similar to this countless times. There’s nothing in the video that alludes to Lana putting someone else’s life into danger.
  7. Can’t wait to get in my car and do some karaoke while speeding & swerving and driving in the opposite lane. All while filming myself and only looking at my camera so that you know I’m super into the music and just plain don’t care about anybody’s life but my own. Only because Lana said it’s cool though... not because I wanna spite some overly-concerned/critical individuals on here
  8. Yeah its soooooo cool and we’re all glamorizing it because we simply just don’t care to nitpick the actions of an [intelligent] adult. TUH. srsly tho cry about it
  9. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    The fact that you’re an album off is sending me
  10. Seriously, people so upset by this are about 3-4 years late to the party. It’s not like this is something new she’s just started doing.
  11. Girl it looks like a residential area, only about two cars can be seen in the video, and there isn’t a period where she takes her eyes off of the road for more than an entire second. Maybe report her to the police? Idk what else you want us to say. Let the woman drive how she wants and stop overreacting lol.
  12. So you think when she’s done recording herself and hitting post she continues to gaze at her phone and ignore the road? Swerving from side to side and being reckless? Sometimes it’s okay to feel yourself... I’d say especially in her case when she’s looking the best she has in years.
  13. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Cinnamon sounds like a machine trying to produce a Lana song. It’s just a run-of-the-mill Lana song With slightly less dry production.
  14. Yes we’ve noticed your absence. Yes we missed you legend She’s pretty knowledgeable of cars , I don’t think that excludes knowing how to drive.
  15. The album is currently at #75 on US iTunes albums chart. Let’s stream while we prepare for its anniversary !!
  16. Don’t act like you don’t leave your body too when driving in 2020
  17. Remember when Eminem said he’d punch Lana in the face twice like ray rice? The fact that she’s stayed a fan ever since and never really took it to heart is what separates her from other artists. But that like still makes me a little pissy, it was ugly.
  18. Wait your mind omg I didn’t even put two and two together
  19. inb4 she reworks Not Hungry for the album
  20. On the 8th of April Marina said she was writing the album alone, and that it was "Froot 2.0 but wilder".[11]
  21. It’s okay!! We’ve all been a buzzkill around here at least once it happens to the best of us. Stream Venice Bitch and have a better day tho!
  22. The extra concrete angel verse sent me straight to heaven
  23. I just don’t get the point in publicly complaining about other people participating in a discussion if you’re not even adding anything to it. There was no fighting. It’s pretty common around here for passive aggressive humor to be the status quo,., that’s kinda why we call people tasteless. Obviously we all have taste if we’re Lana stans...if you don’t like what is being posted take a few days off and go remember life before CO(CC)Rona. im sure there will be news for you to discuss with us by the end of the week.
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