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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Happy birthday but where do babies come from
  2. Veinsineon


    Imagine if the super sunset stems leak
  3. Just noticed on the right side of the magazine there is a blurb about the actual mask she’s wearing and an advisory not to wear the one pictured
  4. I’d be way more excited over a photo if we weren’t expecting something entirely different.
  5. Veinsineon

    Miley Cyrus

    Dooo It!, Tiger Dreams, & Lighter
  6. Veinsineon


    Don’t be shy, leak some more...
  7. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

  8. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    I think she made the right call to sell the house... And who knows, maybe she’ll move back overseas and find a different kind of inspiration or something. Good things come (So Wait)!!!
  9. Can’t wait for our annual single / yearlong break
  10. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    please DONT send me the solo version of Bon Appetit if anyone has it... its NOT what I'm craving to hear
  11. Veinsineon


    I can't stop listening omfg... literally so excited for this record
  12. Veinsineon


    I'm not sure if these are remakes but they kind of slap regardless https://dbree.org/v/5f4efd https://dbree.org/v/945f4f
  13. imagine if this song existed in normal quality
  14. Veinsineon


    Shygirl debut is gonna be so big
  15. Veinsineon


    David LaChapelle on TMTD is such a power move... his voice is so sexy
  16. Veinsineon


    Music People Good Vibrations Pleasure Passion Past Ambitions Smiling Grooving Pushing Screaming Everybody Is Just Tweaking
  17. Veinsineon


    Pretending is honestly the most underrated song on Oil. It sounds like waking up an entire planet of love and acceptance.
  18. Veinsineon


    God damn my coochie so good that I be shittin and pissin on all of deez chickens
  19. Veinsineon


    Somebody using the alias Kenny Almstrong and I’m guessing yes. avicci fans have been tormented by this dude for months now
  20. Veinsineon


    I just don’t even have words anymore
  21. Veinsineon


    Idk I think she’ll still release the TransNation video
  22. Veinsineon


    OMG I asked for exhilarate yesterday WHY AM I BEING FED
  23. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    there’s not going to BE an XCXmas, you stupid slut.
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