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The Siren

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Everything posted by The Siren

  1. The Siren


    Of course it's Kesha, she might release a whole different album. I just want her heavy metal era soon
  2. The Siren


    Idts, Pebe posted studio pics earlier this year. High Road was recorded from 2017-2019. It's likely that it'll take another year yet. (We also know of a finished folk album from before high road as revealed when she did the billboard interview about High Road)
  3. Just a btw about clicking on the ads, you need to click around the site to better help with adsence
  4. It gives it the "this could be me" cos it literally could be
  5. Whenever Elle gets around to doing the paid membership section, I think the downloads should move there
  6. this 100% there should be a whole exclusive section only viewable to (active) LBs members that have been here for 6-12+ months
  7. was her magnum opus not in the top 10?
  8. lets discuss the physical books we have owned for some time but have yet to pick it up and read them inspired by @plastiscguy They Both Die at the End Becoming Me: Elton John House Fires
  9. i have zero info on this image other than this youtube post. i dont see how it could be for VB cos its a 2019 photo and VB was 2018
  10. isnt lil aaron one of kim petras's luke apologist friends?
  11. aaand this is why we shouldve kept it internal first and then sent to our Lana stan friends that we trust to keep it hush hush. thank you @bigspender for trying <3
  12. its hard to believe but its true. idk how or what to say beyond that.
  13. thats the issue. a lot of the american population doesnt really do research that far out. it sucks but its what happens here, at least in my experience. yes! exactly this! if its on the second page of google, then its "not worth the time" for many americans.
  14. thats cos its not being reported on. none of it is on our news
  15. most american civilians arent too tuned in to the eastern world so when we hear of a war going on, we want to see whats going on. and with the technology we have, we can see it with out own eyes. back when the vietnam war happened, that was televised as it was happening. civilians got to see people they may know get killed on live tv. its not a new concept for america, afaik
  16. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    wrong song for you to have made this statement.
  17. do we know what caused this?
  18. i think each of them also @bigspender theres a Sirens one up (in addition to the Smarty one) https://qrates.com/projects/26272-sirens how do i report them? idk what do say
  19. taylor actually benefitted from that wish it never happened tho. both girls were shook and didnt like that in every way imaginable. without ed, there'd be three+ more songs i could listen to
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