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Everything posted by smoledman

  1. You know what I noticed about Mariners Apartment Complex the most? A mellotron(at least sounds like it, probably an emulator) on a pop record in 2018. Mind blown.
  2. Is anyone seriously bothered by all the songs featuring somebody else? 9th Symphony trumps all other music!
  3. smoledman


    I'm getting a sense of 'cult' around Lorde that makes me very uneasy. Where the quality of the songs could be fuck all, because she's a magic New Zealand pixie. Next thing she'll be making an appearance at the UN for feminism.
  4. smoledman


    Is there a single song on the new album that is as good as 'Royals' or 'Yellow Flicker Beat'? Honestly I think Lorde has lost the plot, suddenly making generic sounding pop music.
  5. smoledman


    Who else is not that thrilled with Lorde's new song? Meh. I expected her new single to be mind-blowing, awesome, innovative and the greatest thing EVAR. Just another average pop song!
  6. Hopefully it's not filled with stupid anti-Trump songs.
  7. If she's going to get political I'm off the LDR train. I'll enjoy all the past songs, but that will be IT for me.
  8. As long as there are no political songs I don't care what direction she goes in. Yes. Be political all you want in your own life, but I listen to music to escape from the everyday HELL that is this world. I love Lana's tales of lost souls in California.
  9. I disagree. I don't think she was ever comfortable in the rock idiom. She's a jazz artist at heart.
  10. More gansta Sinatra, hollywood sadcore! I want more songs that mention the old Las Vegas, Wilshire Blvd, Hollywood. Maybe she throw in some NoCal.
  11. I listened a lot to Honeymoon when it came out last summer and then dropped it until literally now. It's still just as visceral an experience! I'm glad Lana stuck to her guns and didn't sell out. This is the most quintissential "gangsta Nancy Sinatra hollywood sadcore" record ever created and I love every minute of it. But "Terrence Loves You" is the absolute highlight for me. Yeah why can't the haters just not say anything and blunt my mellow?
  12. Finally a reviewer that GETS IT! http://www.hitthefloor.com/reviews/lana-del-rey-honeymoon-album-review/ I like that. She "swims in her own lane". Just like Kate Bush did.
  13. I honestly think the entire music industry still does NOT get Lana and what she's about. Thank god she's able to find talented collaborators.
  14. This is a pretty good review: http://www.thespectrum.com/story/entertainment/music/backbeat/2015/10/07/have-another-helping-lana-del-reys-catchy-gloom-pop/73514522/
  15. I found this gem on a web site review: http://meetinmontauk.com/2015/09/07/song-of-the-day-2601-ride-lana-del-rey/ Uhu. Never mind that Lorde's first album came out 2 years after Lana's first single and is aimed squarely at teenagers. What the hell is innovative about Lorde?
  16. Let's agree to disagree MonsterGod. Not every video needs to have a strong narrative. The fact that first 2 videos are narrative-free leads me to believe the next one will have one.
  17. Honestly I don't she cares about the album sales. That's not where she makes her money anyways. It's from the H&M and other things. As long as she can continue making her art, I don't care how many "units of product" get shifted. What I want is another art film that makes Tropico look like child's play!
  18. "Kiss me hard before you go, Summertime Sadness" that opens "Summertime Sadness" "I would wait a mill-i-yon years" from Blue Jeans The beginning of BTD title track and how the strings swell during the chorus "Come take a walk on the wild side" as she goes into her higher register in BTD The chorus in "Off to the Races" in her uber-girly voice The chorus in "Lucky Ones" in her New York-ish accent All of Ride is a magnificent musical moment - should have won the Ivor Novello award that year, but especially the climax when she sings: I 'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby So I just ride, I just ride "In the Lands of Gods and Monsters I was an angel looking to get fucked Hard" - holy hell Lana The delicate, lilting verses on "Bel Air" The opening of Cruel World, it's just stuck in my head all the time "We both know it's not fashionable to love me...." - oh Lana That moment in "Terence Loves You" when she quotes Bowie
  19. Any guesses about the next video? I think either Freak or Art Deco.
  20. I think the interesting thing is, has she yet released anything under LDR you would consider awful? That's the real measure of a musical artist, they're only as good as their worst output.
  21. I consider the full "Ride" to be the "Holy of Holies" at this point. But this is up there with the rest of her merely "great" videos.
  22. What is TPE? Not an album, not Tropico, ????? Yeah amazing sales for someone of her type. Her songs do not appeal to the standard top-40 pop radio, Miley, Taylor Swift, hip-hop or anything else mainstream-wise. She's definitely what I would consider Queen of Alternative Pop. Long live Hollywood Sadcore!
  23. Those pink flamingos immediately made me think of the Miami Vice intro.
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