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About rafaelgould

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  • Birthday 11/26/1992

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  1. It was unexpected and to hear Lana in a new show (Third episode of the first season). The song fits perfectly the situation http://www.tunefind.com/show/the-originals/season-1/16152
  2. São Paulo too, it was confirmed a month ago. Don't know if go to Argentina or Brazil to see her for the first time
  3. I mean the music video (NA theme was amazing, intro, outro, the frame and filters, etc) And Lana looked flawless, the look in Ride with curls was kinda tacky
  4. It's fine, at least it's not for SS. I wish a Cola music video
  5. I thinks it's Cola, the red bikini with money inside suits a whore like Cola's theme (that likes old men)
  6. Hope this flop . She promised Cola as her upcoming single
  7. Hey, here's the translated interview from Marie Claire (Russia). Sorry if you found some mistakes You are always singing about disappointment. You had a sad love story? Yes, in my life was the man next to whom I would like to live life. We were both innocent and happy. But his feelings were soon to fade. He was sitting at home in front of a computer, not paying attention to me. It has become impossible to live together. It was hard to accept. I'm up to it for so long struggled with loneliness! And when it seemed that finally found someone who will take care of me, it was over. What you come up with in order to successfully compete with the monsters like Lady Gaga? Created their own image? Thank you so think? (Laughs) I do not think that I am doing something special. I do not wear crazy costumes. I agree, sometimes my sweaters vintage look - but that is because they are perfect in the mood of my music. That's it. Perhaps my voice and text - is a little provocation, but I just want everything to be beautiful. That my music is a pleasant experience. But the songs are a pretty grim. All of the loss of innocence and unjustified expectations. Hard life in New York hit you with an optimistic way of life? It all started to New York. At puberty, I had a lot of problems, I was terribly unhappy creature. I behaved inappropriately, Saw sip to calm down several times heavily drunk. In New York, I have conceived a new life, writing songs. I was all alone in the city, and it spurred me - in many ways. I came across an interesting (and even quite unusual!) People I began to imitate. So with the help of music I learned to solve problems. "Perhaps my voice and text - is a little provocation, but I just want everything to be beautiful" Why did you name the album Born to Die («Born to die")? Inspiration was the fear that I experienced as a child, when suddenly I realized that my father, my mother and I, we are all in this world sooner or later die. This philosophical crisis so far in my life. Your favorite subject - loneliness. Are you still feel useless? (Laughs) No, I feel satisfied. But by nature I am an introvert. So I sing about what happens to the girls who think they have found someone for life, and then all of a sudden their dreams are crumbling. Be alone, do not feel any attachment to someone is very difficult. I want to believe that happiness you meet. Are you a shy person? Closed. Very nervous when I have to first talk to someone I do not know. This does not stop at the concerts? Sometimes it is even noticeable. But I'm learning to cope with it. I repeat to myself, "Just relax, think only about the notes, but not about what and who is around you." And what do you have besides music? I have many other interests. I love jewelry. Jewelry. In New York, I have a favorite jeweler, he does amazing things. Perhaps this is not very original hobby? But I do not care. I always say to myself, 'Think of those who likes you, everything else you do not have to worry. " In my opinion, the main thing - to be a good person and to live an interesting life. It may sound naive, but this is the whole me.
  8. I don't know about hairstyles. But can the hairstyle might get her an aspect of short hair? She reminds me of Tina Fey and Lana Wintes (a.k.a. Lana Banana). I prefer this look over the tacky curls in Ride's music video. But I will always love the look in Blue Jeans, Paradise and Rolling Stone cover (it's from the same day shoot) It's me or there's two stalkers. I think the guy who's talking to Lana and giving her stuffs to sing at 1:05 it's the same outside the Chateau Marmont last time when she gave a fan a present and hit her head over the car (Maybe it's Sarah's father, creep!!)
  9. rafaelgould

    Live DVD

    I prefer a Blu-ray concert (Blu-rey for Lana)
  10. I'm in love with this cover. It's the second magazine cover that Lana smiles (Rolling Stones México was the first). I think the upcoming will be more happier and radio friendly (more Lizzy Grant), less dramatic and sadcore.
  11. Today Chuck (Lana's sister in case you don't know her) instagrammed a screen capture of Lana saying "Chuck grant x Ldr". But the interesting question is: Did she already shot the music video for Cola? We have a lot of reasons to say that perhaps the video it's shooted. Chuck was the photographer in her sister's music videos (National Anthem, Ride and Cola?) What do you think? Let's hope that she releases the video ASAP and slays us SOURCES: http://instagram.com/p/USL9oMiZgL/ http://yourgirlchuck...uck-grant-x-ldr
  12. Everytime I see this pic I can't belive it's Lana. She looks horrible (that moustache and her eyebrows all caterpillar-ish). I just can't stand at it June 4, 2012: And here she looks gorgeous as always. I love her!!!
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