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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I love watching clips from Black Swan to help me think creatively, it's so helpful. The intensity of Portman's performance really just sends chills down my spine EVERY TIME I WATCH IT!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jaI1XOB-bs I also adore the trailer. BTW, anyone notice at the Academy Awards that the spot they showed for Black Swan used Goblin's iconic score for Suspiria?
  2. What if Carmen's about a cat? A lonely cat, walking the streets so mean at night, staying up till morning, and all the boys and all the girls love Carmen the Cat because cats are cute, but Carmen the Cat has a tougher life than presumed. Carmen is a metaphor for a cat. Poking holes in YOUR logic.
  3. did you forget the lyric "let me put on a show for you tiger" tiger cat. HMM?
  4. YES. THANK YOU. THANK YOU MARU! IT IS. The meowing cat in Carmen is PERFECT. You don't understand my love for that meowing cat. It's like hearing the mental screams and anguish of Carmen, it's like a psychological thriller. THAT MEOWING CAT DESERVES AN AWARD.
  5. she's 14 yeah and her parents are practically in their 70s and making $$$ off every video and song that girl makes. i'm pretty sure she only does those videos because the parents force her. like that awful toddlers show with the tiaras and who knows what and once you're outside nyc and still in ny state, it's like watching paint dry while lil wayne blasts in the background. that's my town.
  6. i used to be friends with her long story short, then she decided to be mean and write on Facebook I was a gay faggot loser and stuff and then I posted pics on tumblr of what she wrote and her mom threatened to call the cops on me good old new york
  7. Yeah, I always viewed it as her and her friends attitudes, not some overall general concept girls should buy into or any of that.
  8. oh my god don't even get me started on that girl. she lives in my town.
  9. Matt


    it kinda sucks since if i was hip and cool I'd probably do it, but now it's lana's trademark to take cheesy words and make them fresh 2 death
  11. I keep confusing #asklana and the state of alaska.
  12. Idk, it makes me feel "Sunday." It's a nice song, but I don't think it fits on Born to Die, not sure why.
  13. Matt


    I don't really hear an "R" - unless she's not pronouncing it the normal way? or she's skipping over it as if she has a brooklyn accent or something of the sort. edit: okay I heard "holly" again. I have no clue what's going on with this song. btw this is the time to mention this is the funnest snippet. The instrumental is so upbeat. It reminds me of "Diet Mountain Dew."
  14. Matt


    Listened to it again and I definitely heard "Holly" will listen a few more times though. edit: listened to it again and I think I heard a "v" somewhere? I guess this issue will be solved by the *hopefully clear* studio version edit #2: listened to it another time and I think it might be a "v" - I don't hear any distinct sounds to suggest an L. Just the "H" or "J" (depending if it's silent) and then she kinda breathes through it until I hear a "v."
  15. Snippets in order of how I like 'em: 1. Bel Air 2. Cola (The chorus is fun) 3. American 4. Body Electric 5. Gods and Monsters 6. Yayo The top 3 I'm sure I'll listen to a lot. Yayo I'm not even sure about, I don't listen to the AKA one very much (but when I do it's an odd dance party in the middle of the kitchen where I run around and chant "Let me put on A SHOWWWW") Cola sounds good, but Bel Air... Bel Air in full will make me a happy soul. The children laughing in the background is chilling. Everything about the song screams 8mm vintage 50s/60s fading suburbia and loss of innocence to me.
  16. Matt


    I laughed the hardest I have in a LONG time reading this.
  17. Well we don't know how Lana's mind works. Some people get hot-to-trot over the idea of something like in Lolita. It's different for everyone. I'm sure Lana was in Lolita-esq relationships but I'm also sure some of it's just exaggerated or based off the story.
  18. Woops, didn't even notice I wrote remake, I meant to say sequel. People in my school have said it's not as good as the first, and plus I'm sure I'll see the sequel on HBO 24/7 next year.
  19. I've seen the first TAKEN an infinite amount of times on HBO. How was the remake? Didn't see it, waiting for it to come out on DVD. I'm not a theaters person since the only person who will take me to the cinema is my older sister who is very annoying.
  20. I've heard really good things about it. I need to see it, hopefully it'll be on TV this month or December
  21. @ELLEUK What film directors have inspired the cinematic sound of your art the most? #asklana @ELLEUK Are there any films in particular that have had a huge influence on your art throughout your career? #asklana I'm hoping she'll answer one of those. I know she loves David Lynch, the Godfather movies, and the American Beauty soundtrack but I want MORE ANSWERS LANA MY CINEMATIC SOULMATE.
  22. I've never seen Nightmare Before Christmas. Favorite Halloween/Horror movies: 1. Rosemary's Baby 2. Repulsion 3. Carrie 4. Let's Scare Jessica to Death 5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original not that sweat filled faux-gritty remake) Other Halloween movies I like: Halloween ; Les Yeux Sans Visage ; Tourist Trap ; The Blair Witch Project ; Profondo Rosso ; Silence of the Lambs ; The Innocents Halloween is so wonderful, whenever I watch it - I know I'm watching a masterpiece in horror cinema. Les Yeux Sans Visage is a french film but extremely creepy and poetic. Tourist Trap is what you get when you mix Texas Chainsaw and Carrie together (completely serious about that). IMO Portman rocked that role. But I could definitely see why people wouldn't like it. It really depends on what your type of movie is. Some parts of Black Swan were a bit campy in my opinion, others really showed what a wonderful job Aronofsky did.
  23. Hocus Pocus is the best Halloween movie on Disney. Halloweentown can't hold a candle to it.
  24. I don't understand feminism to be honest. I googled the definition and I'm confused since it's not what all these social justice blogs on Tumblr make it out to be. I guess I'm missing a piece of the puzzle. I don't see anything anti-feminist with Lana being submissive since it's her choice. And isn't that what counts? It's her choice.
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