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Everything posted by Matt

  1. hearing her voice makes me happier, it's the cutest thing in the world. <3 Oh god that Gaga question Lana's too sweet But she should've said "I am a HATER." And stood nice and proud.
  2. Born to Die 22 Off To The Races 20 Blue Jeans 10 Video Games 13 National Anthem 26 Carmen 26 Million Dollar Man 32 Summertime Sadness 21 This Is What Makes Us Girls 19 Without You 32
  3. Bad wording, the album version.
  4. I like the studio version of Lolita album
  5. Born to Die 22 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 10 Video Games 14 National Anthem 26 Dark Paradise 1 Carmen 25 Million Dollar Man 31 Summertime Sadness 22 This Is What Makes Us Girls 20 Without You 32
  6. this is awkward but I've spent a good 20 minutes trying to find them.
  7. I've listened to the snippet at least 20 times these past few days and If it was a life or death question whether or not she said Jim Morrison, I would say yes she did say his name with confidence I would not die.
  8. Matt

    Dum Dum

    Mansfield is one word, it's referring to Jayne Mansfield
  9. That's the chorus? It doesn't even feel like there's a transition, it sounds the same as the build up to me. Unless there's some change in the music I didn't hear. edit: listening to it, I hear more instruments & sounds added in the background but it's so hard to decipher it's a chorus compared to how similar it is to the buildup.
  10. The extended snippet seems to get building and building and building... to nothing. I LOVED the first snippet, like you said, it gave me the impression that the song would built up into a psychotic explosion of Lana's deepest feelings and insane ramblings but it just kept building suspense to go back straight to the next melodramatic verse. Idk, I wish there was a chorus.
  11. Can't wait for Paradise the only songs I'm still really iffy with are parts of the Gods & Monsters snippets where the production seems odd and then American.
  12. I love this song, such a beautiful opening.
  13. Never thought about Carmen as in Sternwood until you just pointed that out. I thought by Carmen she got the name from the opera? But that makes sense also.
  14. Smarty is so fun! I don't get why people dislike it. I used to listen to that and Queen of the Gas Station all the time!
  15. This album is what I live for but if I had to choose ONE song, it'd be the most flawless, greatest masterpiece to come out of Lana's mind...
  16. I'm happy there was one cinema question. I sorta figured "The Big Sleep" would be her choice. Also I'm pleasantly surprised she mentioned Natalie Wood. Definitely a stylish star but I'm also shocked she hasn't mentioned her at least once in a song, or Lauren Bacall? I'd prefer some new names over the repetitive Elvis and Marilyn Monroe for once.
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