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Everything posted by Matt

  1. That whole incognito singer line in Gods & Monsters feels squeezed in, it just uncomfortably sits there and It bothers me. I feel if she replaced or removed a word or two but still kept the same meaning, it'd be better. It just feels really oddly placed.
  2. My old man is a nice man and we share a completely non-incestous, non-statutory rape breaching relationship for your information
  3. In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel wanting to get a new car
  4. Matt

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Lately I haven't listened to Marina much. I guess I got bored of her stuff. But I really loved the Stepford Wives and Valley of the Dolls references in Electra Heart. Two movies I dearly love. The Su-barbie-a video was excellent, took me straight back to the scene in Stepford Wives (the original not that atrocious remake) when Joanna stabs Bobbie with the kitchen knife and Bobbie shows the robotic side. But yeah, I really love how cinematic some of Electra Heart was in terms of production, themes, and the music videos.
  5. Matt

    Bel Air

    Never have listened to Guns N' Roses TBH so I wouldn't know, haha
  6. Incest AKA The guide to what you think Lana Del Rey sings about
  7. Sugar Daddy 101: You Can Be the Boss - 5 simple words to getting everything you want in life
  8. Well sonically Sonically Sonically Sonically I had envisioned Sonically Sonically SONICALLY
  9. Now that you mention it, I'm kinda growing to appreciate the drums in the studio version. My updated least favorite is Radio. It feels out of place with the rest of the album in my opinion.
  10. I love Family Guy. I used to watch it every weeknight on Adult Swim but now I'm too tired to stay up past 11pm because of school.
  11. Matt

    Bel Air

    The lyrics to Bel-Air are great. This will be the standout track of the album no doubt.
  12. Like what? I only know she wasn't happy with Yayo - what else has she said/done to suggest it?
  13. Lolita is amazing, I cried at the ending. I'm currently reading "Severed: The True Story of the Black Dahlia"
  14. "You call me lavend- (boiling tea kettle)" "You call me sunshi - ah ah ah" "You say AH AH AH (Boiling tea kettle)" It'd make me cry myself to sleep if they ruined AKA
  15. okay that pic alone might make me love the album no matter how crappy it'll sound to me. it's lana so I guess I am forced by the lord del rey to buy it and replay it until I force myself to appreciate it
  16. Honestly, it was like a scene from a horror movie. It was just so nicely put in there. Not too out of place either. I think Gods & Monsters has strong points in different spots (and who knows what other spots once it's released in full) - but after the intro the production seems too loud. I wish it was quieter so I could hear Lana.
  17. I admit my thinking was off. I don't like the album, but if Lana wants this released. Then that's what she wants I guess. To be a little more positive: Anyone else adore that scream in the background of Gods & Monsters extended snippet? It sounded like a curling screech of a dying person and it sent chills down me.
  18. Like actual velvet or the song.
  19. Whatever, it's clear you guys don't agree with me. I didn't say what I said solely because I don't like the album, but I said it because I adore Lana and this was just something I couldn't bear to listen to. Even the Lana songs I don't like I still listen to. But this is different.
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