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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I'm assuming Lana listened to the album. So maybe the sloppy/rough sound is intentional? Maybe BTD was too boxed in for her and she wants to break free and experiment a little? Idk.
  2. I totally agree Mafiosi. American though, I like it for the wrong reasons I guess. Bel Air slays all though. I'm pumped to get a good quality version of Bel Air in full, I'll be playing it 24/7. It's so dark and beautiful.
  3. Lana's songs in general aren't too in your face with the sex references I think, they're more just... nicely put there, not out of place or uncomfortable.
  4. Wouldn't It Be Nice - The Beach Boys (I have a permanent vision of Patrick Bateman running wild with a chainsaw when I listen to this song)
  5. I'm not sure whether I like the "fucked hard" line in Gods & Monsters or not. It could be a release of the underlying sexual tension in the song, since she is an "angel in the garden of evil." It gives me a more roughed up Picnic at Hanging Rock or Repulsion vibe. Mysterious. I might like it a lot more depending on how the full version is. My opinions on this album are a hot mess, sorry guys. I'm just confused on where I stand with these snippets. I'm convinced I like American in a campy sort of "I know the lyrics suck but they suck so badly they're just fun" way. Also Cola, the chorus sounds fun, but i'm not sure about the rest of the song. But I don't think this will be remotely as good as BTD. After all, it's the "afterthought" so I don't really predict it to live up to BTD. I guess I'll have to suffer these next 20 days with indecisive opinions and Lanapolar disorder until I can finally make a decision on whether this is my cup of chocolate milk or not.
  6. 42. A party dress is appropriate attire for every situation
  7. I actually wrote a lana-style song just thinking about this but I'll keep it to myself.
  8. Everything about the Bel Air snippets so far is beautifully chilling. I sniff a hit.
  9. Someone should've put the scream when Lana says "Pussy" My pussyAAAAHHHHHH tastes like pepsi cola
  10. Taxi Driver is classic. The score for it is beautiful and one of the highlights of the movie for me. I saw about that Scarface remake, first Carrie now Scarface. De Palma must be crying far far away.
  11. YES, I would love to see the Herrmann / Hitchcock feud over the soundtrack for Psycho.
  12. Matt


    That post was beautiful Sitar, beautiful
  13. Also speaking of movies set for 2013: Thoughts on this? I'm not positive on how I feel about it.
  14. The screaming girl from Gods & Monsters better be in more songs, I like her better than AT-L tbh.
  15. Also, who here loves Nicole Kidman? Imagine her as Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest, make her daughter Sissy Spacek from Badlands, and mix in a Shadow of a Doubt plot vibe and I'm pretty sure this is the result and I couldn't be more excited. Since I might crap my pants in anticipation for THIS MOVIE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2odd1CVyTk 2013 COME SOONER!
  16. I haven't seen a lot of Meryl, I feel bad. I saw The Devil Wears Prada though and I enjoyed it, but I really need to see her other films which are probably much better. Also, I updated the original post with a list of some films I like. I'll continually update it when more names pop into my head that I forgot, and probably next weekend I'll color code it with genres if you guys are looking for stuff in a specific genre. I SAW DOUBT! I really enjoyed it actually! I thought Meryl was really good in it.
  17. I NEED TO SEE MORE MIA!! I've been delaying it for so long. Is the Gatsby movie good? Mia looks beautiful in it. Elizabeth Taylor is such an amazing actress; Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and especially Suddenly Last Summer just blow me away. I'm curious to watch Cleopatra w/ Liz and then Cleopatra w/ Vivien and see who nailed it better. Sharon Tate is my life TBH, her performance in Valley of the Dolls was the only redeeming quality of that entire campy drama. Sissy I need to see more of also. I love Carrie and Badlands, so I'm sure I'll love other films with her in it. I haven't seen any of Charlize's films, what do you recommend of her?
  18. I love Black Swan - it's like The Red Shoes meets Repulsion. Portman and Kunis were spectacular in it. Well, my top favorites are Rosemary's Baby and Repulsion. I love Polanski as a filmmaker. Though I haven't seen much of his stuff post-Chinatown to be honest. Other film suggestions for someone trying to get into classics: Anything by Hitchcock, Kubrick, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Michael Powell, and Akira Kurosawa are good ways to get a start. Some Hitchcock films I love: - Vertigo - Shadow of a Doubt - Psycho - Rear Window - The Birds And when I say anything by Kubrick, I really mean anything. His films are great, (some argue Eyes Wide Shut sucks, I don't think so at all) Ingmar Bergman: - The Silence - The Virgin Spring Michael Powell: - The Red Shoes - Peeping Tom (released the same year as Psycho but terribly overlooked) If you want more films of a specific genre, let me know and I'll post some of my favorites from that genre.
  19. I love movies. Let's talk about them Films in 2013: Favorite Movies:
  20. A-M-E-R-I-C-A Let's go to the YMCA
  21. Take your body into the shower and clean yourself before you go downtown tonight. You can be the boss friendly co-worker to help me finish a task. You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. You tell me to cover myself up so I don't look like a harlot.
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