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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Don't get why I have school November 13th, it's a national lanaday.
  2. I think her music is really cool. It wasn't her looks that got me hooked, it was Carmen - and tbh I didn't even know it was Lana in the Carmen video posing with the dolls until I became obsessed in the weeks after. I really adore her music, and her beauty is the bonus, but if she was plain looking, the music is still great, her looks don't change that. For others? no I don't think she'd be as successful. It seems like people just tend to drool over her looks when I look at the LDR tag on Tumblr, not so much the music.
  3. 1. Carmen 1. Carmen 1. Carmen 1. CARMEN
  4. Didn't know killing people was fluff. TBH, Kinda Outta Luck is like the pop-theme song to "Badlands."
  5. I feel like I get your edit, and at the same time I don't. Whatever though, your signature makes me all fuzzy inside.
  6. When I watch this video, I remember the exact reason I became a Lana fan. :,)
  7. I'd really love a studio version of Heart-Shaped Box. I'm not a huge Nirvana fan except for that song and "Polly" - and Lana being one of my favorite artists, I'd love to hear a studio version of her cover. Her live performance of it was beautifully dark, it was like a ghost singing it, and It suited the song so well.
  8. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL. The monologue reminded me so much of a visual form of "Carmen" - it was so goddamn beautiful I broke out in tears while cleaning my dog's poop. This music video is a masterpiece IMO. National Anthem can't hold a candle to this in my opinion, Lana was so raw and so stunning in this video - I felt like I was watching a real film, a cinematic adventure - this music video deserves all the praise it can get. I saw flashes of Lolita when Lana was getting her hair brushed, and in the white dress at the motel, it just seemed like she had so many Humbert Humberts in her life. God bless Lana Del Rey *bends down and prays to the Lord Del Rey*
  9. I had a feeling just from hearing the title that it'd be one of those songs where she just mentions the title once at the beginning. Like Blue Jeans.
  10. Matt

    Fordham Road

    Stone Mary makes the most sense IMO.
  11. Correction, a ton of girls in my High School are obsessed with Glee, they are certainly older than 12. But then again their music taste is... basic
  12. It says that on wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia....i/Kill_Kill_(EP) Original source article: http://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/page/content.detail/id/503335.html?nav=5050
  13. Why doesn't she do this in New York? MY STATE MADE HER WHO SHE IS. *cue that Rose McGowan scene from Jawbreaker where she threatens to expose Vylette*
  14. I noticed something odd in the vocals in Go Go Dancer since it came out, I always though it was autotune, but I've listened to it so many times I barely notice it anymore.
  15. I have a life-sized statue of Lisa Simpson in my basement.
  16. TBH, Body Electric hasn't even been released yet and I already know it's my favorite song off the Paradise Edition. It's so chilling and despite the simplicity of the lyrics, something about the song really just strikes me as beautiful and unique.
  17. Born to Die 23 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 13 Diet Mountain Dew 0 - National Anthem 21 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 20 Carmen 23 + Million Dollar Man 19 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 7 Without You 30
  18. Born to Die 23 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 13 Diet Mountain Dew 2 National Anthem 21 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 20 Carmen 22 + Million Dollar Man 18 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 7 Without You 30
  19. You're Gonna Love Me - Lana Del Rey (I could see Lana switching the lamp on and off like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction while writing this song)
  20. Born to Die 23 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 13 Diet Mountain Dew 4 - National Anthem 21 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 20 Carmen 21 + Million Dollar Man 17 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 7 Without You 30
  21. Born to Die 23 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 14 Diet Mountain Dew 6 National Anthem 21 Dark Paradise 14 Radio 20 Carmen 20 + Million Dollar Man 16 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 7 Without You 30
  22. Sea of Love as in the song the 80s film was named after? Since I was thinking that it fits Lana's style pretty well when I was thinking about the film a few days ago.
  23. Light of my life, fire of my loins
  24. Nothing is, I love cheesy music as much as I love Lana's serious songs. But when I uploaded Big Bad Wolf to my YouTube channel, the comments were ridiculous and every other person was screaming that Lana had sold herself out to the industry and she's no longer a good singer or anything.
  25. I think the issue is, people try and take all of Lana's songs too seriously, so they get disappointed when a fun poppy one leaks. They all start screaming "SHE'S SOLD HER SOUL! OH NO!!!! AWFUL." #HIPSTER
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