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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Diet Mountain Dew, demo rocked, album version was meh.
  2. If you like the book Lolita, you'll LOVE Lana Del Rey!
  3. Party Girl sounds like a Go-Go Dancer tune to me judging on the title. I want it. Scarface is another one I am dying to hear.
  4. On American MTV, Lana isn't played at all. They choose to play Lil Wayne instead of Lana Del Rey. Blasphemy to the music world.
  5. Some people from my school who once thought she was a "boring, dead-sounding meth junkie" now messaged me, "OMG I'M OBSESSED WITH LANA DEL RAYY, OMG!! DIET MOUNTAIN DEW IS SOOO GOOD, AND VIDEO GAMES" And I sit here thinking, "Mhm, now you say this." I'm a trendsetter.
  6. Born To Die 17 Off To The Races 19 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 15 National Anthem 16 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 16 Carmen 15+ Million Dollar Man 14 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 15 Without You 23 Lolita 12 Lucky Ones 2-
  7. My case is, every time a new song is leaked or released, I end up replaying it non-stop 24/7 until a new one is leaked/released, then I jump onto that one. Sometimes, I'll play a good Lana throw back like Disco (one of my favorites).
  8. Seems like a really nice person and has given me the impression as one of the friendliest on the forums.
  9. About the Courtney Love thing, don't know if you guys saw it, but Courtney tweeted Lana again on Twitter asking her to dm her since she's 'in town.'
  10. I can't stop laughing from that video you posted. Anyways, I'm a big Lynch fan, but some of his other fans are just - eh, I guess just really annoying, emphasize the "really." I think, personally, Lana did a really good job with the Blue Velvet video.
  11. Matt

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    I'd find deeper lyrics than Call Me Maybe in a 2nd grade classroom. She seems like a really nice girl though, but musically she needs to mature big time.
  12. They are. Read lots of comments from them saying that Lynch should sue Lana and then they called out Lana for the whole daddy thing and personal life, etc. . Most are really pretentious hipsters, so I really don't care that much about what they say. Actually, most people who insult her are really big hipsters. Big beards, vegan diet boasting all over Tumblr, iPhones 24/7.
  13. Rosemary's Baby It's a Masterpiece.
  14. I don't like when Lana collaborates with rappers to be honest.
  15. When I first read the title of the thread the A$AP Rocky song automatically came to mind. I like the song but if that's what the video is for, it'd be such a letdown in my opinion.
  16. I still can't really love Kill Bill. Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Jackie Brown get my biggest votes out of his work. (Sorry for going off-topic and such)
  17. It'd be interesting. I'd say the only time Lana comes close to Azealia style is with "Brite Lites" since it hints at almost the 90s-draq queen style that Azealia plays upon a lot throughout her music. Other than that, Lana is more Americana and retro sounding, Azealia is raw but doesn't match Lana stylistically. Although it'd be interesting to see what they could do.
  18. Matt

    Top Albums Right Now?

    Fiona Apple's new album rocks. The only album I listen to a lot apart from Born to Die. Other than that, I listen to horror movie soundtracks, not much else.
  19. I don't see the point in lying about her age. I didn't even know her age until a month after listening to her when I looked at her wiki article. Lana's music fits her age and beyond, the real musical age embarrassment is Carly Rae Jepsen & Nicki Minaj. They are both older than Lana and sing like toddlers, Nicki Minaj being the more vulgar toddler of the two.
  20. Yeah, MTV doesn't really have any importance unless you're Justin Bieber and that's the only type of award he'll ever get. Bigger and better awards will come for Lana.
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