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  1. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by Matt in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    34. Everything Lana wants - she has, so we should stop buying her records and stuff since she doesn't want anything else guys.
  2. matthewzz liked a post in a topic by Matt in Would Lana be as well-liked if she wasn’t attractive?   
    I think her music is really cool. It wasn't her looks that got me hooked, it was Carmen - and tbh I didn't even know it was Lana in the Carmen video posing with the dolls until I became obsessed in the weeks after. I really adore her music, and her beauty is the bonus, but if she was plain looking, the music is still great, her looks don't change that. For others? no I don't think she'd be as successful. It seems like people just tend to drool over her looks when I look at the LDR tag on Tumblr, not so much the music.
  3. Dark City liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana Confessions   
    I spent 90% of my day signed into this website because I love Lana and this website so much.
  4. horreurpop liked a post in a topic by Matt in Songs Lana should cover   
  5. Mauri8396 liked a post in a topic by Matt in The Concerts Thread   
  6. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    42. A party dress is appropriate attire for every situation
  7. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Matt in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    Take your body into the shower and clean yourself before you go downtown tonight.
    You can be the boss friendly co-worker to help me finish a task.
    You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. You tell me to cover myself up so I don't look like a harlot.
  8. Gone user liked a post in a topic by Matt in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    My old man is a nice man and we share a completely non-incestous, non-statutory rape breaching relationship for your information
  9. Gone user liked a post in a topic by Matt in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel wanting to get a new car
  10. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Matt in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    When Lana says, "She says you don't want to be like me, don't want to see all the things I've seen"
  11. demiannn liked a post in a topic by Matt in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Nothing is, I love cheesy music as much as I love Lana's serious songs. But when I uploaded Big Bad Wolf to my YouTube channel, the comments were ridiculous and every other person was screaming that Lana had sold herself out to the industry and she's no longer a good singer or anything.
  12. demiannn liked a post in a topic by Matt in Underrated Lana Songs   
    I think the issue is, people try and take all of Lana's songs too seriously, so they get disappointed when a fun poppy one leaks. They all start screaming "SHE'S SOLD HER SOUL! OH NO!!!! AWFUL." #HIPSTER
  13. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    34. Everything Lana wants - she has, so we should stop buying her records and stuff since she doesn't want anything else guys.
  14. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana Del Rey Questionary   
    1. My friend sent me a video of "Born to Die" - played it, and I was like "wtf is this, boring." Over the next month I would always see ads for Lana Del Rey on the sidebars of YouTube videos and I assumed she was a boring and old mexican singer. Finally one day I decided to check out her videos again. I searched "Lana Del Rey" and one of the videos that came up was "Carmen." It looked cool, so I clicked it, and within seconds I knew this woman would be one of my favorite artists. The image of Felix Cane dropping down the pole while Lana sang, "Darlin' Darlin' doesn't have a problem.." was chilling. The whole home-movie video collage reminded me of a song I love called "John Wayne Gacy Jr." by an artist named Sufjan Stevens. "Carmen" is still my favorite song from Lana.
    2. Carmen ^
    3. Her hair in the Carmen video.
    4. Carmen for NPR.
    5. "She says you don't want to be like me, don't want to see all the things I've seen, I'm dying, I'm dying"
    6. Is this a serious question?
    7. Eyes and her long fake eyelashes, they're seductive.
    8. Nothing, I love EVERYTHING about this woman. She gives me a reason to keep living and going.
    9. No, sadly.
    10. Fiona Apple, Bernard Herrmann, Pino Donaggio, The Beach Boys, Elvis
    11. Obsessed. There's not an hour that goes by that I don't think about her.
    12. As long as she's still the cool, trash magic filled zombie, I'll love her.
  15. trailerparkdream liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lizzy Grant/May jailer Old Myspace. (New Information)   
    Influences "Your Mom" - interesting Lizzy.
  16. Mauri8396 liked a post in a topic by Matt in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Lately I haven't listened to Marina much. I guess I got bored of her stuff. But I really loved the Stepford Wives and Valley of the Dolls references in Electra Heart. Two movies I dearly love. The Su-barbie-a video was excellent, took me straight back to the scene in Stepford Wives (the original not that atrocious remake) when Joanna stabs Bobbie with the kitchen knife and Bobbie shows the robotic side.
    But yeah, I really love how cinematic some of Electra Heart was in terms of production, themes, and the music videos.
  17. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana a future icon?   
    With untrustworthy people and awful biographies detailing lies about your life, it can be achieved. For example, let's take a look at that Mailer biography about Marilyn, lies. Liz might be next, for example that recent GLOBE article detailing an affair with Reagan, suicide attempt, Shirley Temple fued. Ridiculous. It doesn't boil down to what you do in life, it just is how well it is publicized and how your image is used afterwards. Marilyn's image has been abused to such an extent it's impossible, beyond impossible, to save from all the dirt and rips to it. I PRAY Lana is not the next Monroe, I pray she does not get trampled upon, backstabbed, lied about, and all these other awful things that Marilyn is in the grave - unable to witness.
    An icon can be good and/or bad, but if you want Lana to be the next Monroe, that's just bad. I get sad seeing all these fake Marilyn quotes around the web and all these lies about her. She was a kind but depressed soul and I'm just glad she isn't alive to witness what has happened to her memory.
  18. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana a future icon?   
    Also there's another factor to it - her image. If it gets sold out, then she'll probably become an icon in the future. Marilyn's image was sold out and now she's the cover girl of everything from lipgloss to french fries. It's sad, Marilyn can't rest in peace because of the people she trusted now went back and took advantage of her image. Not only that but Marilyn's entire reputation is just slandered from lies and rumors turned "facts" by biographies. So yeah, your image really needs to be sold out. Like Jayne, she died in a car crash in her 30s I believe, we don't see her as a cover girl for any products. Only Marilyn for the most part.
  19. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Matt in That song that...   
    Burning Desire is perfect for car rides to be honest.
  20. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Matt in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    Take your body into the shower and clean yourself before you go downtown tonight.
    You can be the boss friendly co-worker to help me finish a task.
    You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. You tell me to cover myself up so I don't look like a harlot.
  21. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    How to be a girl: Don't wait for heaven and put love first
  22. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Cliche Songwriting: A guide to throwing the terms Coney Island, James Dean, Daddy, and Baby in every phrase
  23. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    How to get ahead in the music industry without sleeping with a producer since this isn't 1952 anymore
  24. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    How to offend the world: From getting plastic surgery to cultural appropriation (Rated 5 stars by Lana Del Rey : Really helpful)
  25. LastWordsNTime liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    "DOPE TROPICO SURF CANNES CINEMA SHIT: Lana Del Rey's advice to future musicians"
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