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  1. once there are even more posts in here can someone with a reddit account PLEASE post this thread in r/lanadelrey lmfao i want to see their reactions i’m going to hell on second thought actually don’t then they’re all gonna make an account here 💀
  2. as joni said “i’m gonna make a lot of money then i’m gonna quit this crazy scene”
  3. it’s just like… if i were a multi-millionaire set for life, was happy with where my life was and content with continuing to do what i’ve been doing, wasn’t money hungry and didn’t care to make more, looking for a relationship and person to settle down with, etc, why would i leave all of that behind for 6 months to a year to do something i don’t even enjoy that much
  4. lana just doesn’t strike me as someone who enjoys touring, i can see why she would’ve liked it at the beginning of her career (and she also might have been required to by the label) and also why she did the LFL tour because it was in arenas and she was making BANK, but even the US NFR tour was super short and she cancelled the entire EU one
  5. I’ve said it before but I really don’t think Lana would gain anything from touring rn 😭😭 it’s soooo expensive to tour currently, literally 3x more than it was pre-pandemic, she would be making money off it but not that much for her especially if she plays smaller venues because of those extra costs, she seems pretty content just chilling with her friends and family all the time. the only reason i see her touring is if she genuinely wants to, and i honestly can’t see her wanting to right now. but it’s fun to dream
  6. i really hope that article gives us some new information or is an interview or something but i’m sort of scared it won’t do or be either of those things because it seems like it’s a pretty small magazine, they only have like 6k followers or maybe lana is actually purposely doing real press with smaller publications this time around because all of the big ones are mean to her and have done her dirty at one point or another in the past
  7. i mean people are always releasing music haha i don’t think it has anything to do with lana whatsoever or that it’s weird, however march is usually always especially packed with new releases anyway because there’s not as much music released from november-february because of the holidays and the industry getting back into the swing of things after the holidays
  8. the Land Rover lyric is textbook Lana and it is genius; i’m not sure if my interpretation is correct at all, it’s probably not, but i see My chest, the Sierra Madre My hips, every high and byway That you trace with your fingertips like a Toyota Run your hands over me like a Land Rover as lana saying, “I want you to treat me better, I want you to see me as something special” in a way, and the Land Rover lyric specifically was written as more of a wish or command than just a statement. Toyotas are not luxury cars, they’re not super expensive, you see them all the time. meanwhile Land Rovers are luxury and very expensive. she’s saying, “don’t treat me like everybody else, treat me like a luxury, you’re lucky to have me”. that tied into the metaphor of her body being a map, the mention of highways, etc etc is just perfect imo and then later in the song when she says "If you think that you know yourself, you can come over / Lay your hands over me like you're a land rover" it's a similar thing. I interpret "if you think that you know yourself" meaning confidence, knowing your own worth. if you have all this confidence, then come here and show me how great you think you are. but not in a bad way. which is again is also further extending on the theme that she’s LA and others are driving on her if that makes sense
  9. lately i’ve been thinking it’s just someone else’s job to care this website would also be function much smoother if registration were closed i think, it would solve… a lot of issues. i wanted to suggest it before too but i just think about elle’s ad revenue if it’s limited that much 😭 obviously people will come as guests and still browse but not as much as if they had an account. that’s the one thing though
  10. i can’t agree more, most of the writing on that album is out of this world and it makes me really look forward to analyzing the lyrics on Ocean Blvd. i feel like the writing on Blue Banisters is meant to be read more like poetry rather song lyrics, that’s the direction her writing seems to be going in, which makes me really sad about Behind The Iron Gates it would’ve been so good. i’m not a fan of Wildflower Wildfire as a song at all but god, those words have so many layers, i know people interpret that song to just be dragging her mom but it’s so much more than that, imo it’s the most romantic thing she’s ever written
  11. most of Hold The Girl and tbh even some of Sawayama have disappointed me so much it makes me sad because i want to love rina it’s not like i’m against artists growing and evolving at all but the Rina EP was really special and i hadn’t heard anything like it released in the previous 10 or so years before it. she went from such a fresh and unique sound in the context of what music was in 2017 to just normal pop music that sounds like everything else, she stopped bringing anything new to the table imo. also her annoying social media presence really turned me off too Alterlife is still song of the century though
  12. i think they’re referring to Beautiful, even though that version was also released digitally it wasn’t intended to be the final, but the final version wasn’t completed in time for the deadline the album had to be turned into the label by. the strings mix that leaked shortly after the album came out is actually the proper “final” version
  13. watch Frank Ocean release his album on 3/24 too it’s actually a likely possibility considering he’s headlining Coachella less than a month later
  14. the way i manifested it not just jazz musicians but bringing actual pianists on board too it reminds me of how Joni Mitchell started working with jazz artists in the mid-70s because their musical way of thinking was the only way her songs were brought to life how she wanted them and she was frustrated with the normal session musicians who couldn’t figure out how to make the chords she had written actually work in a song
  15. i don’t believe the samples besides maybe the Tommy one are like classic samples when you think of them (like the Emile Haynie ones); my biggest problem with Blue Banisters in my opinion was that the piano compositions were too simple with how far into her career she is and how many resources she has, and i was wishing she would work with actual pianists to give the arrangements some more flair, and i think she actually might’ve been in the same boat as me… i can see her listening to piano music and just deciding to write over the tracks she loved, or even intentionally seeking out tracks to write over i’ve seen people complaining that the album has so many samples but they really aren’t different than any other producer or co-writer laying down chords and lana writing on top of them, like there’s not much of a difference from what Rick and Jack would do for her besides the fact that these piano compositions already existed i am really curious if Taco Track just interpolates Venice Bitch similarly to how Wild at Heart interpolates How to Disappear and how High By the Beach interpolates Put Me in a Movie, or if she actually used the original vocal take from Venice Bitch in the song and just played around with it again
  16. and this isn’t me saying that vinyl should be phased out at alllllll, i just don’t think that it should control everything about how music is sold and released in 2023
  17. Interscope Records it’s time to start selling full era masterposts!!! get on it
  18. yeah i was thinking about starting to collect CDs instead but they’re even less novelty to me in my personal opinion and i just don’t play physical music, i just like purchasing albums i’m excited for but i’m also not gonna buy a plain digital download when i could stream it. i just don’t understand why the music industry isn’t taking more advantage of all of the possibilities there are with ways to sell it digitally
  19. i think artists and labels really need to look more into how to make people buy digital albums, like including a bunchhhh of exclusive content in with the download like demos, bonus tracks, cheap cute little music videos, high quality photos from the campaign shoot, lyric PDFs, track-by-track commentary, etc etc. obviously for the biggest artists in the world all of that exclusive content would just be pirated very quickly and show up on the cheese site 5 minutes later but idk, it’s not like all music isn’t pirated anyway. i really do love buying albums that mean a lot to me, but i myself am over vinyl collecting because i never spin them anyway and they’ve become so expensive now that i always feel like i should be getting more than a pretty colored piece of plastic for my $40 and i’m left feeling underwhelmed vinyl collecting used to be novelty but it just doesn’t feel like that anymore after having collected for almost a decade, i hate how the whole industry is controlled by it now. there’s so much cool stuff that can be done digitally, the possibilities are literally endless
  20. my dream single rollout would’ve been 1. Tunnel 2. A&W or Candy Necklace last week () 3. and then a simple song like Sweet or something a week or two before the album is out my dream album rollout in general would’ve been - Entire album dropped digitally without announcement on December 9th () and then released physically in March
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