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  1. i had just started middle school when NTMT came out. in a couple months i’ll be as old as Sky was when she released it. i give up!
  2. anyway, we’ve reached the 10 year mark since NTMT, it seems i was quite late to adapting this mindset, but unfortunately I just can’t find it in me to care anymore. if Masochism is ever officially announced and released I’ll be very excited, but I’m not waiting up for her anymore, it is what it is. can’t put in the energy to hate or be angry anymore, can’t put in the energy to be excited anymore until we have official album news. kind of sad it’s reached this point, but this whole situation is a lost cause
  3. and it’s just like, people have been nasty in her comments for 8 years now. it hasn’t changed anything, the only thing accomplished by doing that is putting out unnecessary hate in the world to her face, at least here it can spark some interesting discussions
  4. nooo people are being mean enough I don’t want to make it worse for her 😭 just a thought though. but i don’t think hundreds of people attacking her in her instagram comments is necessary or is going to change anything for the better
  5. it’s just annoying, because sky loves to use the “i’m basically independent” excuse as to why things don’t get done, but then likes to pull “i’m signed to a major label and they’re not doing their jobs” excuse as well. indie artists do exactly what she just described and a lot more. i’m not trying to criticize her passion, i’m not trying to aggressively come at her for something so personal, but part of me wonders how much she actually does care about the music and want it to come out. because if you love art so much, you make the sacrifices and put in the extra work to make what is able to happen, happen. and yes the label blocks things and there’s a lot out of her control, but even just putting out the music video isn’t something Capitol was trying to stop.
  6. i really don’t want to come off as a chronic sky hater in here because i do appreciate her as an artist, so in the nicest way possible—atp if she wants the music to come out i kind of think she has to suck it up. yes it’s unfortunate that her major label is making her do that, and have made her do that in the past, but every independent artist does the sameeee thing, and even they can still get music videos to come out. yes her circumstances are disappointing, but they’re not so different from millions of other artists who work just as hard. it’s a fucked up and sacrificial industry and career path, it always has been
  7. i already mentioned this a lot but i am really looking forward to the piano compositions on this album, my biggest problem with the piano compositions on BB is that they were boring and cookie cutter, literally anyone could write and play most of them a month after starting to learn the instrument. a few months back i kept saying that i would love lana to work with actual pianists, jazz musicians, etc to give her compositions some real flair, and she is doing that this time around. i’m so excited
  8. yes by this i mean every song with a piano, because there are fans still tweeting stuff like this who don’t realize it’s a multifaceted and extremely diverse instrument (not trying to start this tired discourse up again though )
  9. i forgot about lana saying this omg yeah the piano haters are gonna be madddd. so far we have 1. Title track 2. Candy Necklace 3. Fingertips 4. SYML collab 5. RIOPY “collab” 6. Track 14 that are already confirmed piano songs, which is… every song besides the interlude that we know anything about the sonic direction of get used to it girls
  10. we would be able to find the track list if we had the ACRid’s because that’s how @hotshot2am found the Candy Necklace and Fingertips titles/lengths, but unfortunately you can’t identify the ARCid for a song unless you have an audio snippet of it. which is kinda dumb because you should be able to find it by having the ISRC
  11. idk how uploading music to streaming works but someone should try to upload something random to streaming and put the ISRC as one of the songs on the track list and see if it says anything about it already existing like if it would display a message with the song title or something
  12. the way BOZ described the interlude’s role in the album also makes it seem like the album as a whole will be pretty dark, and the longer Fingertips snippet enforces that too. very excited, maybe the darkness in the music is why Eclipse described the album as Cult Leader esque (not the song just the vibe lol)
  13. while i’m not fond of Judah, I am excited for his role in the album now; weird eerie interludes that help set the tone of albums are always great to me, kinda like The Man Who Married a Robot / Love Theme by The 1975
  14. okay i really don’t care about charts but i must have a warped perception of how rabid miley‘s fans are because as someone pointed out here, wow Chemtrails and it’s 0 promotion outsold Plastic Hearts first week by 15,000 💀 that’s actually crazy to me i thought miley was so much more popular than that
  15. this track list will be the fucking death of me 😭😭😭 on the bright side, tomorrow we’ll officially be 1/3 of a way through the 93 day wait
  16. sky basically admitted that the lack of DF music video has nothing to do with Capitol when she confessed to firing the editor. not sure if the label funded the video or not, but i really understand why they would be pissed if they gave her tens of thousands of dollars to make a MV just for her to fire the crew and never put it out, she’s not making her relationship with the label any better. especially the way she was late to every single performance she booked last year
  17. lowkey scared because i’m so excited for this album that i’m expecting to like every single song besides the interludes, maybe my expectations are too high
  18. the thing is it’s only become that way this last year, before all of her fans really did have her best wishes and respect. hell, she leaked the Preacher’s Daughter album cover to us before she announced it and it didn’t end up anywhere on the internet prematurely. it’s just sad, the dynamic has changed a lot in the last few months and she used to be able to trust us, i can imagine it’s disappointing for her as well to not be able to do that anymore
  19. very happy hayden has seen so much success this year but we didn’t gatekeep her hard enough, this wouldn’t have happened even 6 months ago it’s always bittersweet watching artists get bigger and bigger because as that happens they become more and more distant, which isn’t a bad thing at all obviously it’s just the natural cycle but it’s still kinda sad. whoever betrayed the trust she had with us and leaked those instrumentals you really should be ashamed
  20. well these last weeks have gone by very fast because of the Xmas leaks and now this conversation… the next drought begins now
  21. NOT THE LIV TEA IN THIS THREAD TOO 😭😭 Wings of Love best song ever made, Dream Awake second best song ever made, I’m still so pissed they scrapped that album. Would’ve gone down in history
  22. kind of very bummed learning that lana loves Cali so much, I just hate the idea of things leaking that she is still considering putting out eventually but it’s so hard to tell with her which old songs she likes and which ones she doesn’t
  23. California is a very beautiful song though, and it definitely seems like these days leaks don’t stop her at all from putting music out even if we’ve already heard it lol. A recent re-work of California would be really nice, hopefully it pops up on an album in the future. I wonder what the alternate title for it is considering it’s definitely not still just California lol
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