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Everything posted by European

  1. You're right! I was so sure that the UK release was the 3rd of February, and the 10th internationally. EDIT: The german Amazon has the release date set to 3rd of February [Source]
  2. I hope I'm not the only one who's excited for tomorrows UK release of Little Red/Worldwide piracy release. Her music makes me so horny for working out, running and dancing..
  3. KATY B "...Beneath her sultry costume drama façade and pouty froideur, Katy retains her gift for making the dance floor matter." - Helen Brown (Telegraph.co.uk) Discography: On A Mission (2011) Danger - EP (2013): What Love Is Made Of (2013) - Single: Little Red (2014)
  4. I'm thirsting for that second disc "Continuous Mix".. My favorite pre-release track is "I Like You"
  5. Old school Kelis' Good Stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHYFgP4Btrc I'm really into her debut Kaleidoscope, the vibe is gooood..
  6. European

    Lily Allen

    She recently released some footage from studio sessions with Kid Harpoon. It definitely doesn't seem like she's aiming for anything deeper than the dance floor this time. However, I think it's nice to see that she's having a good time making this album. The new snippet sounds pretty 90's, pretty swell! ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agF_5OPw1fs
  7. European


    Lately, and weirdly, all of my previously downloaded (and intentionally deleted) iTunes content came back to my iPhone through iCloud. Thereby re-spawning some long forgotten Fergie jams, such as: Paradise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt53wl-EOVs Velvet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyMu90MN5Eo Voodoo Doll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FREAeBekNGY ~My body's a temple of doooooooommm... Oh, fergie.
  8. This. Why this? I don't know... On one hand I want to turn it off, on the other hand I want to know whatever the hell "tick tick boom" means. Does she want vaginal explosions, or what? What is up with this britnitch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVeyADLBmP0
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HFYIeQbC5Y Probably because it makes me jolly! I'm very white, and when I flail around trying to dance it looks like a bad impersonation of Napoleon Dynamite. At least that's what I was told once, when I was dancing with a friend. Anyways, listening to this, I happily flap my wings, and fly around my room like a kite. I dance and move and the world seems great and loving. My dance faces:
  10. European


    ...Aaaand M.I.A. goes without a label again. I wonder what this means? Although, it's not for certain she's retiring, I don't think anyone expected her to stay in the music industry for much longer. She did explain Matangi to be the outcome of sudden inspiration, and she has been wanting to retire for so long. Ending her discography with a 'MatangiLeekx'-mixtape, and the documentary would be the perfect way to exit the music industry. I'm sure she won't completely retire, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how this plays out.
  11. I honestly think Tropico is tacky. Lana is a pretty woman, but we established that a long time ago. This movie seemed like nothing to me but honey-glossed candy floss. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement. I think the aspect ratio was good for nothing, thus making it an odd choice. If it supported the visuals, I could understand, but instead it felt like I was Peeping Tom watching through a small gap. I think the music compositions leading up to the songs were lacking as well, it gave it a broken feeling that the gap-compositions and songs weren't flowing.
  12. European


    My best guess would be "Like This", it's the only bonus track M.I.A. has referred to.
  13. European

    Bonnie McKee

    Maybe it's because she naturally sounds like the artists she has written for? "American Girl" could easily be a Katy Perry single, and to be honest, I find that Bonnie McKee's voice is close to ordinary. She's got her techniques in tact, but I don't think her voice is specifically chart-appealing. If you look at her counterparts Rihanna, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, etc. They're all easily recognizable, whether it's a unique voice, auto-tune gimmick or easily chewable bubblegum pop. It's hard to judge by one single only, but I think Bonnie McKee has about the same chances as every other trying to follow the footsteps of those who succeeded.
  14. European


    I was thinking it's either going to be Warriors, MATANGI or Only 1 U. I can't see Double Bubble Trouble as a successful television choice due to the lack of words..
  15. European


    I've never been a fan of Cherry. I personally believe she's been a bad contributor to Mayas live performances, including the festival gig I went to. I also think her yelling and screaming can easily be replaced by someone else, here by saying I don't think she's essential for Mayas performances. Since I prefer Rosaly over Cherry, so I was happy to learn that Rosaly have joined several of Mayas gigs this year. I hope she gets to stay! Speaking of "Get It Up", it's an incredible track. I think the production is flawed, as the african chanting gets a bit too much for me at certain points. However, It's epic how the intro to Mayas verse (Get it up, you can get it up), is an intense build-up to a brilliant verse. Both M.I.A. and Santigold delivers.
  16. European

    Lily Allen

    Everything about this is a parody. I mean, even the fact that the song build-up is in sync with the songs she's parodying. I can't see this as nothing else than a statement, and hopefully that's all it is. Edit: I'm hoping this will steal the radio spots of every real song that sounds like it.
  17. European


    Oh, sorry. I thought it was available worldwide. I'll send it once I get on my computer. I've listened to Do Ya a few times, however I don't remember where. I do know it's an exclusive on Rhapsody.com.
  18. European


    You're missing the Arular bonus tracks You're Good and Do Ya, and the Piracy Funds Terrorism mixtape. You're Good can be purchased in iTunes, but Do Ya is a bit of a trick and I haven't found it available to rip. The Piracy Funds Terrorism mixtape should be available by a simple google search. Good hunting!
  19. European


    Anyone who's been able to listen to the Amazon-exclusive track: Like This? I would love to have the track, but MP3 downloads are U.S. only. What a shitty, shitty, thing that is.. If anyone finds it, or has it, would you be so kind to send it my way? Edit: No need to send it, @@comeintomybedroom already did. Thanks!
  20. European


    I'm on my first listen and "I Know It Ain't Right" is the first track to hit me the right way. The album is so.... underwhelming? I keep telling myself that it'll get better after a few spins, and I hope it will. All I wanted was to fall in love with it and never wake up ;_; Edit: ...first track to hit me right, besides previously released Bring The Noize, Bad Girls and Y.A.L.A.
  21. European


    The latest update from her mailing still lists Exodus, and adds The Weeknd as a feature on both Exodus and Sexodus:
  22. Lorde.. after being guilted heavily into listening to her album (that's right, I'm side-eyeing you Sitarsky). I'm not on board with her vocal style, and that's even after spinning her records five times. However, I did manage to kill "Team" within a day, woops. Good thing I still have "White Teeth Teens", if you like good vocal harmonies, she executes them extremely well in this tune. After 2:17, it's all orgasms. Lorde - White Teeth Teens:
  23. European


    I seriously didn't read up on that, at all. Oh, well. We can't all be funny and punny, or good at picking up jokes. I assume it's her label that runs her Facebook page, so there's a possibility that they made the same mistake twice. I'll personally stick to Maya's t-shirt tracklist. What a waste it would be if the "7. Sexodus" shirt was a mistake. I guess she could always sell it on e-bay dubbed as "Promo shirt w/ mistake" and earn some extra money.
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