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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Apparently the unreleased song is called band aid
  2. Sorry everybody, i messed up, i was in a really bad mood & since i crave that song so much i said these things out of my anger! I didn't mean it, sorry, and eclipse I'm sorry I was mean to you i really want the songs but I feel like it's unfair you only leak lana so I got mad I sincerely apologize and hope youll forgive me. Ily all
  3. I love lana I really do but most of her unreleased stuff is not that good I have at least 20 or so of them I actually like I was just mad and trying to get under eclipses skin
  4. Lana's got like maybe 10 good unreleased songs which include serial killer,anhela forever and starry eyed to name a few the rest sound cheap and terrible Have fun because you'll get your account shut down once again like you have in the past
  5. He's constantly saying shit like "what's up gays" (in his SoundCloud message) and he is gay, this is how the gay community gets stereotyped as even tho not everyone is like it, his behavior does fit the role
  6. He has no heart so it doesn't matter either way
  7. Lol sure that's like saying Beyonce is your neighbor lol so not true, also if anyone here's a rat it's you king of the busted you aren't even fucking hot get over yourself geez you give the lgbtq community a bad name Eventually you'll get what's coming to you wth your terrible attitude and selfishness hunty
  8. Lol were rats? Excuse me your the one who's got a Napoleon complex and leaks lana crap that's not even good, just because you dont like Melanie doesn't mean others don't so share the goodies with others too because not everyone like crusty old lana songs. Oh there's also other ways for them to get you besides the fact you know the song name, PS. Ryn Weaver didn't seem too happy you had some of her stuff
  9. Oopsies sorry in that case Cherry blossoms Thays about it tbh lol
  10. True, maybe if someone would whatever is stuck up their ass out of it and release them we wouldn't be in this mess
  11. Mine are Where do babies come from Can't help falling in love And that un named snippet that eclipse won't leak
  12. Do it omg I'd do anything
  13. It was a joke lol it'll leak eventually and not by someone like him
  14. I am so close to losing my shit and just killing myself lol
  15. I tried contacting eclipse but it won't let me on here
  16. Why isn't there new Melanie leaks I need the Elvis song and the other one id do anything
  17. Dump that tea in the fucking boston harbor Dying to hear new stuff
  18. If anyone here wants acoustic acoustic non live recordings of Melanies songs such as bones are blue etc hmu they are studio bit have no back track just guitar and vocals
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