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Everything posted by ivy

  1. ivy

    Happiness is a Butterfly

    Ah, good point lol Don't get me wrong, I think the melody and the butterfly imagery is nice! I wonder what the final song will sound like if/when we get to hear it.
  2. ivy

    Happiness is a Butterfly

    I mean, the melody is cute. But those lyrics... singing for her "babies". I'm an adult wtf
  3. ivy

    Happiness is a Butterfly

    Same. I prefer her singing for herself in the studio lyfe
  4. ivy

    Happiness is a Butterfly

    Lana's inspiration for this song
  5. Omg, that's amazing. I had no idea she was capable of doing that lol Has anyone figured out what she was singing?
  6. We know what she's capable of when it comes to song writing and we know she's always trying to put something out that has meaning to it. Even if you don't like the political songs on LFL, they still have meaning. So I doubt that we'll ever get "empty" pop songs just for the sake of having a hit song. People change. It's not like everything we say and do is fixed
  7. I agree with you. It seems like she's "dumbing things down" in order to have a hit song. Hasn't she recently expressed a desire to have a popular hit? I mean, just look at LFL (the song), where she asked Max Martin (one of the biggest pop song producers) for advice. However, I do think she's still able to make amazing music lyrically. I think it's just a mindset for her. "It's just a phase"
  8. Seems like "Talking Like an Answering Machine" was discussed on ATRL a few months ago. Interesting to note is that the song is registered under Lana Del Rey instead of Elizabeth Grant (which is usually the case with her songs). Title catalogue:
  9. I felt bad for the UK singer though. Must've been terrifying
  10. lmao! I shouldn't laugh tho
  11. Which countries would you vote for?
  12. ivy

    Instagram Updates

    Ya, it looks like lava del rey
  13. ivy


    What is the song actually about? Is it about the burden that comes with fame? What I picture when she sings "Love, I said real love, it's like smiling when the firing squad's against you; and you just stay lined up" is exactly this: The firing squad as the ones shooting (!) pictures of her.
  14. ivy


    I was wondering the same thing! I've been looking for clues in the lyrics of Scarborough Fair (as she said that it was her inspiration for Cherry), but I haven't found any significance yet as to the "black beaches" thing... I'm also not entirely convinced about the muffled background vocals yet, especially the "Sipping on ya like a Coca Cola" part.
  15. I appreciate your investigation lol. And as much as I want it to be true ('cause it sounds like a nice melody), I just don't hear that. I do hear "What's there to do but try when you're passing by" (try and by even rhyme), maybe referring to her ToUrLyFe and how to spend her time in between shows. Also, "when you bartender" is grammatically incorrect. But I'm living for these kinds of investigations, so please don't stop
  16. This is amazing. Thank you! We love a lyrical genius lol Now, who of you were slandering Swan Song?
  17. Agreed. The song is so nicely constructed. And also "put your white tennis shoes on and follow me", like: what does that even mean? It could mean anything, really. And it's so visual.
  18. This! Swan Song is underrated imo The lyrics of are so haunting: "Let's leave the world for the ones who change everything" perfectly tying in with "And you've been gone so long you missed everything. The world can change in a day if you go away". It's poetically amazing.
  19. Omg. How did you even spot this? That's amazing! I guess we should keep our eyes and ears open at all times when she posts stuff from now on! (just like with the White Mustang BTS videos)
  20. It's Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel! She said it was her inspiration for writing Cherry. I absolutely love that cover.
  21. ivy

    Terrence Loves You

    Wow, awesome work! I think you're onto something @bummersummer I like to think that the one Terrence (or Terence) does not necessarily rule out the other, which makes the song even more interesting in my opinion. I think Lana is very much capable of writing such complex lyrics, especially with Honeymoon (the album)
  22. I just got home from the concert! And honestly, I expected the concert to be amazing, but it was so much more than that. Her presence, her beauty, her voice. Ugh, where do I even begin. She has a certain kind of vibe which you don't get from all the photos and videos of her. You would actually have to see her in order to experience that. That's what stood out to me the most tonight. I really wanted to experience the concert, so I didn't film much. The only song I really wanted to capture was Yayo (which is my favourite song). Freshly uploaded:
  23. ivy

    White Mustang

    Right? Haha Maybe she always talked about these songs with the people around her? Like, not in the media? Idk
  24. ivy

    White Mustang

    We've cracked the code for this music video! We already talked about this in the LDR6 Pre-Pre-Release thread, but I don't want it to get lost there (and also because it was off-topic), so that's why I'm adding my analysis to this thread (with receipts!) The scenes shot with Rich Lee were probably not intended to be for WM, but they were for both BAR AND Yosemite. Why? Because... - White Mustang (the song) wasn't recorded at the time the music video was shot (hence her not singing in the video). Also, she said that she wrote Cherry and White Mustang at the end of writing Lust for Life in this interview; - There seems to be a match between the unfamiliar melody Lana hummed in this behind the scenes video and the few lines of Yosemite she sang at her LFL listening party (especially the 'adlibby' way she sings "reasons"); - In the same behind the scenes video, Lana was asked by someone if she wanted to do the "other song" to which she responds "yes", which means that they were shooting scenes for at least two songs; - Lana herself had said that BAR and Yosemite were like yin and yang in the same interview posted above. I think we could've gotten an amazing cohesive narrative in terms of just these two songs with amazing visuals. That's why I think it's so unfortunate that BAR leaked and that we can't see the rest of what Lana had in mind for the narrative that is BAR-Yosemite. I had never really cared for Yosemite, but now I do. I really wish to read the lyrics of Yosemite someday so we could further analyse why it would be the yin to BAR's yang. We already know that there is somewhat of a repetition of the lines "you did it (all for fame)" in BAR and "we did it for fun, we did it for free" in Yosemite. And we also know about the setting of BAR-Yosemite: "from Topanga to further up north" (from the same interview posted above). Does anyone know if the 405 she drives through is the route from Topanga to Yosemite? PS. The links to the videos directly skip to the right parts of what was said exactly.
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