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Everything posted by ivy

  1. I feel like responding, but you never participate in your own threads, so why would I even bother? Also, why is this world news?
  2. ivy


    Okay but how relevant are they really?
  3. I agree, graham. That way you get to fully experience the show (also I'm not tall, so when people have their phones in the air, my view gets blocked quite easily ) I'm hoping she'll say something about new music, but she probably won't, so I'm not getting my hopes up
  4. That would make the bio on her instagram account for Honeymoon quite eerie: "Honeymoon is alive and breathing". Yikes
  5. I'm not sure if she really hates UV, but her stance towards this kind of relationship certainly changed. Moreover, rather than dismissing just the relationship, she seemed to have come to the conclusion that nothing gold can stay. It's transitory. Nothing of some sort of union is forever. It's a bitter conclusion...
  6. Furthermore! From Trash Magic (ugh, how I LOVE that song): "He said, "Lana Rey, Will you serve me lemonade?" I said, "Yes, Bill, I will, it's the day of the parade." Lemonade as a symbol of Lana's and Bill's union? Hmmmmm, who knows! It's what I'm here for!! She is such an amazing writer. Some of y'all truly miss out on these references! Hit me up if you find connections as well
  7. You are always so brutally honest and I love you for that. I'm always over here behind my laptop screaming at your posts OT: Get that surf rock inspiration gurlll
  8. UV: "Blessed is this union. I'm crying tears of gold like lemonade" MTWBT: "Nothing gold can stay, like love or lemonade" Meaning that the union she once held so dear has fallen apart? "I'm on my own again" (TBD) I love how she makes these references. It's like she's openly reflecting / commenting on her previous perspectives / experiences.
  9. I like how White Mustang is subtly linked to Video Games: "Pull up in your fast car, whistling my name" The fast car obviously being the White Mustang itself and the whistling in the song
  10. Do you know at which point you hear that male voice? I've been trying to listen closely and the only male voice I can hear is this sampled piece (Mountain's Long Red). Is it the sample? Interesting to note is that the "goddamn"-sample was used in a demo version of BTD.
  11. Why? Who? Me? I was casually listening to BTD today; and for the first time the beginning of the song really resonated with me. I started to wonder like "who is she talking to?" and "what is the significance?" I'm curious to know if anyone here has also wondered about that? If so, how do you interpret it? PS. Some of you might think of this as a silly question and would probably say that "it's not that deep," which is fine if you do. But I really enjoy thinking about this kind of stuff, especially because Lana herself had said that "they judge me like a picture book, by the colors like they forgot to read". And this is a LDR forum after all. Sorry if I seem like a Graham to you
  12. Can we take a moment to appreciate one of the best covers she's ever done... She DID that Which live version of SF do you guys listen to?
  13. I've read every single post on this thread and damn, am I impressed with all of your perspectives and analyses. Thanks to you guys, especially @@DeadAgainst and @litewave, I've come to appreciate Lana's artistry even more. Thank you so much! Which album do you guys think is the "richest" in terms of meanings? And what do you think she'll bring to the table for future albums? Like, what else do you expect her to write about?
  14. Yeah, I'm not saying West Coast is solely political, only that some parts of it could be interpreted as such I'd love it if she'd create something poetic / cryptic that would make us go crazy over finding meaning(s). It's what people used to do with other art forms as well (e.g. Dante's 4 levels of interpretation).
  15. I love this thread already, thanks! That would be amazing tbh I don't mind politically oriented songs, as long as it's not as superficial and "in your face" as C-WIMM. We need more symbolism and depth if she chooses to write political songs. So that we can have different interpretations of the lyrics. West Coast, for instance, could be read as a political song. As someone else mentioned in the West Coast thread I believe, the "parliament" being on fire (possibly referring to Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot) and swaying from left to right (as parliamentarians do). Some of y'all will probably call me a Graham 2.0 ( ) for saying this, but I do think many of her songs allow for multiple interpretations.
  16. That's interesting! From Wikipedia: "Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles" (love triangles then? lol). Also from Wiki: "The 3rd-century astronomers first noted that the lengths of the sides of a right-angle triangle and the angles between those sides have fixed relationships: that is, if at least the length of one side and the value of one angle is known, then all other angles and lengths can be determined algorithmically." So are we to take a calculus approach to Lana's relationships?
  17. Your post is a bit messy, but I think I get what you're trying to say. I had never thought of Video Games being about paparazzi until you mentioned her using the paparazzi footage for the music video. Interesting perspective! I'm trying to hear this by comparing the instrumentals, but I don't hear it unfortunately.
  18. Yeah, it was already registered in 2017. So in retrospect, it has probably something to do with the documentary 'The King' as it was already shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2017 apparently...
  19. Wow, he's really coming for you huh? lol
  20. Ohh, I see. Thanks! I wonder what the significance is of sampling that into SS. Like, why are SS and HBTB connected? Does anyone have a theory for that?
  21. It really is a masterpiece Lanapedia says that the opening of the song samples vocals from HBTB but I can't really hear it...
  22. I realize the term "hospital"-sound sounds rather vague lol. It's more of a faint heart-monitor sound... I don't know how to describe it otherwise. I'm getting my headphones, because it really is subtle. I think the sound is there throughout the entire song, but its best noticeable in the parts where all the other instruments aren't as heavy as they are in the chorus. It's quite noticeable from 2:16 - 2:22 @cashcomesquick
  23. If you're looking for more details; try listening to the album instrumentals. They're amazing. It seems like the beats gradually become more heavy as you go on. Also there's some sort of subtle "hospital"-sound in TBD which I think is very haunting. It gave me chills the first time I noticed.
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