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Everything posted by ivy

  1. Omg, what if that's the point (I highly doubt it, but still lol)
  2. Reminds me of the lines in HTD: “And I watch the skies getting light as I write, as I think about those years.” Both are about night turning day and day turning night.
  3. ivy

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    "Sing it for my babies on the tourlyfe"
  4. You're missing the point. My point was that it shouldn't matter whether she's depressed or not; maybe don't bitch about her looks at all. My reading abilities are fine. Maybe it's your spelling errors, idk
  5. I'm pretty sure the first line is "Can I get a fucking hallelujah", but personally, I'm not so sure about the other lines. At 2:01 you hear a "w" sound, where it seems like she's saying "working like you've never seen a..." or something like that. Also, the "clean" version of Cherry has clearer background vocals, though it's still not entirely decipherable.
  6. It's been discussed before in the Cherry thread:
  7. Maybe let people be whether they're depressed or not anyway?? Like
  8. From the Zane Lowe interview: "And then in the song - Venice Bitch - there is another little reference to Norman Rockwell, which didn't have to be in there. I don't even remember if I threw it in there intentionally just to pop that message in a little further. I can't even remember what I was thinking. But I think when I was writing this song it was more of a happy take on love . . . And also I love having painter references in, because sometimes when you're writing you're trying to paint these ideas into existence and I'm very visual too." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VxZ5QHT8Fg At 8:00 Zane asks her if she's into other art forms and then she eventually talks about automatic writing!
  9. Exactly! I don’t have time to look it up now, though, but I’ll do it later
  10. Didn't she say she did some "automatic writing" for VB (in the Zane Lowe interview, I believe) and that she just name dropped Norman Rockwell just because she felt like it? There was no particular reason for it, according to her. "Automatic writing or psychography is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words purportedly arise from a subconscious, spiritual or supernatural source." (from wikipedia) Maybe that's why some of you find the lyrics cringey, because they don't seem well thought out?
  11. Maybe it's some sort of safety net for her. If the poetry isn't going to be well received, she can divert the attention to the new music. Kind of the same thing she did with Mariner's to cover up the Israel debacle
  12. The Revenge of Lana Del Rey Queen of coming full circle
  13. "Cuz this place... And the drama... are my love, my light, my lust for life."
  14. Lol not this again Besides, if she's as lazy as you say she is why would she "change" the album? Takes more effort. But yeah, another Honeymoon would be amazing too, regardless of how quick or slow she does things. I don't think time has that big of an impact on the quality of her work overall.
  15. No offense, but this is why post count means nothing on this site. Some people have the dumbest thoughts and the biggest mouths, spreading the dumbest shit 24/7 on here. Anyway, concert seemed alright. Nothing spectacular, but it was nice to hear her sing MAC live.
  16. No sweetie, it's toxic because ppl like to assume they are clout chasers and then circle jerk each other off by how amazing they are at making such assumptions. It's judgment based on nothing but pictures. That's what's toxic. But go off, I guess.
  17. Agreed. I think the other previous three lines also refer to those meetings. They made me think of what she said in the GQ 2012 interview: I feel kind of uncomfortable for doing this, because I feel like I'm being very invasive. But I think these lyrics are one of the best examples that show her skills as a writer and how eloquently she constructs a narrative to express her feelings. Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums Speaking freely with other alcoholics (in possibly an AA meeting). A reference to New York. Things she's loved and lost: alcohol. Is the only love I've ever known Confirming that alcohol is/was indeed the only love she's ever known. Except for the stage which I also call home when I'm not serving up God in a burnt coffee pot A hopeful notion: she's found another sort of love. And in a more recent interview (L'Officiel 2018): Love is not alcohol; it is hope. And both are dangerous for her.
  18. This post got me wondering about her references and it made me think of what she said in the Harper's Bazaar interview: It makes me kind of sad to think that no matter how much we analyse her lyrics, sometimes we can't know everything because of how obscure her references are. And now she even kinda confirms that very bluntly in the interview
  19. Three haikus from her upcoming poetry book: "Jasmine in the air the burden of fame is real never felt so clear" (x) "You in the soft light the 405 from Venice a river of red" (x) "Wondering if it's astronomical twilight or civic twilight" (x)
  20. It's hard to tell because of the angle, but you could be right. Btw, I just looked at the rest of her instagram posts around that time frame, and it seems that the place she took those pictures at is from her bed! Now, I don't want to be negative, but I've heard many people here describe her as lazy and well...
  21. Seems like this is the era of recycled visuals. The cover picture seems to be from the same "series" as this one (the hair): The post is from October 20th 2017 Compare:
  22. ivy

    Instagram Updates

    I think she refers to the city lights (or light pollution) in contrast to natural twilight.
  23. lmao the buffoonery on this site I- Not some of y'all mocking the people lana's been hanging out with when you're mostly HERE by yourself spamming the thread behind your computer screen the irony Maybe take notes on how to disappear™ for a while, have a wheat grass smoothie or whatever and live a little. --- OT: whether the poetry is good or bad, I'm still very much looking forward to it. I also think it's going to be very much complementary to the NFR stuff, like @@GeminiLanaFan said. Here for the analysis stuff!
  24. Do you think she'll release the poetry book as LDR or Elizabeth Woolridge Grant?
  25. ivy

    Avril Lavigne

    Melissa Vandella teas
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