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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    How tf is rings trap production EDM? lmao She doesn't have any edm songs except dirty sexy money,high on helium and love gang
  2. I don't know why people are complaining about the jazz/soul influence she's already stated the album will have influences of gospel,pop,punk/rock,jazz and Country
  3. I really like it-the jazz-pop sound is a welcome change for her but I think people are overstating the love on the brain comparisons I mean a lot of blue based chord structures share that rhythm.rijuana wasn't the first guys...
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Break the rules is her most remembered solo song after boom crap by the Gp and you will respect it as her only commercially successful/good solo single from the sucker era(maybe doing it aswell)
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Hmm I find it very interesting that 1999 is rising on the charts yet is hardly played on the big radio stations like capital but baby by clean bandit/Marina has barely broke the top 20 and yet is played consistently every few hours its weird.
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I wonder if the album will be rush released or not if the single is a success.
  7. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Her baiting her fans like this to get a top 10 hit isn't fair-especially when Atlantic have already basically confirmed an album whether she knows to her knowledge or not.
  8. Sorry but this isn't entirely true, there are multiple people she could hire immediately and she wouldn't even have to look outside the box.Like she could literally just hire someone like wool kid who's she actually worked with but her lack of visually captivating fashion sense does play a big part in her recent visual decline so it's to be expected.
  9. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Ergh I'm not really digging her vibe atm, she seems a little too into herself music wise that soon she won't be able to improve which should be the goal but won't happen with the constant self boasting and she's contradicting herself with a lot of these recent twitter statements-like charli we just want an actual era you can call it a mixtape if you want...but atleast she's happy and I can't blame her for the album mess after her fans ruined a whole year for her.
  10. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    What happened to this thread RIP-2014 to 2016
  11. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    This is all very true, although I think a lot of you are forgetting that her asking her fans to stream it every day will only do so much-she has a dedicated fan base but Atlantic need to be booking bigger promo spots because she clearly wants this to be a hit.
  12. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    can't argue with that logic
  13. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Didn't anybody else think she was overreacting a bit to the top 20??like I'm glad for her but she's acting like it's all that matters, but if she really wants to push the song she should be doing more promo in the UK like x factor and bigger shows although this ultimately comes down to Atlantic and how much it will invest.
  14. Although I've seen pics before fame without the falsies and she had lashes, but now without them she has like none so she should really stop it must be so bad for them especially gluing them in the middle.
  15. she looks older without them, tbh they really suit her in my opinion it makes her eyes pop. I can agree they look really dodgyily done sometimes though.
  16. Shit the links been taken down from Instagram it contains a sample for the song butterfly though with it being pitched in the background.
  17. Oo I've heard it it's good I'll see if I can find the link again guys
  18. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Party 4 u is the goat,patty patty can choke
  19. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I don't even like rita and like you lot even thougglh I live in the UK I assumed she was a massive flop(she has no artistic integrity either really) but I looked it up and she has like 8 no1 singles so commercial success isn't a factor here-rita is chart gold when it comes to the UK whereas charli isn't in either market.Ffs I'm done with my phone today, idc anymore try to make some coherence out of the mess above.
  20. Terrence loves you Songs to dance to at a party?
  21. How is it deep though? its just a basic acoustic guitar melody and overlong guitar solo while she sounds like she's falling asleep from her medication so over compensates with the reverb settings on her mic.Venice Bitch is so overhyped to me I really don't get it, I mean the lyrics are relatively banal with them not covering any new ground which atleast lfls album did and they're not even at the peak of her lyricism or melody that lanas folk inclinations have displayed to us.
  22. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I don't care about charts usually but I really want her to go no.1 with this so she'll never have to sing boom crap again which didn't actually even peak in the top 3 in the UK. Hopefully if she achieves success with this she'll have a decent song that she's mandated to sing instead of that and we'll get an album and her shitty contract will be up.
  23. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    nah she has tons of songs ahead, her highest here is I love it and most don't even know she sings on it so her only memorable songs to the gp here are I love it,Fancy and maybe boom clap and Id say doing it/break the rules too but I bet if you played it to anyone they'd of forgotten it even existed.
  24. I wouldn't even mind if she said she was going on an indefinate hiatus but if she wants people to buy the record she should stop lying for once, we all know it isn't the label.
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