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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. I can sympathise with people that have mental health issues, as obviously the majority of modern civilisation do but it's her own fault she's not taking her medication which she admitted I'm pretty sure and correct me if I'm wrong but you still have free will even if you are bipolar like Azealia claims and I know several bipolar people who have never tried to incite racial hatred like this coward.Shes just a hateful person looking for attention I wouldn't give her any sympathy she brought it on herself.
  2. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Labels put money into songs to make a profit its simple or otherwise they wouldn't of put Troye on the song to boost its commercial appeal.Of course they expect this to be a hit otherwise it wouldn't of gone through multiple production stages which isn't cheap for it just to be thrown out there for the fans Atlantic aren't dumb they knew it had a similarity to a similarly released hit single(2002) and decided to capitilise on it. Also the fact that this is supposedly her biggest budget video since boys judging on the imagery cements this.
  3. Omg stop we get it you don't like someone else's taste, you say this everytime someone lists their collab choices lmao.
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Sorry this doesn't fit in with the tropical flavored pop at all sounds more akin to crazy frog even there's nothing like this on the charts atm. Except maybe hints of 2002.
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Its well known that there were many songs pitched to charli after atap flopping, I don't see how I'm making her seem like a fraud-our boyfriend,run for your money and all the others were written near the same time and I'm pretty sure others like Bloomforyou can back this up and the writing comments were made in the midst of sucker and true romance so if she didn't write some of the songs on sucker which I didn't know about it makes her comments about people sending her dumb songs (which she hated as as she wanted to write her songs) about "her body being on fire" after the success of boom clap even more ironic but maybe she grew past the songwriting elitism and values different aspects of a song who knows. We all know she's talented anyway so I hope 1999 leads to a great album.
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Also 1999 is her best single since 5 in the morning I thought she was losing it for awhile.
  7. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Agree that Atlantic are providing a big amount of freedom for an artist that doesn't make big money aside from her cult fanbase, but to act like charli wanted to release boys is hilarious she was given a list of songs and she picked the one she hated the least for commercial success because Atlantic wanted a pay off after funding her more experimental ventures and it still didn't work.Remember this is the woman who said her songwriting meant everything to her and that she'd be nothing without it.
  8. yeah I was really interested in her red hot chilli peppers inspo and could hear bits in Venice act but I'm just wondering if there's more of that just faster.
  9. I agree in some ways but disagree in others I think there is certainly a lack of motivation behind her newer material for me personally,as the records don't speak to me and lack strong underlying themes to me.Also I think I'm one of the only people that actually liked a lot of the political material on lfl(its subjectively her worst record to me) as I could sense her passion in the topics atleast along with the title track love whereas I could not in a lot of the material that was trying to cling onto past glories e.g.tnc,beautiful people,groupie love,13 beaches as they felt very inauthentic to how she was at that time.About the appearance thing I don't like the image shes going for lately but it's her decision and if she's happy that's all that matters but I just wish I liked the material I found mac okay but that's it and I haven't listened to Venice bitch since it debuted.
  10. Nnn I'm not really digging the new sound anyway so I doubt collabs would be detrimental for me its odd because it's happy but slow and that doesn't really work for me and when I say it needs to be more uptempo I don't mean "pop" there are tons of rock and experimental records that are mid tempo it's just at a conflict because she's trying to make happier music but the tone of her voice and the tempo has had the life stripped out of it and that only really works for sad records so I'm hoping they'll be different paces throughout the album.
  11. evalionisameme


    her musics cute with her being an experimental actually talented britney spears but slayer I'm sorry that this girl was compared to she could never do an anthem like bloodline or seasons in the abyss soz.
  12. carrion is one of the only songs I like from her.
  13. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I love charli but this mess of a look always cracks me up she was such a kid it's cute.
  14. Yes she looked so beautiful also love you legend! there's a lot of things she could do if she wants to stay natural like stop plucking her eyebrows and dying her hair lighter instead of dark as they aren't really flattering although her eyebrows might be permenant now after a decade of plucking.
  15. those are deffo not her natural lips lmao. Yes it's in my top 10 all time lana songs, it's so beautiful and reminds me of the virgin suicides.
  16. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    can you hear me should atleast be right before atap I always see atap as kinda the after credits silly scene and can you hear me is the emotional finale when she gets the man of her dreams and rides into the sunset.
  17. her writing quality has really decreased over the years, she believes that putting a swear word within a song makes it dramatic and engages the listener like it should be used correctly not just to seem out of place like in Venice bitch,heroin and cherry although I'm sure the poems will be good I'm not expecting anything outstanding maybe during born to die or uv but now nope.
  18. Ariana annoys me lmao she needs to work out her own vocal style and enunciate/not mumble.
  19. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I mean if we're going with that logic she also Stans boom crap.
  20. I will say this it sounds like one of the good songs from her last album but the way she was hyping up her lyricism wasnt reflected within this song.It's a good song but this isn't a comeback song and the instruments sound kinda fake which was a common complaint of her last album, it all sounds very synthetic but let's just see what's to come!
  21. honestly very disappointed with lana and avril this year and their terrible lyricism thinking they're deep and poetic like making a 10 minute song where you're mumbling throughout isn't art lana and avril had like 4 years to deliver a better song and instrumental and we GET THIS?? how are fans eating this up.
  22. https://youtu.be/4I7o8zCU9yw Eh its okay lol nothing amazing and what took so long for THIS lmao.
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