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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. Careful, you don’t want to be warned for being off topic
  2. Agreed- love it, not one bad song came out of this era
  3. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    We have AI- can any talented xcxers make us a charli version
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    That’s very true tbf- In fairness she did say the whole era felt fake at points so she was probably just trying to compartmentalise-it makes sense Yes and the fact we still don’t have the killing moon is criminal-we need justice
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I wonder when charli started to hate break the rules- I mean why would you lie about this? Charli said: “I’ve played it to a couple of people and they’re like, ‘Oh my God this sounds like it’s going to go into an Avicii kind of moment!’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah but just wait’, and then it doesn’t and it does something totally awesome and cool. That’s what I like about them, they’re kind of on the line and I feel the same way about myself sometimes. ‘I Love It’ is one of the most annoying songs in the world but it’s kind of cool and it’s the same with ’90s fashion which I’m obsessed with – it’s so wrong it’s right.” eh maybe she warmed up to it considering she plays it on her stories now and again.
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    True romance will always be that bitch….I don’t know care what Dorian Electra wannabe who does chemsex on poppers whilst listening to vroom vroom says
  7. Maybe the next era needs controversy? we need that viral moment
  8. Oh wait it was actually released 💀 maybe Rob will serve us Go Go dancer realness
  9. Exactly and I wouldn’t say shinigami eyes was a big deviation from grimes prior work tbh- we need a little bit of deviation in the same form and the woods would have been perfect for this- I wouldn’t even say the production needs much updating- tweak the backbeat a bit to seek futuristic and we’ve got a smash(fan smash).
  10. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    It didn’t even chart well at this point it’s her choice to perform this panned flop #justice for true smashes likes Break the Rules, I love it and the UK top 10 hit Doing it
  11. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    It’s kind of cool that Lanas sister did a cover shoot for charli during the sucker era -explains why this image is almost BTD like
  12. Tbf it would have got cancelled due to Covid anyway. I’ve always wanted to see her though I have mixed feelings about her live- I feel her emotions heavily affect her performance-she’s either belting out operatic adlibs whilst singing all the lyrics beautifully or quietly singing over the backing track- there’s no inbetween.
  13. I’m not even sure I would buy after the NFR UK mess
  14. I don’t find any of her music particularly sad
  15. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Oh come on y’all, it’s funny- I love these bizarre celebrity conspiracies-it’s insane how peoples brains see this as a pattern.
  16. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    The way I wore a leopard print coat today she got me
  17. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Next we have Charli XCX and her handlers seems to really want to promote her sex kitten alters; she is rarely seen NOT in feline or animal print. screenshot from her “Boom Clap” music video The below image of Charli points to Presidential Model work. Charli holding a diamond like stone and doing the familiar one eyed salute “For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models. (…).” To further prove her Beta Sex Kitten status, I looked to a few of her music videos for more symbolism. Leopard print covered mannequins. Also note the mannequin heads on the wall as they point to alters Masks are generally used (on these celebrities) in the media, in music videos and more frequently photo shoots to point to alter/hidden persona’s. Again, the use of masks alone do not point to Monarch programming but the repeated use of the same symbolism does. Charli in standard Beta Kitten ID: leopard print. My favourite Charles article
  18. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I’m not down with the plagiarism lawsuit from dr Luke that will be pending either if we get a yuck video
  19. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Yeah she’s confusing me now-it was like she had a span of two weeks dressing like morticia and now we’re back to the crash era with her latest looks and makeup 💀
  20. I really like Pedro as Joel-a good casting choice. Bella I’m still ambivalent about-she started off really awkward in her delivery in EP 1/2 but got better in 3 and 4 with more wit and less high pitched brat. I wished they coached her voice more because the game dialogue is not as good in a higher voice. The series itself for me is very overhyped-the game is amazing-the Tv show is okay. Its really slow and poorly paced, the story itself is engaging enough but take episode 4 for example-nothing happened in the span of 1hr 3 mins- it needs a proper story overseer. They need more sequences between bandits and the infected- I know they want to showcase the emotional side but there’s not nearly enough new dialogue which is helping the story atm.
  21. I mean I think I have the same mentality as Marina savages had awkward lines to me “we can be bad as we can be good” I honestly think Purge the Poison is better as a political track- some of the phrasing may be a bit blunt but overall I like the juxtapositions.
  22. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Eh it sounds more like say so to me-the vocal and beat direction are more similar This is almost new Jack swing
  23. I do actually like coachella(despite the hate) but there’s a lot of songs I don’t like here-it’s definitely where the shift in music took a turn for me. top 5 for me: 1. Change 2. Cherry 3. Get Free 4. love 5. summer bummer
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