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Everything posted by latothemoon

  1. People need to stop whining about thinking Lana's signature on their signed shit is fake. It's annoying omfg the signatures don't even look remotely fake or significantly different than usual, no one's signature looks the same each time. She literally said they're all real she wouldn't straight up lie to the world lol. You paid for a signed item and it's exactly what you got so stop complaining if it doesn't look perfect.
  2. Idk how this award works, do only fan votes secure the winner or does MTV ultimately choose?
  3. I think the post of her LFL single cover with Abel got 1m likes too but she deleted so idk if that's right
  5. Omfg I accidentally quit my browser and it restarted I give up
  6. HQ and a video of Lana, Courtney & more bowing on stage https://www.instagram.com/p/BbLrujdHthn
  7. For the super hard ones I keep picking "I Like Both" and it's slowing me down loll
  8. I keep seeing this going around and it takes forever but I'm curious to see everyone's answers. GO FOR IT https://ilovewin.tumblr.com
  9. Lana met some fans outside the Bell Centre https://twitter.com/xthecityx/status/927763954079879168
  10. If she wears a black shirt and jeans to this formal ass tribute to one of her biggest idols that will be recorded for TV I'm gonna scream. Even the prime minister of Canada is there girl
  11. latothemoon

    Charli XCX

    Just as a snippet as far as I know
  12. latothemoon

    Charli XCX

    Who sings in the writer's demos for Our Boyfriend and Run 4 Ur Money
  13. Bet she hasn't even started the album lol idk why I even care anymore
  14. I’m curious if that music video with James Franco was ever made
  15. latothemoon

    Tove Lo

    I really appreciate how she follows through with everything and works super hard. I mean she made two whole albums and filmed the short films, plus she toured non-stop throughout this year damn
  16. The legendary Born to Die is almost at 300 fucking weeks on the Billboard 200, but it has been out for second week and Lust for Life is dropping fast. This is homophobic iTunes needs to put her catalog on sale to save the queen, or she should've done tour packages with the album
  17. Idk if these are unpopular opinions but songs she needs to keep from the setlist: - Blue Jeans - Cola (well she already dropped it but good) - Carmen - Ultraviolence - Lust for Life - High by the Beach Songs she needs to add/sing more often: - West Coast - Pretty When You Cry - Heroin - Get Free - Flipside - Beautiful People - The Blackest Day - Brooklyn Baby
  18. Can this bitch stop filming while driving I swear she does it everyday and it's so unsafe lol, girl gonna livestream herself crash one day She even uses two phones at once what a mess
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