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Everything posted by latothemoon

  1. This is so cute Lana should see it https://twitter.com/sophieeeuh/status/925418429817016320
  2. Ik, they'd be a hot couple whoever it is I hope they together Look at the fine man opening the door for the queen
  3. Bc iPhone mirror the front camera and it makes no sense
  4. This is so cute and who tf is that man hunk in the leather jacket bc he was in some candids with her the other day, whoever he is they would be (are) a hot couple lol https://instagram.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t58.9793-16/17432101_165658187354123_4360250670050181120_n.mp4?oe=59FAA0C3&oh=756c4d2f4baa87b4bc32e71a1672980a
  5. When she turned to the front camera lol
  6. I can't believe she wants to make Get Free or Cherry video, those are the two songs I want videos from the most
  7. latothemoon

    Tove Lo

    The cover rotation is bothering me loll
  8. The only good thing Harvey Weinstein did was stop Lana from singing Cola. I tired of it after she sang it at every show for the past 4 years
  9. The interviewer was very interested and Lana seemed comfortable with an on-camera interview. Loved it
  10. True. They're fine on their own but they don't belong in her discography, except for a few like Angels Forever or Serial Killer which I wish she released. Like all her random electro pop songs like Live or Die or Hit and Run, it would be a mess if she released those. They're better unreleased
  11. Only upper level seats for Sydney left Hope you Aussies got your tickets already
  12. I heard there was no stairs at Terminal 5, that's why she didn't meet people
  13. She looks so good and I bet she's having a lot of fun at the festival
  14. Yeah she wants to, but Rocky isn't gonna be there today because he's performing with ASAP Mob in Vancouver, but maybe she'll appear during his set tomorrow.
  15. If you scan their snapchat code you can unlock Lana's Love filter https://twitter.com/CampFlogGnaw/status/924378787172642816 (btw the special guest is king Mac DeMarco)
  16. Just click Koop Tickets https://www.teleticketservice.com/tickets/2017-2018/lana-del-rey-la-to-the-moon
  17. https://twitter.com/kevinabstract/status/924158100952694784
  18. Noah fence but I think it's weird when people get tattoos to match Lana, especially the M tattoo on her hand.... that stands for for grandmother's name and that just has meaning to her, like? It's cool when people get tattoos inspired by her music tho
  19. Rocky probably isn't gonna do Summer Bummer with her bc he's performing with ASAP Mob in Vancouver tomorrow rip well that idea was nice well it lasted. Maybe she will come during his set bc she sounded so interested in performing it with him
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