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Everything posted by latothemoon

  1. This photo was 20 hours ago and the other was today. I don't think they were at the same time
  2. A less edited version of the Love cover pic is used in this. I wish someone could post the full pic lol
  3. I stg if she performs a new song and no one posts a good video
  4. The set is an hour long, tease those new songs gurl
  5. Literally no one there is gonna update it if there's no livestream the whole crowd is just gonna be rich people from Texas lmao
  6. As you may know, Lana is performing a set in Austin, Texas, at the SXSW festival tomorrow. Her first performance this year! Info here: http://schedule.sxsw.com/2017/artists/17105 I doubt none of you are going since it's so expensive and exclusive but this is a place to discuss the show
  7. I would love a small double sided vinyl with Love and maybe an acoustic version or different track on the other side but I know it won't happen lmao
  8. I wish good sis could pull through with an acoustic radio mix like West Coast
  9. "I promise I do have lots of news for you in the next couple weeks ok" that's exactly what she said https://www.facebook.com/LanaDelReyAddiction/videos/pcb.1630383870311656/1630383263645050/?type=3&theater
  10. Please tell me someone recorded it
  11. Are the two Us Against the World demo snippets real? (one is 0:44 seconds and the other is 0:48)
  12. What if there's no title track this time and she makes the album a completely new title
  13. This isn't Lana's last album knowing her she's probably already written half of her next album
  14. When will people stop believing wannabe insiders (like ch*na p*lace) that just post shit for attention. You're just feeding them
  15. This must be a sign it's coming soon if it's already registered on Instagram and YouTube tho
  16. imo "All For Fame" would've been a perfect name for the song
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