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Everything posted by latothemoon

  1. I hope she releases BAR/Architecture as a single bc if she doesn't we probably won't get the video
  2. Since Emile is working on the album I hope there's tracks that sound like Wait For Life
  3. Someone needs to tap them on the shoulder and remind them what promo is
  4. She just tweeted this and liked some fan's tweets https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/846439084323028992
  5. Living Out Loud - Brooke Candy feat. Sia
  6. Lana just told me the album is dropping tomorrow
  7. Lana's drummer just posted a photo of his new drum kit and said they'll be touring this year! https://www.instagram.com/p/BSHbwMTBkUC/?taken-by=tommarshmusic
  8. Don't know if this would be 'proof' but Jonathan Wilson did order a fancy vegan cake for her birthday last year, she and Stella went to that vegan restaurant in Monaco in July, and there's also that video of her making the vegan thanksgiving with Stella & Chuck. Chuck is vegan though (and maybe Stella is) so she might just be eating vegan stuff to accommodate them lol
  9. On LDR Wikia, Ultraviolence, Shades of Cool, and Brooklyn Baby are just considered promotional singles and on Wikipedia they are considered as regular singles. What is really the difference between promo singles and regular singles? and what should those songs be classified as?
  10. Same! Tell me if you find one
  11. This looks really good, could we change it to this rn
  12. Well I'm excited for the album and I know it will be great. You guys can stay negative and waste away with your complaints
  13. Lmao Lana isn't dropping a surprise album. She even said herself "it won't be a surprise when I do it [drop the album]"
  14. Goodnight Lanaboards, tomorrow we are one day closer to the album
  15. Under the Table - Banks :trisha:
  16. The world isn't ready
  17. Nicki has been found dead
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